[Cowbell] TagLib#

I just wanted to announce the start of the TagLib# project. I've just released 0.0.2, an installable port of TagLib to Mono.

In addition to the full features of TagLib, I've added Read/Write support for iTunes m4a files and made it easier to access pluralized tags (eg. multiple artists)

I feel this would be a great alternative to the proposed use of Entagged# as it would allow the following:
While the documentation is currently very incomplete, the basics you need to know are:

TagLib.File file = TagLib.File.Create ("path/to/file.m4a", false);
if (file == null)
   // ERROR
    my_title = file.Tag.Title;
    my_artists = file.Tag.Artists;
   file.Tag.Title = my_title;
   if (file.Save ())
       // SUCCESS
       // FAILURE
mcs myfile.cs -pkg:taglib-sharp

The source is available on the website here: http://www.public.asu.edu/~bnickel/TagLibSharp/

- Brian Nickel

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