[gimp-web/master] (51 commits) ...Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/testing'

Summary of changes:

  a3cf445... devel-docs: update the mirror procedure. (*)
  0b7a378... content: track rsync and FTP access to our mirrors now. (*)
  e08fe2d... Revert "Issue #254: mirror.surf mirror doesn't exist anymor (*)
  036013e... content: update current evolution for mirrors scans through (*)
  8b51515... devel-docs: mirror additions done on a new repo. (*)
  b40e2a7... content: update mirror list again. (*)
  373babc... devel-docs: add a "Debugging mirror issues" subsection. (*)
  c8b3365... content: Lysator mirror got fixed today. (*)
  8b2c5a0... 2 mirrors are now back in the pool: icm.edu.pl and gwdg.de. (*)
  ba7b915... Update mirror listing again: 3 mirrors back in pool. (*)
  8e4a106... Remove gimp.cu.be mirror. (*)
  76b35d8... Freedif mirror is back in the mirror pool. (*)
  096787b... tools: update-mirrors.py now uses the new infrastructure. (*)
  32a4bd3... content, tools: update mirror lists. (*)
  0848d82... content: delete duplicate alias domain for FAU mirror. (*)
  7b3c7a7... content: adding various point of contact for various mirror (*)
  fc6f33d... content: update the CMYK item in the FAQ. (*)
  b03be3f... content: update mirror contacts. (*)
  0623643... content, themes: remove link to GIMP wiki root. (*)
  57201fd... tools: improve update-mirrors script. (*)
  f3c045e... content: adding mirror contacts. (*)
  052f1a7... content, tools: update mirrors info. (*)
  9deba90... content, themes: fix links to developer roadmap and FAQ. (*)
  d6bbdc1... content: improve the bugs/ section. (*)
  87731ca... content: deleted /bugs/howtos/submit-patch.html page. (*)
  898df4b... content: update the "Get Involved" page. (*)
  95d62bb... content: don't hardcode manual listing in a few languages. (*)
  dd5351b... content: remove a "though" which doesn't refer to anything  (*)
  4ded717... content: tweak more the develop page. (*)
  f9a96d2... content: move around a bit more data. (*)
  5e975da... content: update FAQ and develop/ page. (*)
  aa627d4... content: update introduction to about/history.html. (*)
  1398abb... content: 2 more mirrors with confirmed contact info and rsy (*)
  c48323d... tools: move the OC connection into a separate module file. (*)
  30a3c86... tools: make a gimputils module with `oc` and `version` subm (*)
  24b1d53... tools: new download-plot script. (*)
  12ad079... content: add OCF public config file. (*)
  a6b927d... content: new mirror metanet.ch (*)
  a993349... content: adding contact info for "Dmitry Shishkin" mirror. (*)
  22fcabe... tools: fix the update-mirrors.py script. (*)
  95e82e1... content, themes: add a link to our new Mastodon account in  (*)
  18cbd09... themes: adding a rel="me" attribute to our Mastodon link. (*)
  1f52d22... content, themes: add a "Share on Mastodon" link. (*)
  0b3e157... content: our Javascript code should also have licenses! (*)
  db4f740... content: small styling fix. (*)
  ef17207... content: news for the new developer website. (*)
  1adfbf3... content: update dev website news. (*)
  9fa81f3... content: s/As you know/As you may know/ as per Liam review. (*)
  0e3997d... themes: add a suggestion list to the mastodon instance fiel (*)
  1d38770... content: publish on October 16! (*)
  b75d41f... Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/testing'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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