[nautilus] Created tag GNOME_0_20

The unsigned tag 'GNOME_0_20' was created.

Tagger: rhlabs <rhlabs>
Date: 890168660 +0000


Arturo Espinosa (2):
      Miguel gets a C- in programming
      Include the header files -mig

Marc Ewing (1):
      Misc cleanups of gnome-helpwin, gnome-info2html, gnome-man2html, my bogus

Owen Taylor (1):
      gemvt: Use AM_PATH_GTK help-browser/gnome-info2html: Find glib.h correctly

Ramiro Estrugo (3):
      Added a place to put cut-n-paste code. Cut-n-pasted the e-paned widget
      Damn, forgot to commit these 2 in the last checkin.
      Fix the email for bitching.

Tom Tromey (1):
      Use tab in rule, not space.

Vincent Renardias (1):
      Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:41:18 +0100  [Vincent]

rhlabs (14):
      The man2html converter used by the help browser.
      Removed several generated links which we dont need. Cleaned up all the 'unused var' and other warnings.
      GNU info to html converter
      Cleaned up converted HTML output
      Marc and I worked on alot today:
      Cleaned up some messages.  Ripped out some duplicate code.
      Fixed a couple of things:
      Code changes anticipating the 'man:' magic URL. The man2html filter now only accepts input *roff from 
      Small tweaks.
      Final fixes to man page handling.
      Fixed a few thing, having problems with others:
      Use magic URLs for section links.
      Decided to tempt fate and use tables in the info->html conversion. Looks much better, seems to be 
working. The html widget is a bit fragile, so if it blows chunks let me know.
      Fixed HTML table generation code a little in info->html conversion, otherwise table got smaller by 95% 
per line, not good.

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