Re: Lock'n'load! [Was: Integrating system tools in GNOME]

> >  Just to clarify - do you agree that user NEEDS root password in
> > to change default settings? 
> yes.
Good. Agreed.

> Make gkp pick up the default XKB settings.  Make gkp *show* it.  Make
> gkp let the user return to the default settings.
Well, now gkp lets user return to the default XKB settings. But there is
no way to "show" it before actual application. It would clatter the
dialog. Or would require good old "Ok/Apply/Cancel" logic.

> This is closely related to locale settings.  GST should let the
> administrator define the default locale settings, while there should be
> a user app that allows the user to change languages and stuff.
Yeah, there is something in common. Probably these issues should be
considered together. I would not really mind if layout setting go from
g-k-p to i18n capplet.

> Both gkp and (gnome-language-properties?) should have a "System" or
> "Advanced" or "Default system settings" that pop up the appropriate
> G-S-T frontend, and should have a conspicuous notice that changing
> settings there won't change everyone else's settings.
Well, sounds reasonable. Just not clear how to organize this properly,
from the architecture POV. Shoud g-s-t export some API which would be
used by g-k-p/g-l-p?

BTW, is d-d-l going to discuss g-l-p destiny at all? I would be so happy
to make Carlos responsible for the layouts configuration on frontend:)

> While there's no need to merge them, they should be integrated, and take
> each other into account.
Nice words:) Could you please pronounce them in terms of APIs/



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