Offer to help with Triaging of bugs

Hello everyone,

you wrote in, that you would like to get help with 
I still spend a lot of time reading Deja Dup bugs so I hereby offer to you to triage such bugs after reading 
them (every new one and old ones if I read them to help others or find duplicates). I will do so according to If you want to take this offer, you need to give 
me rights to set the priority  of bugs, because this seems to be restricted at the moment.

About me:

I am in the support team of the German ubuntu forums at which are run by the german LoCo. 
Inside of this team I am (among others) responsible for the Backup forum. I started to follow the bugs of 
Déjà Dup a few years ago when we had big issues in the german community regarding Déjà Dup.

You can find my Launchpad account at:

If you can read german you might want to check my profile on as well:

Best Regards

Jonas Diekmann (aka Vej)

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