Testing dark themes and marking deprecated widgets


There have been ideas to improve the desktop by modifying the themes to
show problems in application. Specifically I am proposing to use a dark
colour scheme for Clearlooks during the next unstable release cycle.
Another idea is to highlight deprecated widgets in applications, by
changing their colour to be eg. some shade of red.

By using a dark colour scheme problems with applications that are using
the wrong colours for text can be exposed. Turning Clearlooks to a dark
colour scheme would mean that a lot more applications can be tested and
both the application and the themes can be fixed.

The idea to change the colour of deprecated widgets is to expose any
application that is still using them. This would hopefully encourage
maintainers and others to write patches and port applications to use
non-deprecated widgets.

Both of these changes would be reverted in time for the first beta
release of GNOME (due on February 4th). If this is implemented, we would
probably also have a "Clearlooks Stable" theme, so that it is still
possible to use the normal Clearlooks theme for eg. documentation

Do you think that exposing deprecated widgets and theme related bugs
like this is a good idea?


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