Workspaces "poll"

I'm trying to explore how people are using workspaces in order to
understand them better. If you're willing, I'd love to find out what
workspaces you have in use right now, and what's in them (yes, right
*now*, as it is, even if its messy and not as organized as it "usually
is", don't tamper with my information! ;-)

Anyone who's willing: e-mail me (not list please) a list of windows you
have open on each workspace, and what they're for if its not immediately
obvious (e.g. if you have galeon open on two different workspaces but
you use it for API docs in one, and general web surfing in another). I'm
equally interested if you're not using workspaces. It'd also be helpful
to know what you use that machine for ("home machine", "development
machine", "web design"), and what *you* do if I don't already know :-) 

I wouldn't mind any other blurbs you want to attach that might help
explain how you use or don't use workspaces and why...


-Seth (GNOME Usability project lead)

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