[gimp-web] (311 commits) ...description added

Summary of changes:

  11c65bf... First commit Signed-off-by: Pat David <patdavid gmail com> (*)
  61e5c78... Initial upload of new data (*)
  9db692b... Update to include output/ dir and modify .gitignore. (*)
  d14a9a6... Pushing new files. (*)
  cdd4991... Signed-off-by: Pat David <patdavid gmail com> (*)
  b0d129c... Remove generated files from Git index and add them to .giti (*)
  b1a4d9f... Fixed about.md Signed-off-by: Pat David <patdavid gmail com (*)
  d0369cc... Signed-off-by: Pat David <patdavid gmail com> (*)
  4fea0b4... Tweaking article.html and article.css (*)
  10e5cfa... Adding some archival news items to have something to test w (*)
  2011356... Further hacking at page styles. (*)
  b3ae876... Adding a Meta page about this revamp and infrastructure. (*)
  0f394bc... Expanded on the meta.md information (*)
  f64753e... Added 'images' directory as static path to output (*)
  cef1584... Working on meta still... (*)
  2f666c1... Added Typogrify and extended meta.md (*)
  b65fbd2... Moved mockup files to content/images/ (*)
  8cd82f3... Changed page titles to 'GIMP - PAGENAME' (*)
  019de4c... Added more to build environment details (*)
  9ec3ba8... Writing more content for meta.md (*)
  d29f01b... Added newgimp theme as default when building (*)
  ece7fe6... Added more info to setting up/using Pelican (*)
  9a5f297... Oh, all kinds of stuff to test output generation (*)
  799761c... Spelling fix in meta/index.md (*)
  3eec396... Added Vim .swp files to .gitignore (*)
  36690db... Minor modifications in some pages (*)
  18a2899... Testing some path/folder combinations (*)
  3a6bf4c... Monkeying with paths and output still (*)
  3ab2d24... Finally got static hierachy URLs working. (*)
  60c7809... Fixed a small problem with page rendering and not showing (*)
  3ddef94... Modified Navigation to not show child pages, only top (*)
  241dc3c... Added and fixed formatting for prehistory page (*)
  7fcb161... Add 1rem bottom margin to <li> items on pages (*)
  2bed066... Added a created on date next to last modified (*)
  079f30a... Documenting the horrible things I did to the build sys (*)
  37c43ce... Added 'GIMP' home link to all pages except front (redundant (*)
  b42b51a... Added styling for code blocks with pygment and codehilite (*)
  81fdd5c... Added styling for 'MenuCmd' classes (*)
  9e63cd2... Added tutorial GIMP_Quickies (*)
  46e3b6f... Adjusted H1 size to be slightly larger than H2 (*)
  da3650d... Testing nested folders with to-do entry under Meta (*)
  e6304b8... Styling titles for pages (*)
  24f7bc0... Added notice on front page.  Modified Meta (*)
  78ce3d0... Set SITEURL (*)
  210e1b9... Added some icons for favicon usage (*)
  9c8e6ae... Added the old Wilber16.png favicon (*)
  ff19cd8... Added link to mockup3.png on meta.  More explanation on WTF (*)
  8ea2aee... Tightened spacing between figure image and caption (*)
  eda75a5... Removed some fonts, added new ones locally, fixed css to ma (*)
  cdbc600... Swapping out wrong font for the correct one. whoops. (*)
  ac80a2c... Added Open Sans from google fonts temporarily (*)
  7ea9660... Set relative urls in pelicanconf.py for local building (*)
  c1c9f76... Added combine/minify assets (CSS/JS) to To-Do list (*)
  9086c6c... Added google font link for some fonts (*)
  eb0d42c... Changed lede title, removed 'The' from GNU... (*)
  8768757... Added 600 weight Open Sans (*)
  221336f... Added resized mockup file for linking on meta/ page (*)
  5fda350... Reworked meta/ page, added page 'Using Pelican' (*)
  9622dda... Added Markdown cheatsheet under Meta (*)
  61dbd18... Added links to prehistory and ancient_history on about page (*)
  5fe2647... Typo: changed 'infomration' to 'information' (*)
  83ff2ff... Updated Meta and To-Do (*)
  c0de5b9... Added 'building' to guide users through building the site (*)
  f24492d... Added building/writing instructions in meta (*)
  3b20799... Testing some stuff to create a patch with (*)
  4a307e9... Removed patch-testing file (*)
  d83210b... Working on fixing stuff I broke. (*)
  90db6f7... Added styling for <dd>, <dt>, <dl> elements (*)
  ae8d968... Changed 'Authors' metadata to 'Author' (singular) (*)
  bc0efca... Changed 'Authors' metadata to 'Author' (singular) (*)
  243eb9a... Added root URL files and how to do it for others (*)
  c07752f... Transferred image dir from old site (*)
  c4f062e... Porting about/ dir and some extra files (*)
  357895d... Started new plugin to manage page hierarchy + translations. (*)
  5366c99... Testing translations, PITA to fix with paths (*)
  d7b62b4... Added details for local/source linking while writing (*)
  c81d48a... Added selling.md, testing building/index.fr.md translation  (*)
  2a21756... Updated the list to include some new additions (*)
  09911fc... Added Splash images archive (*)
  ae07e3c... Adding splash screen pages, updating file-list (*)
  59767d3... Cleaned GIMP_Quickies image urls to remove {attach} (not ne (*)
  0d22827... Styling the front page, adding more content placeholders (*)
  54e3161... Update some old (deprecated looking) links (*)
  3c3dd96... Minor modificatinos to Meta and Building (*)
  cafa305... Slight modification to box-shadow under titles (*)
  966689c... Fixed navigation font weight to match linked font weight (3 (*)
  718cc77... Minor test of font stuff (*)
  3526f85... Added more pages, modified the old URL list, started on dow (*)
  b75d1fa... Updated userfaq to new version from alexandre (*)
  cd6d8a2... Ported install_help - might be outdated (*)
  c171932... Added 'Features' page and assets (*)
  73d23b0... Updated file list (*)
  a241073... Added a whole bunch of stuff.  Sorry for the bad commit msg (*)
  828c515... Porting more tutorials over (*)
  c3a6696... Porting more tutorials + assets (*)
  34c38b2... Styling modifications for responsive-width figure/img and l (*)
  3e7dbfd... Beginning some styling for responsive layouts (mobile) (*)
  8c3a78b... Fixed some alt attributes in a couple of tuts (*)
  dcb5bb8... Modified default behavior to have news articles appear on a (*)
  17d957d... Modified navigation to only list top-level pages (*)
  2c73268... Update to-do and added some notes to 'using-pelican' (*)
  8701cc4... Cleaned out some old cruft from pelicanconf.py (*)
  8a7d9e0... Ported a bunch of old news items (*)
  04641a4... Styling news page (*)
  e91ab27... Added meta page about editing front page of the site (*)
  2bf84eb... Monkeying with front page layout stuff (*)
  09290ad... Fiddling with css for front page (*)
  59e0bbc... CSS: word-break, hyphens to frontpage testing (*)
  15a2827... CSS: still fiddling with homepage word-break, hyphen stuff (*)
  f77a13e... Added some nice big images and further styling for front pa (*)
  329fe53... Added a footer with styles.  Includes links and notices (*)
  3fd1b9a... Toying with page translations (*)
  48b7c6b... Moved nav bar to top on index page (*)
  1e384e6... Fixed missing alt tags in tutorial (*)
  39a84ee... Testing i18n_subsites to produce gimp.org/de/about... (*)
  46b5277... Fixing translation paths.  I can't believe that hack worked (*)
  3b9650d... Hacking and testing translation links an sub-site stuff aga (*)
  d635342... Testing i18n translation stuff a bit more... (*)
  2093962... Used fixed-width fa icons in footer to line up nav better (*)
  98e905e... Adding more section to the home page (*)
  38a3cc6... Added section 'programming algorithms' to home page (*)
  506e4e0... still styling the home page sections (*)
  1ed1d51... Added robots.txt to stop crawlers while we build (*)
  00903e4... Added COPYING GPL text file to root (*)
  8781d18... Added GNUGPLv2/3 to the root of the site as well (*)
  1437228... Added section on home page about desktop publishing (*)
  a40ab69... New text regarding desktop publishing (*)
  72b8a37... Fixing max-height on new section with images (*)
  d2bb7e4... Added SwatchBooker to component section, removed GIMP (*)
  a3e97c6... Added links to publishing section, minor typo edit (*)
  dce9fd6... Moved scribus/inkscape/swatchbooker title below logo (*)
  d22caa6... Added quick reminder for what file to edit for front page (*)
  21ed1b7... Adding an image for graphical design elements section (*)
  b8e68d6... Odd conflicted copy showed up, removed (*)
  f6a3a64... Added page detailing how to create a translation (*)
  a10aadf... Striking stuff off to-do list, finished writing translating (*)
  20a7fe2... Modified front page sections a bit to make it cleaner. (*)
  640c264... Added a bunch more tutorial ports (*)
  c4b82f2... Modified article post info element from 'footer' to 'div' (*)
  c9ae6df... Modified Navigation/Footer font to Josefin Sans (*)
  45e81bc... Moved Josefin Sans into place, our of google fonts - testin (*)
  156347d... Added slight inset box shadow to component section to disti (*)
  a21cf80... Increased letter-spacing on 'Release Notes' button for legi (*)
  1dfac1d... Trying double border for component section and beyond (*)
  1445a71... Added some notes to the To-Do meta page (*)
  0ade906... Added OS detection platform.js to downloads page (*)
  4cbfda4... Typo fixed, because Mikachu (*)
  983efb2... Testing OS detection stuff for Downloads page. (*)
  af6151c... Added list of OS to meta To-Do page section (*)
  6fb5fbe... Highres variants of various icons (*)
  bb15938... frontpage: fix inkscape icon url (*)
  20c66c8... Removed introduction box + shadow (per jimmac) (*)
  c07e46c... Added whitespace to introduction section heading (2) (*)
  9b140ec... Removed old heading text for introduction section (*)
  d55aee1... Added breathing room to breaks in introduction text (per dr (*)
  98f3751... Added breakpoint for larger screens, adjusted cap sections  (*)
  3cfb310... Changed nav font to 'open sans' and styled - trying jimmacs (*)
  31720d7... Finished styling for OS detection. (*)
  86706ac... Added note that OS detection may be done on To-Do (*)
  e8ad22d... Fix URLs which were not recognized because of line breaks (*)
  832f7f7... Fixed OS detection to show GNU/Linux when detected (*)
  c259dad... Fixed links to show other downloads to be semanticaly corre (*)
  31b7576... Added Gentoo to GNU/Linux install list (*)
  d95ae0b... Increased nav font weight to 400 (*)
  da1e57d... Testing out a slide down nav for mobile (*)
  2a6d2ee... Small styling to mobile 'hamburger' navigation icon (*)
  a6d27e8... Cleaning up 'still working' notice a bit (*)
  4d12654... Testing different nav icon placement (in markup) (*)
  8c19b3a... Styled nav el position when active (*)
  23621ba... Fixing nav element spacing issues on pages other than front (*)
  58ae84d... Fixed z-index of nav el (over code blocks) (*)
  301f679... Added 'up' chevron to bottom of nav drawer as hint (*)
  760dcba... Fixed spacer height to not overflow container on mobile (th (*)
  505fdd9... Mobile nav menu testing (first take) (*)
  6a49452... Adjusting page tops to account for navigation strip on mobi (*)
  1e765fb... Started porting ContrastMask tutorial (*)
  5041560... Mobile nav menu slide up/down as page scrolls (*)
  267b10d... Styling nav bar more (*)
  37a2986... Still monkeying with the nav bar... (*)
  3276d58... Trying to fix sub-nav flash of content (*)
  a8a121a... Fixed nav menu for larger than mobile screens (*)
  357f0df... Still fixing styles (*)
  ed7ff4f... Adjusted pushPage top padding for article post pages (*)
  82a2cd3... Overlapping media query to catch edge cases. (*)
  38e7ca6... Added ContrastMask and Creating_Icons tutorials (*)
  5373054... Added Custom_Brushes and Digital B&W tutorials (*)
  6f31d59... Added Draw_A_Paint_Brush and Drawing_Shapes tutorials (*)
  574282d... Added Film_Grain tutorial (*)
  ec83bc2... Added Floating_Logo tutorial (*)
  edbd53b... Added multiple new tutorials Golden_Text, Image_Map, Layer_ (*)
  2c75f0b... Skipping Perlotine tutorials, _super_ dated (*)
  ec1c8f1... Ported Perl-Debugged, Photo_To_Sketch, Quickmask, Red_Eye_R (*)
  b02b66e... Ported Selective_Color tutorial (*)
  87d71f1... Ported Selective_Gaussian_Blur (*)
  886cd2f... Minor correction to Selective_Gaussian_Blur (*)
  9b6108f... Ported the last few tutorials! (*)
  77c3c47... Removed .html from being parsed - passes straight through n (*)
  3e5b8d7... Added pre-generated .html files from /unix dir (*)
  36d1d2a... Updated file-list changes (*)
  d584b30... Added <hr> to distinguish source section on downloads (*)
  ac48f8d... Added/Fixed Mac OSX downloads section (macports/homebrew/fi (*)
  4686b38... Removed Mandriva, added Mint, fixed Fedora on download page (*)
  fcc65ba... Added MD5 sums for windows and osx binaries (ours) (*)
  0f395d3... Added JS detection and text for iOS/Android 'no-support' (*)
  26c7e7a... Minor css change on download page (*)
  78ce984... Removed STILL WORKING banner from front page (*)
  f8683eb... Modified base.html to add async attribute to push-menu.js c (*)
  0d98449... Removed the STILL WORKING from being output at all into htm (*)
  f7ef592... Removed a line (*)
  04667bc... Modified some section text for vision text (*)
  f854f4b... Added GIMP GUI mailing list to the mail_lists page (*)
  aeaca3e... Fixed mail-archive link for GIMP GUI list (*)
  feb54e4... Added graphic and text for extensibility section (*)
  4b8ff3d... Monkeying with graphics for the front page (*)
  90a79eb... Formatting extensible section image (*)
  c3987fc... Styling extensible section on home page (*)
  0ac67ff... Added 'Recent News' to intro section on home (*)
  32aa238... Fixed the nipples on the blocks, thx houz (*)
  a5d6fc2... Start styling news list pages (*)
  f1b95b8... Made default dates ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD (*)
  ebea48e... Fixed missing alt tags for validation (*)
  849df86... Fixed more alt tags, styling news list page (*)
  c3c461a... Added scoped boolean to inline style block (*)
  11e95c1... Fixed scoped boolean attribute (*)
  5f6755b... Fixing some validation stuff on page template (*)
  9f84a2e... Fixed <p> cannot be inside inline el <span>... duh! (*)
  66b1f45... Stripped test article section and notice from bottom (*)
  321e134... Added {filename} in front of all image URL's for translatio (*)
  0a8b2d1... Fixed missing {filename} on one tutorial (*)
  159e78d... Fixed missing {filename} from ContrastMask tutorial (*)
  6df99eb... Added {filename} path to all images in release-notes files (*)
  3d21c1b... Modified nav font weight up to 600 (*)
  9fffbab... Fixed sample figure/image linking example (*)
  60d6db7... Added border radius to buttons on home page (*)
  c681085... Fiddling with the Downloads page formatting (*)
  f723680... Fixed language for windows download text (*)
  70f532b... Fiddling with downloads page still (*)
  e425160... Added version number to download button on home page (*)
  efa4d7f... Removed Google fonts linked files, hosting locally (*)
  161b407... Removed Lato font declaration and files (*)
  a061b6e... Added Questrial font variants (*)
  e23ff6b... Explain *how* to contribute to the GIMP projects. (*)
  0a2d267... Minor tweak to text on submitting changes (*)
  6c020cb... Fixed brick alignments for nomis (*)
  41b3f77... Fixed typo on front page (via yahvuu on ML) (*)
  f11862a... Strikethrough Nordholt blog link (old) (*)
  22720ac... Adjusted copyright notice on Basic Perl tutorial per Ed J (*)
  e3217b9... Changed 'Donation' page to 'Donate' for brevity (*)
  daf7a4b... Added URL link for Ed J in his Perl tutorial (*)
  0a2e451... Added URL for Ed J (*)
  147ab96... Moved OSX download links to same location as MS Windows (ty (*)
  b23810a... Re-show 'GIMP' link in header nav on index for consistency  (*)
  c077753... Fixed footer <li> spacing on pages (*)
  c3931e7... Footer links to three columns + added icons (*)
  ec804e3... Modify home page recent news date font color (darker) (*)
  cbd1b2d... Changed font to heavier weight per nomis, et al. :( (*)
  13e2dec... Changed 'About' icon to 'i' instead of question mark (*)
  ceb5f21... Changed intro text to avoid using acronym directly (*)
  cdd446c... Modify intro text and removed old html comment (*)
  d7dd2c2... Defined <p> color everywhere (*)
  e7241ce... Bringing article styles more inline with rest of the site (*)
  250f3c1... Added wilbericon.svg from Aryeom to nav (thx) (*)
  29dec97... Hopefully fixing shitty IE handling of SVG in <img> element (*)
  54e5bfa... Added creative commons font, icons + attribution on home pa (*)
  192e018... Minor formatting change to attribution section on homepage (*)
  1e87951... Minor grammatical correction (*)
  764ee05... Donate link on navigation orange + icon + moved to end (*)
  245ba20... Changed download page image/splash to contribution from Ary (*)
  d68cc8c... Turned on RSS/Atom feeds to test.  Seem to be working? (*)
  2c56d5a... Fixed links + added new RSS/Atom feed links (*)
  cba77f7... Modified debug output at bottom of pages (*)
  96c847d... Added a 404 page for errors - need to test wit schumaml (*)
  0d6709b... Added HQ wilber svg from src/ (*)
  26b08e9... Point 'GIMP News Feed' in footer to atom.xml (*)
  0a3d52e... Added all free tutorials to index page. (*)
  e87bbf6... Turned off console logging for scroll detection (*)
  6c6f746... Added some footer links from old page (*)
  1c6c150... Fixed duplicate id's on footer list (*)
  563a4c4... Fixed mail_list and irc links in footer (ty titaniachkt) (*)
  9b16b8d... Fixing line ending problem... (*)
  047e0a4... Trying out a 20 Year banner on homepage (*)
  c0169a5... Tweak banner image (*)
  2f9b2b1... Fixed banner, fiddled with drafts index (*)
  c45c94b... Testing a listing of draft articles on /drafts/ (*)
  3ee6838... Fiddling with drafts index page still (*)
  9a78ca1... Styling news item pages a bit to match the rest of the site (*)
  24bb375... Made body background darker color, page background white (*)
  b61dd0a... Added link/ref to FAQ on About page (*)
  7c38d02... Re-arranged bottom-most links list, removed 'get invovled' (*)
  e6be767... Minor formatting change to drafts index by-line (*)
  b3844ce... Fix typo spotted by pippin, fix author's name (*)
  03fcf84... Propogated typo fix to body text also (*)
  6b91612... Made a minor note in pelicanconf.py about PAGE_PATHS (*)
  c702ed8... Added 'images' subdir for 'news' items + styling (*)
  2bd87ae... Reverted test news item back to Status: draft (*)
  11fb69f... Starting on a README file, please help (*)
  b4200a9... Starting to consider where/how to place social acct links (*)
  42961f8... pelicanconf.py: set RELATIVE_URLS=False, PAGES_DEBUG=False (*)
  b28ec2f... Modified attribution URL on homepage (*)
  3d088b5... Added Aryeoms Wilber Birthday images to news/images (*)
  dae8b0b... Style figure > img to have max-height: 100vh (*)
  388fd88... Optimizing wilber comics for 20th post (*)
  dc250c0... Styling some images (*)
  53175a8... Fixing dos line endings in downloads/index.md (*)
  79de34e... downloads: add 2.8.16 (*)
  cf698e3... Fleshing out a 20th anniversary post (*)
  0f09444... A few old news items, many more to follow (*)
  6d42566... Merge branch 'master' into gimp-web-static
  2a2e903... doap file for gimp-web
  76d0cef... programming-language added
  fc7d063... description added

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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