[gtk/gtk-4-4] (20 commits) ...Merge branch 'backports-for-4-4' into 'gtk-4-4'

Summary of changes:

  4bb230d... windowhandle: Quiet a compiler warning (*)
  3799c9d... textview: Don't forget to collect css letterspacing (*)
  e7479db... textview: Apply line decoration from css (*)
  6ad047a... textview: Apply font features from css (*)
  d0d982e... window: Prefer menu bars when handling F10 (*)
  ddbafa4... x11: Fix handling of `RRScreenChangeNotify`/`RRNotify` even (*)
  951844a... ngl: Avoid a coordinate overflow (*)
  ede1348... docs: Fix vfunc references (*)
  edebd48... build: Check that introspection is enabled for docs build (*)
  eec783b... fontbutton: Make sure the window is on the same display (*)
  d36b27c... fontbutton: Destroy dialog in unrealize() (*)
  11c1b97... stylecontext: Remove unneeded headers (*)
  71f6ba9... compose: Generate endian-dependent compact Compose data (*)
  7f9f097... compose: Document how to get compose-parse input from libX1 (*)
  da12386... compose: Update sequences from libX11 1.7.2 (*)
  d2efdab... gdk: Make GDK_DEBUG=default-settings unconditional (*)
  8407ebe... editable: Clarify the docs (*)
  4f5d959... media: Check for gstreamer verion instead of using cc.links (*)
  5053e99... Fix build against pango main (*)
  817cfca... Merge branch 'backports-for-4-4' into 'gtk-4-4'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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