[gnome-build-meta/tristan/cargo-source-plugin: 1/3] plugins/cargo.py: Adding new cargo plugin

commit bcc76325603031bcc0d2b86f9bf65a57c00fef3f
Author: Tristan Van Berkom <tristan vanberkom codethink co uk>
Date:   Sun Jul 28 19:27:09 2019 -0400

    plugins/cargo.py: Adding new cargo plugin
    This takes care of automatically obtaining the cargo
    dependencies of a rust/cargo project.

 plugins/cargo.py | 373 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 373 insertions(+)
diff --git a/plugins/cargo.py b/plugins/cargo.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd264d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/cargo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+#  Copyright (C) 2019 Codethink Limited
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#  Authors:
+#        Tristan Van Berkom <tristan vanberkom codethink co uk>
+cargo - Automatically stage crate dependencies
+A convenience Source element for vendoring rust project dependencies.
+Placing this source in the source list, after a source which stages a
+Cargo.lock file, will allow this source to read the Cargo.lock file and
+obtain the crates automatically into %{vendordir}.
+.. code:: yaml
+   # Specify the cargo source kind
+   kind: cargo
+   # Url of the crates repository to download from (default: https://static.crates.io/crates)
+   url: https://static.crates.io/crates
+   # Internal source reference, this is a list of dictionaries
+   # which store the crate names and versions.
+   #
+   # This will be automatically updated with `bst track`
+   ref:
+   - name: packagename
+     version: 1.2.1
+   - name: packagename
+     version: 1.3.0
+   # Specify a directory for the vendored crates (defaults to ./crates)
+   vendor-dir: crates
+   # Optionally specify the name of the lock file to use (defaults to Cargo.lock)
+   cargo-lock: Cargo.lock
+import json
+import tarfile
+import pytoml
+import urllib.request
+import urllib.error
+import contextlib
+import shutil
+from buildstream import Source, SourceFetcher, SourceError
+from buildstream import utils, Consistency
+import os.path
+# This automatically goes into .cargo/config
+_default_vendor_config_template = \
+    '[source.crates-io]\n' + \
+    'registry = "{vendorurl}"\n' + \
+    'replace-with = "vendored-sources"\n' + \
+    '[source.vendored-sources]\n' + \
+    'directory = "{vendordir}"\n'
+# Use a SourceFetcher class to be the per crate helper
+class Crate(SourceFetcher):
+    def __init__(self, cargo, name, version):
+        self.cargo = cargo
+        self.name = name
+        self.version = str(version)
+        self.mark_download_url(self.cargo.url)
+    ########################################################
+    #     SourceFetcher API method implementations         #
+    ########################################################
+    def fetch(self, alias_override=None):
+        # Just a defensive check, it is impossible for the
+        # file to be already cached because Source.fetch() will
+        # not be called if the source is already Consistency.CACHED.
+        #
+        if os.path.isfile(self._get_mirror_file()):
+            return  # pragma: nocover
+        # Download the crate
+        crate_url = self._get_url(alias_override)
+        with self.cargo.timed_activity("Downloading: {}".format(crate_url), silent_nested=True):
+            self._download_crate(crate_url)
+    ########################################################
+    #        Helper APIs for the Cargo Source to use       #
+    ########################################################
+    def stage(self, directory):
+        try:
+            mirror_file = self._get_mirror_file()
+            with tarfile.open(mirror_file) as tar:
+                tar.extractall(path=directory)
+                members = tar.getmembers()
+            if len(members) != 0:
+                dirname = members[0].name.split('/')[0]
+                package_dir = os.path.join(directory, dirname)
+                checksum_file = os.path.join(package_dir,
+                                             ".cargo-checksum.json")
+                with open(checksum_file, 'w') as f:
+                    checksum_data = {'package': utils.sha256sum(mirror_file),
+                                     'files': {}}
+                    json.dump(checksum_data, f)
+        except (tarfile.TarError, OSError) as e:
+            raise SourceError("{}: Error staging source: {}".format(self, e)) from e
+    # _download_crate()
+    #
+    # Downloads the crate from the url and caches it.
+    #
+    # Args:
+    #    url (str): The url to download from
+    #
+    def _download_crate(self, url):
+        try:
+            with self.cargo.tempdir() as td:
+                default_name = os.path.basename(url)
+                request = urllib.request.Request(url)
+                request.add_header('Accept', '*/*')
+                # Do not re-download the file if the ETag matches.
+                etag = self._get_etag()
+                if etag and self.get_consistency() == Consistency.CACHED:
+                    request.add_header('If-None-Match', etag)
+                with contextlib.closing(urllib.request.urlopen(request)) as response:
+                    info = response.info()
+                    etag = info['ETag'] if 'ETag' in info else None
+                    filename = info.get_filename(default_name)
+                    filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+                    local_file = os.path.join(td, filename)
+                    with open(local_file, 'wb') as dest:
+                        shutil.copyfileobj(response, dest)
+                # Make sure url-specific mirror dir exists.
+                crate_file = self._get_mirror_file()
+                crate_dir = os.path.dirname(crate_file)
+                os.makedirs(crate_dir, exist_ok=True)
+                # Even if the file already exists, move the new file over.
+                # In case the old file was corrupted somehow.
+                os.rename(local_file, self._get_mirror_file())
+                if etag:
+                    self._store_etag(etag)
+        except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
+            if e.code == 304:
+                # 304 Not Modified.
+                # Because we use etag only for matching sha, currently specified sha is what
+                # we would have downloaded.
+                return self.sha
+            raise SourceError("{}: Error mirroring {}: {}"
+                              .format(self, url, e), temporary=True) from e
+        except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.ContentTooShortError, OSError) as e:
+            raise SourceError("{}: Error mirroring {}: {}"
+                              .format(self, url, e), temporary=True) from e
+    # get_consistency():
+    #
+    # Get the consistency of this Crate
+    #
+    def get_consistency(self):
+        if os.path.isfile(self._get_mirror_file()):
+            return Consistency.CACHED
+        else:
+            return Consistency.RESOLVED
+    ########################################################
+    #                   Private helpers                    #
+    ########################################################
+    # _get_url()
+    #
+    # Fetches the URL to download this crate from
+    #
+    # Args:
+    #    alias (str|None): The URL alias to apply, if any
+    #
+    # Returns:
+    #    (str): The URL for this crate
+    #
+    def _get_url(self, alias=None):
+        url = self.cargo.translate_url(self.cargo.url,
+                                       alias_override=alias)
+        return '{url}/{name}/{name}-{version}.crate'.format(url = url,
+                                                            name = self.name,
+                                                            version = self.version)
+    # _get_etag()
+    #
+    # Fetches the locally stored ETag information for this
+    # crate's download.
+    #
+    # Returns:
+    #    (str|None): The ETag to use for requests, or None if nothing is
+    #                locally downloaded
+    #
+    def _get_etag(self):
+        etagfilename = '{}.etag'.format(self._get_mirror_file())
+        if os.path.exists(etagfilename):
+            with open(etagfilename, 'r') as etagfile:
+                return etagfile.read()
+        return None
+    # _store_etag()
+    #
+    # Stores the locally cached ETag information for this crate.
+    #
+    # Args:
+    #    etag (str): The ETag to use for requests of this crate
+    #
+    def _store_etag(self, etag):
+        etagfilename = '{}.etag'.format(self._get_mirror_file())
+        with utils.save_file_atomic(etagfilename) as etagfile:
+            etagfile.write(etag)
+    # _get_mirror_dir()
+    #
+    # Gets the local mirror directory for this upstream cargo repository
+    #
+    def _get_mirror_dir(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.cargo.get_mirror_directory(),
+                            utils.url_directory_name(self.cargo.url))
+    # _get_mirror_file()
+    #
+    # Gets the local mirror filename for this crate
+    #
+    def _get_mirror_file(self):
+        return os.path.join(self._get_mirror_dir(),
+                            self.name,
+                            self.version)
+class CargoSource(Source):
+    # We need the Cargo.lock file to construct our ref at track time
+    ########################################################
+    #       Plugin/Source API method implementations       #
+    ########################################################
+    def configure(self, node):
+        # The url before any aliasing
+        #
+        self.url = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'url', 'https://static.crates.io/crates')
+        self.ref = self.node_get_member(node, list, 'ref', None)
+        self.cargo_lock = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'cargo-lock', 'Cargo.lock')
+        self.vendor_dir = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'vendor-dir', 'crates')
+        self.node_validate(node, Source.COMMON_CONFIG_KEYS + ['url', 'ref', 'cargo-lock', 'vendor-dir'])
+        self.crates = self._parse_crates(self.ref)
+    def preflight(self):
+        return
+    def get_unique_key(self):
+        return [self.url, self.cargo_lock, self.vendor_dir, self.ref]
+    def get_consistency(self):
+        if self.ref is None:
+            return Consistency.INCONSISTENT
+        consistency = Consistency.CACHED
+        for crate in self.crates:
+            consistency = min(consistency, crate.get_consistency())
+        return consistency
+    def load_ref(self, node):
+        self.ref = self.node_get_member(node, list, 'ref', None)
+        self.crates = self._parse_crates(self.ref)
+    def get_ref(self):
+        return self.ref
+    def set_ref(self, ref, node):
+        node['ref'] = self.ref = ref
+        self.crates = self._parse_crates(self.ref)
+    def track(self, previous_sources_dir):
+        new_ref = []
+        lockfile = os.path.join(previous_sources_dir, self.cargo_lock)
+        with open(lockfile, 'r') as f:
+            lock = pytoml.load(f)
+            for package in lock['package']:
+                if 'source' not in package:
+                    continue
+                new_ref += [{
+                    'name': package['name'],
+                    'version': str(package['version'])
+                }]
+        self.info("NEW REF: {}".format(new_ref))
+        return new_ref
+    def stage(self, directory):
+        # Stage the crates into the vendor directory
+        vendor_dir = os.path.join(directory, self.vendor_dir)
+        for crate in self.crates:
+            crate.stage(vendor_dir)
+        # Stage our vendor config
+        vendor_config = _default_vendor_config_template.format(vendorurl=self.url,
+                                                               vendordir=self.vendor_dir)
+        conf_dir = os.path.join(directory, '.cargo')
+        conf_file = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'config')
+        os.makedirs(conf_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
+            f.write(vendor_config)
+    def get_source_fetchers(self):
+        return self.crates
+    ########################################################
+    #                   Private helpers                    #
+    ########################################################
+    # _parse_crates():
+    #
+    # Generates a list of crates based on the passed ref
+    #
+    # Args:
+    #    (list|None) refs: The list of name/version dictionaries
+    #
+    # Returns:
+    #    (list): A list of Crate objects
+    #
+    def _parse_crates(self, refs):
+        # Return an empty list for no ref
+        if refs is None:
+            return []
+        return [
+            Crate(self, crate['name'], crate['version'])
+            for crate in refs
+        ]
+def setup():
+    return CargoSource

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