GNOME 2.4.1 and 2.5 schedule

Those of you paying stupidly close attention to cvs-commits-list will
have noticed some changes to - it's now
a fairly complete schedule, and the release team has kiboshed over it.
We're of course open to feedback, especially on the new table layout,
but also on dates and other such.

Some highlights:
2.4.1- tarballs due Oct. 13th.
2.5.5- feature freeze- Jan. 12th [This is a longer dev. period than in
the 2.4 cycle, by a few weeks.]
2.6.0- Mar. 8th!

We've slightly shortened the UI review period, but our experience has
been that in the past two devel cycles major UI changes have not landed
in the last few weeks of the feature period, so we hope that UI review
will actually become a more rolling, ongoing period. We would encourage
someone to step up and lead that process- it's a chance for someone who
is dedicated to disciplined usability work to really make a huge
difference in the final product of GNOME 2.6.

We also hope that (unlike any previous releases) that there will be a
serious push for a string review. The i18n team has indicated interest-
this could make life a lot easier for the i18n team, and make things
better for all of our users.

Anyway... I'm a little too tired to make funny tonight. :) So...<insert
own joke here>... and happy hacking-

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