[extensions-web] (12 commits) Created branch wip/api/v1

The branch 'wip/api/v1' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  0f1cb20... management: fixed python 3 errors
  c7a0c18... extensions: do not rewrite all extension zip files
  31e29ee... readme: add wip note
  43eb8ff... requirements: fix typo
  b2fc24c... api: initial /hello node implementation with DRF
  7263a9d... api: initial implementation of /profile node
  8f9de46... Formatted code
  eae50de... api: initial implementation of /extensions node
  0997f57... extensions: api: added updated property for extensions.
  32ec0c8... extensions: api: added recommended field
  9222808... REBASEME: missing migration for extensionversion.created
  3905a0b... settings: allow to add installed apps and middlewares using

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