[libsigc++2/variadic_mem_fun] Use retype.h as a normal .h file.

commit 7247cbe41268c370a0cf705c73ce5a87a8c8c274
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date:   Fri Mar 4 14:10:01 2016 +0100

    Use retype.h as a normal .h file.
    Instead of generating it.

 sigc++/.gitignore        |    1 -
 sigc++/adaptors/retype.h |  167 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sigc++/filelist.am       |   15 +---
 3 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sigc++/.gitignore b/sigc++/.gitignore
index d8c2879..e64b803 100644
--- a/sigc++/.gitignore
+++ b/sigc++/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/retype.h b/sigc++/adaptors/retype.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a36fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/retype.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// -*- c++ -*-
+/* Do not edit! -- generated file */
+#include <sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h>
+#include <sigc++/functors/ptr_fun.h>
+#include <sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h>
+#include <sigc++/functors/slot.h>
+namespace sigc {
+/** @defgroup retype retype(), retype_return()
+ * sigc::retype() alters a sigc::pointer_functor, a sigc::mem_functor or a sigc::slot
+ * in that it makes C-style casts to the functor's parameter types
+ * of all parameters passed through operator()().
+ *
+ * Use this adaptor for inline conversion between numeric or other simple types.
+ * @par Example:
+ * @code
+ * void foo(int);
+ * sigc::retype(sigc::ptr_fun(&foo))(5.7F); // calls foo(5)
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The functor that sigc::retype() returns can be passed directly into
+ * sigc::signal::connect().
+ *
+ * @par Example:
+ * @code
+ * sigc::signal<void,float> some_signal;
+ * void foo(int);
+ * some_signal.connect(sigc::retype(sigc::ptr_fun(&foo)));
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * This adaptor builds an exception in that it only works on sig::pointer_functor,
+ * sigc::mem_functor and sigc::slot because it needs sophisticated information about
+ * the parameter types that cannot be deduced from arbitrary functor types.
+ *
+ * sigc::retype_return() alters the return type of an arbitrary functor.
+ * Like in sigc::retype() a C-style cast is performed. Usage sigc::retype_return() is
+ * not restricted to libsigc++ functor types but you need to
+ * specify the new return type as a template parameter.
+ *
+ * @par Example:
+ * @code
+ * float foo();
+ * std::cout << sigc::retype_return<int>(&foo)(); // converts foo's return value to an integer
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @ingroup adaptors
+ */
+/** Adaptor that performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on to the functor.
+ * Use the convenience function sigc::retype() to create an instance of retype_functor.
+ *
+ * The following template arguments are used:
+ * - @e T_functor Type of the functor to wrap.
+ * - @e T_type Types of @e T_functor's arguments.
+ *
+ * @ingroup retype
+ */
+template <class T_functor, class... T_type>
+struct retype_functor
+  : public adapts<T_functor>
+  using adaptor_type = typename adapts<T_functor>::adaptor_type;
+  using result_type = typename adapts<T_functor>::result_type;
+ template <class... T_arg>
+  decltype(auto)
+  operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
+    { return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_take_t<T_type>...>
+        (static_cast<T_type>(_A_a)...);
+    }
+  /** Constructs a retype_functor object that performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on to the 
+   * @param _A_functor Functor to invoke from operator()().
+   */
+  explicit retype_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_functor)
+    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor)
+    {}
+//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+/** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
+ * The function overload for sigc::retype_functor performs a functor on the
+ * functor stored in the sigc::retype_functor object.
+ *
+ * @ingroup retype
+ */
+template <class T_functor, class... T_type>
+struct visitor<retype_functor<T_functor, T_type...> >
+  template <typename T_action>
+  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
+                            const retype_functor<T_functor, T_type...>& _A_target)
+  {
+    sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
+  }
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_functor which performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on 
to the functor.
+ * This function template specialization works on sigc::slot.
+ *
+ * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
+ * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_functor performing C-style casts on the paramters passed on.
+ *
+ * @ingroup retype
+ */
+template <class T_return, class... T_arg>
+inline decltype(auto)
+retype(const slot<T_return, T_arg...>& _A_functor)
+{ return retype_functor<slot<T_return, T_arg...>, T_arg...>
+    (_A_functor); }
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_functor which performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on 
to the functor.
+ * This function template specialization works on sigc::pointer_functor.
+ *
+ * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
+ * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_functor performing C-style casts on the paramters passed on.
+ *
+ * @ingroup retype
+ */
+template <class T_return, class... T_arg>
+inline decltype(auto)
+retype(const pointer_functor<T_return, T_arg...>& _A_functor)
+{ return retype_functor<pointer_functor<T_return, T_arg...>, T_arg... >
+    (_A_functor); }
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_functor which performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on 
to the functor.
+ * This function template specialization works on sigc::mem_functor_base.
+ *
+ * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
+ * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_functor performing C-style casts on the paramters passed on.
+ *
+ * @ingroup retype
+ */
+template <class T_func, class T_obj_with_modifier, class T_return, class T_obj, class... T_arg>
+inline decltype(auto)
+retype(const mem_functor_base<T_func, T_obj_with_modifier, T_return, T_obj, T_arg...>& _A_functor)
+{ return retype_functor<mem_functor_base<T_func, T_obj_with_modifier, T_return, T_obj, T_arg...>, T_arg...>
+    (_A_functor);
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_functor which performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on 
to the functor.
+ * This function template specialization works on sigc::bound_mem_functor_base.
+ *
+ * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
+ * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_functor performing C-style casts on the paramters passed on.
+ *
+ * @ingroup retype
+ */
+template <class T_limit_reference,
+  class T_func, class T_obj_with_modifier,
+  class T_return, class T_obj, class... T_arg>
+inline decltype(auto)
+retype(const bound_mem_functor_base<T_limit_reference, T_func, T_obj_with_modifier, T_return, T_obj, 
T_arg...>& _A_functor)
+{ return retype_functor<bound_mem_functor_base<T_limit_reference, T_func, T_obj_with_modifier, T_return, 
T_obj, T_arg...>, T_arg...>
+    (_A_functor);
+} /* namespace sigc */
+#endif /* _SIGC_ADAPTORS_RETYPE_H_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/filelist.am b/sigc++/filelist.am
index 31f9916..2aa8707 100644
--- a/sigc++/filelist.am
+++ b/sigc++/filelist.am
@@ -25,21 +25,13 @@ functors_m4 = mem_fun.h.m4
 functors_built_cc = 
 functors_built_h = mem_fun.h
-# Adaptors (adaptors/)
-adaptors_m4 = retype.h.m4
-adaptors_built_cc =
-adaptors_built_h = retype.h
 # Combine all the above parts with right directories prefixed
 sigc_m4 = $(base_m4:%=macros/%) \
-         $(functors_m4:%=functors/macros/%) \
-          $(adaptors_m4:%=adaptors/macros/%)
+         $(functors_m4:%=functors/macros/%)
 sigc_built_cc = $(base_built_cc) \
-         $(functors_built_cc:%=functors/%) \
-          $(adaptors_built_cc:%=adaptors/%)
+         $(functors_built_cc:%=functors/%)
 sigc_built_h = $(base_built_h) \
-         $(functors_built_h:%=functors/%) \
-          $(adaptors_built_h:%=adaptors/%)
+         $(functors_built_h:%=functors/%)
 sigc_public_h =                                \
        bind.h                          \
@@ -68,6 +60,7 @@ sigc_public_h =                               \
        adaptors/compose.h \
        adaptors/exception_catch.h \
        adaptors/hide.h \
+       adaptors/retype.h \
        adaptors/track_obj.h \
        adaptors/retype_return.h \
        functors/functor_base.h \

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