[eog] [l10n] Update Japanese translation

commit 9015c3d76da2d7e636567429f174ee3faccaf480
Author: Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>
Date:   Sun Jun 24 00:33:36 2012 +0900

    [l10n] Update Japanese translation

 po/ja.po |  514 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 5717611..925863c 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -7,22 +7,21 @@
 # Hideki Yamane <henrich debian org>, 2011.
 # SUGITA Toshinori <sugita d-pad co jp>, 2009.
 # Yasumichi Akahoshi <yasumichi vinelinux org>, 2010
-# Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>, 1999-2002, 2010-2011.
+# Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>, 1999-2002, 2010-2012.
 # Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>, 2012
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: eog master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-29 17:05+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-25 14:28+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=eog&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-22 07:31+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-14 20:26+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ja\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 # (pofilter) accelerators: accelerator _ is missing from translation
@@ -33,32 +32,32 @@ msgstr ""
 #. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
 #. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
 #. * please remove.
-#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:988
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:992
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show â_%sâ"
 msgstr "\"%s\" ãèçãã"
-#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1481
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1485
 msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
 msgstr "ããããããçåãã(_M)"
-#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1482
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1486
 msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
 msgstr "éæãããããããããããããçåããã"
-#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1483
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1487
 msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
 msgstr "ãããããããåéãã(_R)"
-#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1484
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1488
 msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
 msgstr "éæããããããããããããããåéããã"
-#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1485
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1489
 msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
 msgstr "ããããããåé(_D)"
-#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1486
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1490
 msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
 msgstr "éæããããããããåéããã"
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ msgstr "éæããããããããåéããã"
 msgid "Separator"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../data/eog.desktop.in.in.h:1 ../src/eog-window.c:2647 ../src/main.c:171
+#: ../data/eog.desktop.in.in.h:1 ../src/eog-window.c:2644 ../src/main.c:176
 msgid "Image Viewer"
 msgstr "çåããããã"
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããçåãéèããã"
 msgid "Picture;Slideshow;Graphics;"
 msgstr "Picture;Slideshow;Graphics;åç;çå;ããããããã;ããããããã;"
-#: ../data/eog-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1 ../src/eog-window.c:4627
+#: ../data/eog-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1 ../src/eog-window.c:4624
 msgid "Image Properties"
 msgstr "çåãèå"
@@ -323,27 +322,20 @@ msgstr "çéäæãåãã(_X)"
 msgid "Sequence"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#. I18N: This sentence will be displayed before a GtkSpinButton to select a number of seconds in eog's preferences dialog. The context is applied to avoid ambiguity with possible similar translations. See bug 654548 for details.
+#. I18N: This sentence will be displayed above a horizonzal scale to select a number of seconds in eog's preferences dialog.
 #: ../data/eog-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
-msgctxt "PrefDlgSlideSwitchPrefix"
-msgid "_Switch image after:"
-msgstr "çåãåãæããéé(_S):"
+msgid "_Time between images:"
+msgstr "çåãåãæããéé(_T):"
-#. I18N: This sentence will be displayed after a GtkSpinButton to select a number of seconds in eog's preferences dialog. The context is applied to avoid ambiguity with possible similar translations. See bug 654548 for details.
-#: ../data/eog-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
-msgctxt "PrefDlgSlideSwitchPostfix"
-msgid "seconds"
-msgstr "ç"
-#: ../data/eog-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+#: ../data/eog-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
 msgid "_Loop sequence"
 msgstr "çãèã(_L)"
-#: ../data/eog-preferences-dialog.ui.h:23
+#: ../data/eog-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
 msgid "Slideshow"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../data/eog-preferences-dialog.ui.h:24
+#: ../data/eog-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
 msgid "Plugins"
 msgstr "ããããã"
@@ -352,30 +344,20 @@ msgid "Automatic orientation"
 msgstr "åããèåèæ"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
 msgstr "EXIF ãåããåããèåçãçåãåããèæãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
-"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
-"theme instead."
-msgstr ""
-"çåãåããéåãåããããããäãããèãããuse-background-color ãããè"
-"åãããããããããäããããããããã GTK+ ããããããããæåããããã"
+msgid "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ theme instead."
+msgstr "çåãåããéåãåããããããäãããèãããuse-background-color ãããèåãããããããããäããããããããã GTK+ ããããããããæåããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:5
 msgid "Interpolate Image"
 msgstr "çåãèæ"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
-"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr "çåãæåããéãèéãããããããæåããããããããããçåãããèãåèãããããããèéãããååãæèããæçãååéãããããã"
 # FIXME: äåã"Interpolate Image"ãããåãæåãã?
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:7
@@ -383,12 +365,8 @@ msgid "Extrapolate Image"
 msgstr "çåãèæ"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:8
-msgid ""
-"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
-"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "çåãæåããéãèæãããããããæåãããããããçåãããããçæããããèæãããååãæèããæçãååéãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:9
 msgid "Transparency indicator"
@@ -397,14 +375,8 @@ msgstr "ééããéåãèçææ"
 # åæã trans-color ãããdata/eog.schemas.in ãã trans_color ããããåæã
 # ãã
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
-"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
-"determines the color value used."
-msgstr ""
-"çåãééããéåããããããèçãããããæåããããæååèãåã "
-"CHECK_PATTERNãCOLOR ã NONE ãããCOLOR ãéæããååããã trans_color ã"
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key determines the color value used."
+msgstr "çåãééããéåããããããèçãããããæåããããæååèãåã CHECK_PATTERNãCOLOR ã NONE ãããCOLOR ãéæããååããã trans_color ããäçããèãåãæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:11
 msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
@@ -420,42 +392,24 @@ msgstr "æåç"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:15
 #, no-c-format
-msgid ""
-"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
-"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
-"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
-"a 100% zoom increment."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããããççããããããããåãäæãæå/çåããããäããã0.05 ã"
-"ããããããããããããããççããåã 5% åäãæåãã1.00 ãããã 100% "
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããçåãæå/çåããéãéçããåçããããããããããããããççããããããããåãäæãæå/çåããããäããã0.05 ãããããããããããããããççããåã 5% åäãæåãã1.00 ãããã 100% åäãæåãããããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:16
 msgid "Transparency color"
 msgstr "ééããéåãè"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:17
-msgid ""
-"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
-"color which is used for indicating transparency."
-msgstr ""
-"ãã transparency ã COLOR ãååããããããééããéåãäçããèãèãã"
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "ãã transparency ã COLOR ãååããããããééããéåãäçããèãèãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:18
 msgid "Use a custom background color"
 msgstr "èæãããããèãäçãã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:19
-msgid ""
-"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
-"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
-"will determine the fill color."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããããããããbackground-color ãããèåãããèãçåãåãããã"
-"ããæããããäãããããèåãããããååãçåã GTK+ ãããããèãæå"
+msgid "If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme will determine the fill color."
+msgstr "ããããããããããããbackground-color ãããèåãããèãçåãåããããããæããããäãããããèåãããããååãçåã GTK+ ãããããèãæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:20
 msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
@@ -471,9 +425,7 @@ msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
 msgstr "åæèçã 100% ããåããåçãèåãã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:24
-msgid ""
-"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
-"screen initially."
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
 msgstr "FALSE ãèåããããåããçåãçéãåãããæåããããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:25
@@ -481,12 +433,8 @@ msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
 msgstr "æãçåãèçããããããéé (ç)"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:26
-msgid ""
-"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
-"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
-msgstr ""
-" 0ããåããåããæãçåãèåçãèçãããããçåãçéäãèçãããæ"
-"é (ç) ãæåãããããããããã 0ãæåãããèåéèãçåããããã"
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr " 0ããåããåããæãçåãèåçãèçãããããçåãçéäãèçãããæé (ç) ãæåãããããããããã 0ãæåãããèåéèãçåããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:27
 msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
@@ -501,12 +449,8 @@ msgid "Show/Hide the image gallery pane."
 msgstr "çåããããããããããèçããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:30
-msgid ""
-"Image gallery pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 "
-"for right."
-msgstr ""
-"çåããããããããããäçãããæååèãå: 0 (äå)ã1 (åå)ã2 (ä"
-"å)ã3 (åå)"
+msgid "Image gallery pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr "çåããããããããããäçãããæååèãå: 0 (äå)ã1 (åå)ã2 (äå)ã3 (åå)"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:31
 msgid "Whether the image gallery pane should be resizable."
@@ -518,8 +462,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããèçããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:33
 msgid "Show/Hide the image gallery pane scroll buttons."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "çåãããããããããããããããããããèçãããããããæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:34
 msgid "Close main window without asking to save changes."
@@ -530,81 +473,42 @@ msgid "Trash images without asking"
 msgstr "çèçããçåãåéãã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:36
-msgid ""
-"If activated, Eye of GNOME won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
-"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
-"trash and would be deleted instead."
-msgstr ""
-"ããéçãæåãååãEye of GNOME ãçåãããçãçåããéãçèãããã"
+msgid "If activated, Eye of GNOME won't ask for confirmation when moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr "ããéçãæåãååãEye of GNOME ãçåãããçãçåããéãçèãããããããããããããçãçååæãããããããåéããããååããèçãããã"
 # filechooser -> ãããããéæçé ããã
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:37
-msgid ""
-"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
-"are loaded."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded."
+msgstr "çåãèãèããããããååããããããéæçéããããããçåããããããèçããããããæåãããã"
 # filechooser -> ãããããéæçé ããã
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:38
-msgid ""
-"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
-"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
-"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
-"will show the current working directory."
-msgstr ""
-"ããéçãæåãããããããããããããçåãèãèããããããååããXDG "
+msgid "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "ããéçãæåãããããããããããããçåãèãèããããããååããXDG ãããããåæãããããããäããããããããéæçéããããããçåããããããèçããããçåãããããããããããçåããããããèåããããããååããçåããããããããèçãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:39
-msgid ""
-"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "ããããããããããäããããããäèãååãèçãããããããæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:40
-msgid ""
-"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
-"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
-"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
-"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
-msgstr ""
-"ããååããããããããã \"ããããã\" ããããåãèããããã"
+msgid "If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr "ããéçãæåãããããããããããããäãèçããããããäèããååãããããããèçããããããããããããããããããããããããããäããããããããåãããããããããããããããããäãããããããããçåããããããååããããããããã \"ããããã\" ããããåãèããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:41
 msgid "External program to use for editing images"
 msgstr "çåãçéããããäçããåéãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:42
-msgid ""
-"The desktop file name (including the \".desktop\") of the application to use "
-"for editing images (when the \"Edit Image\" toolbar button is clicked). Set "
-"to the empty string to disable this feature."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããããã desktop ãããããåå (\".desktop\" ãåã)ãããæèãç"
+msgid "The desktop file name (including the \".desktop\") of the application to use for editing images (when the \"Edit Image\" toolbar button is clicked). Set to the empty string to disable this feature."
+msgstr "(ããããããçåãçéãããããããããããããæã)çåãçéããããäãããããããããã desktop ãããããåå (\".desktop\" ãåã)ãããæèãçåãããããçæååãæåããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:43
 msgid "Active plugins"
 msgstr "åçåèãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml.in.in.h:44
-msgid ""
-"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
-"plugins. See the .eog-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
-msgstr ""
-"ãããåãåããããããèçããæåãããããããã \"ããããã\" ãäãã"
-"ã .eog-plugin ãããããåçããããããããã"
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eog-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr "åçåèããããããåãäããããããããæååããããããããæçãããããããåãåããããããèçããæåãããããããã \"ããããã\" ãäããã .eog-plugin ãããããåçããããããããã"
 #: ../plugins/fullscreen/fullscreen.plugin.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
@@ -652,11 +556,8 @@ msgstr "\"%s\" ããåæãéããåãäåãããã?"
 #: ../src/eog-close-confirmation-dialog.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"ããäåãããããåæããããçåã %d æãããããéããåãåæãäåãã"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "ããäåãããããåæããããçåã %d æãããããéããåãåæãäåãããã?"
 #: ../src/eog-close-confirmation-dialog.c:660
 msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
@@ -675,7 +576,7 @@ msgstr "ããããã(_C)"
 msgid "_Reload"
 msgstr "åèãèã(_R)"
-#: ../src/eog-error-message-area.c:129 ../src/eog-window.c:3847
+#: ../src/eog-error-message-area.c:129 ../src/eog-window.c:3844
 msgid "Save _Asâ"
 msgstr "ååãäå(_A)â"
@@ -765,20 +666,20 @@ msgstr "å"
 # http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=550830
 # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=611279
 #. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
-#: ../src/eog-exif-util.c:119 ../src/eog-exif-util.c:159
+#: ../src/eog-exif-util.c:120 ../src/eog-exif-util.c:160
 msgid "%a, %d %B %Y  %X"
 msgstr "%Yå%B%eæ (%a) %X"
 # http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=550830
 # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=611279
 #. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
-#: ../src/eog-exif-util.c:153
+#: ../src/eog-exif-util.c:154
 msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
 msgstr "%Yå%B%eæ (%a)"
 #. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
 #. the image was taken.
-#: ../src/eog-exif-util.c:250
+#: ../src/eog-exif-util.c:251
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.1f (lens)"
 msgstr "%.1f (ããã)"
@@ -786,7 +687,7 @@ msgstr "%.1f (ããã)"
 #. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
 #. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
 #. a 35mm film camera.
-#: ../src/eog-exif-util.c:261
+#: ../src/eog-exif-util.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
 msgstr "%.1f (35mm ããããã)"
@@ -796,12 +697,8 @@ msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
 msgstr "äæããããããããããããããããååãã"
 #: ../src/eog-file-chooser.c:131
-msgid ""
-"Image Viewer could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
-"the filename."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Image Viewer could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr "çåãããããããããããåãåãããããããããããæãèãåèãããããååãæåããããããããã"
 #: ../src/eog-file-chooser.c:132
 msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
@@ -829,15 +726,15 @@ msgid "pixel"
 msgid_plural "pixels"
 msgstr[0] "ãããã"
-#: ../src/eog-file-chooser.c:447
+#: ../src/eog-file-chooser.c:466
 msgid "Open Image"
 msgstr "çåãéã"
-#: ../src/eog-file-chooser.c:455
+#: ../src/eog-file-chooser.c:474
 msgid "Save Image"
 msgstr "çåãäå"
-#: ../src/eog-file-chooser.c:463
+#: ../src/eog-file-chooser.c:482
 msgid "Open Folder"
 msgstr "ããããããéæ"
@@ -876,12 +773,12 @@ msgstr "ãããããäåããããåèãæéããããããã"
 msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
 msgstr "äæçãããããçæãåæããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-image-jpeg.c:373
+#: ../src/eog-image-jpeg.c:375
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
 msgstr "äåãããããäæãããããçæãããããããã: %s"
-#: ../src/eog-image-jpeg.c:392
+#: ../src/eog-image-jpeg.c:394
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
 msgstr "JPEG ãããããèãèããããããããçäãããããããã"
@@ -895,11 +792,17 @@ msgid "File size:"
 msgstr "ããããããã:"
 #: ../src/eog-metadata-sidebar.c:517 ../src/eog-properties-dialog.c:674
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3851
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3848
 msgid "Show the folder which contains this file in the file manager"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããåãããããããèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-print.c:219
+#: ../src/eog-preferences-dialog.c:114
+#, c-format
+msgid "%lu second"
+msgid_plural "%lu seconds"
+msgstr[0] "%lu ç"
+#: ../src/eog-print.c:371
 msgid "Image Settings"
 msgstr "çåãèå"
@@ -1039,7 +942,7 @@ msgid "%i à %i pixel  %s    %i%%"
 msgid_plural "%i à %i pixels  %s    %i%%"
 msgstr[0] "%i x %i ãããã %s    %i%%"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:838 ../src/eog-window.c:2795
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:838 ../src/eog-window.c:2792
 msgctxt "MessageArea"
 msgid "Hi_de"
 msgstr "éã(_D)"
@@ -1070,12 +973,12 @@ msgstr "éæããçåã \"%s\" ãéããã"
 msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
 msgstr "çå \"%s\" ãäåããããã (%u/%u)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:1539
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:1550
 #, c-format
 msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
 msgstr "çå \"%s\" ãéããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:2216
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:2213
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing file:\n"
@@ -1084,15 +987,15 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:2534
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:2531
 msgid "Toolbar Editor"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:2537
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:2534
 msgid "_Reset to Default"
 msgstr "ããããããæã(_R)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:2642
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:2639
 msgid "translator-credits"
 msgstr ""
 "çè æ <takeshi aihana gmail com>\n"
@@ -1105,23 +1008,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "ææ äé <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>\n"
 "ææGNOMEããããä <http://www.gnome.gr.jp/>"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:2650
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:2647
 msgid "The GNOME image viewer."
 msgstr "GNOME ãçåãããããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:2742 ../src/eog-window.c:2757
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:2739 ../src/eog-window.c:2754
 msgid "Error launching System Settings: "
 msgstr "ããããããèåããèåæãããã: "
 #. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
 #. clash with mnemonics from eog's menubar
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:2793
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:2790
 msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
 msgstr "èæãèåãéã(_O)"
 #. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
 #. * with the automatic line break.
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:2809
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:2806
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
@@ -1130,11 +1033,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "çå \"%s\" ããããããããèæãèåãããããã\n"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3276
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3273
 msgid "Saving image locallyâ"
 msgstr "çåããããããäåäâ"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3356
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3353
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to move\n"
@@ -1143,14 +1046,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "æåã \"%s\" ã\n"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3359
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3356
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgid "A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image permanently?"
 msgstr "\"%s\" ãããçãçåããããããããçåãçæåéãããã?"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3364
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to move\n"
@@ -1162,430 +1063,425 @@ msgstr[0] ""
 "æåããéæãã %dåã\n"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3369
-msgid ""
-"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
-"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3366
+msgid "Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr "éæããçåããããããããçãçåããããããçæåéãããããçèãããããããããã?"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3386 ../src/eog-window.c:3877 ../src/eog-window.c:3901
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3383 ../src/eog-window.c:3874 ../src/eog-window.c:3898
 msgid "Move to _Trash"
 msgstr "ããçãçåãã(_T)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3388
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3385
 msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
 msgstr "ãããããããäãäåãçèããã(_D)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3433 ../src/eog-window.c:3447
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3430 ../src/eog-window.c:3444
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't access trash."
 msgstr "ããçãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3455
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3452
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't delete file"
 msgstr "ãããããåéãããããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3551
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
 msgstr "çå %s ãåéããéãããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3798
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3795
 msgid "_Image"
 msgstr "çå(_I)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3799
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3796
 msgid "_Edit"
 msgstr "çé(_E)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3800
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3797
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "èç(_V)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3801
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3798
 msgid "_Go"
 msgstr "ãããã(_G)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3802
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3799
 msgid "_Tools"
 msgstr "ããã(_T)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3803
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3800
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "ããã(_H)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3805
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3802
 msgid "_Openâ"
 msgstr "éã(_O)â"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3806
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3803
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "ãããããéããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3808
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3805
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "éãã(_C)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3809
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3806
 msgid "Close window"
 msgstr "ããããããããéããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3811
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3808
 msgid "T_oolbar"
 msgstr "ããããã(_O)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3812
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3809
 msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããçéããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3814
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3811
 msgid "Prefere_nces"
 msgstr "èå(_N)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3815
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3812
 msgid "Preferences for Image Viewer"
 msgstr "çåããããããèå"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3817
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3814
 msgid "_Contents"
 msgstr "çæ(_C)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3818
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3815
 msgid "Help on this application"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3820
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3817
 msgid "_About"
 msgstr "æå(_A)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3821
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3818
 msgid "About this application"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3826
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3823
 msgid "_Toolbar"
 msgstr "ããããã(_T)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3827
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3824
 msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
 msgstr "ããããããèçãåãæããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3829
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3826
 msgid "_Statusbar"
 msgstr "ããããããã(_S)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3830
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3827
 msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
 msgstr "ããããããããèçãåãæããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3832
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3829
 msgid "_Image Gallery"
 msgstr "çåããããã(_I)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3833
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3830
 msgid "Changes the visibility of the image gallery pane in the current window"
 msgstr "çåãããããããçåããããããããããèçãåãæããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3835
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3832
 msgid "Side _Pane"
 msgstr "ãããããã(_P)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3836
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3833
 msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
 msgstr "ãããããããèç/éèçãåãæããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3841
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3838
 msgid "_Save"
 msgstr "äå(_S)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3842
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3839
 msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
 msgstr "éæããçåãåæçãäåããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3844
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3841
 msgid "Open _with"
 msgstr "æãéã(_W)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3845
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3842
 msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
 msgstr "éæããçåãåããããããããããéããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3848
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3845
 msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
 msgstr "éæããçåãååãäããäåããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3850
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3847
 msgid "Show Containing _Folder"
 msgstr "åãããããããããèç(_F)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3853
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3850
 msgid "_Printâ"
 msgstr "åå(_P)â"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3854
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3851
 msgid "Print the selected image"
 msgstr "éæããçåãååããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3856
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3853
 msgid "Prope_rties"
 msgstr "ããããã(_R)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3857
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3854
 msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
 msgstr "éæããçåãããããããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3859
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3856
 msgid "_Undo"
 msgstr "åãæã(_U)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3860
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3857
 msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
 msgstr "æåãéçããåæçãæããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3862
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3859
 msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
 msgstr "æåæåãããããèã(_H)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3863
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3860
 msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
 msgstr "çåãæåæåãããããèããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3865
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3862
 msgid "Flip _Vertical"
 msgstr "åçæåãããããèã(_V)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3866
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3863
 msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
 msgstr "çåãåçæåãããããèããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3868
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3865
 msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
 msgstr "æèåããåèãã(_R)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3869
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3866
 msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
 msgstr "çåãååãã90Âåèãããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3871
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3868
 msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
 msgstr "åæèåããåèãã(_L)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3872
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3869
 msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
 msgstr "çåãååãã90Âåèãããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3874
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3871
 msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
 msgstr "èæããã(_D)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3875
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3872
 msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
 msgstr "éæããçåããããããããèæãããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3878
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3875
 msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
 msgstr "éæããçåãããçãããããããçåããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3880
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3877
 msgid "_Copy"
 msgstr "ããã(_C)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3881
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3878
 msgid "Copy the selected image to the clipboard"
 msgstr "éæããçåããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3883 ../src/eog-window.c:3892 ../src/eog-window.c:3895
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3880 ../src/eog-window.c:3889 ../src/eog-window.c:3892
 msgid "_Zoom In"
 msgstr "æå(_Z)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3884 ../src/eog-window.c:3893
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3881 ../src/eog-window.c:3890
 msgid "Enlarge the image"
 msgstr "çåãæåããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3886 ../src/eog-window.c:3898
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3883 ../src/eog-window.c:3895
 msgid "Zoom _Out"
 msgstr "çå(_O)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3887 ../src/eog-window.c:3896 ../src/eog-window.c:3899
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3884 ../src/eog-window.c:3893 ../src/eog-window.c:3896
 msgid "Shrink the image"
 msgstr "çåãçåããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3889
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3886
 msgid "_Normal Size"
 msgstr "éåãåãã(_N)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3890
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3887
 msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
 msgstr "éåãåãããçåãèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3907
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3904
 msgid "_Fullscreen"
 msgstr "ããããããã(_F)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3908
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3905
 msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
 msgstr "çåããããããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3910
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3907
 msgid "Pause Slideshow"
 msgstr "ãããããããåæ"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3911
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3908
 msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
 msgstr "ããããããããåæãããåéãããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3913
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3910
 msgid "_Best Fit"
 msgstr "ããããããåããã(_B)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3914
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3911
 msgid "Fit the image to the window"
 msgstr "çåãããããããåãããåãããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3919 ../src/eog-window.c:3934
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3916 ../src/eog-window.c:3931
 msgid "_Previous Image"
 msgstr "åãçåã(_P)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3920
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3917
 msgid "Go to the previous image of the gallery"
 msgstr "ããããããåãçåãèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3922
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3919
 msgid "_Next Image"
 msgstr "æãçåã(_N)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3923
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3920
 msgid "Go to the next image of the gallery"
 msgstr "ããããããæãçåãèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3925 ../src/eog-window.c:3937
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3922 ../src/eog-window.c:3934
 msgid "_First Image"
 msgstr "åéã(_F)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3926
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3923
 msgid "Go to the first image of the gallery"
 msgstr "ããããããäçæåãçåãèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3928 ../src/eog-window.c:3940
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3925 ../src/eog-window.c:3937
 msgid "_Last Image"
 msgstr "æåã(_L)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3929
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3926
 msgid "Go to the last image of the gallery"
 msgstr "ããããããäçæåãçåãèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3931
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3928
 msgid "_Random Image"
 msgstr "ãããããçå(_R)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3932
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3929
 msgid "Go to a random image of the gallery"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããçåãèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3946
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3943
 msgid "S_lideshow"
 msgstr "ããããããã(_L)"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:3947
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:3944
 msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
 msgstr "èæãçåãããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4013
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4010
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr "åã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4017
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4014
 msgid "Next"
 msgstr "æã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4021
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4018
 msgid "Right"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4024
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4021
 msgid "Left"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4027
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4024
 msgid "Show Folder"
 msgstr "ããããããèçãã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4030
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4027
 msgid "In"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4033
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4030
 msgid "Out"
 msgstr "çå"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4036
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4033
 msgid "Normal"
 msgstr "ææ"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4039
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4036
 msgid "Fit"
 msgstr "åããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4042
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4039
 msgid "Gallery"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4045
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4042
 msgctxt "action (to trash)"
 msgid "Trash"
 msgstr "ããç"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4411
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4408
 #, c-format
 msgid "Edit the current image using %s"
 msgstr "çåãçåã %s ãçéããã"
-#: ../src/eog-window.c:4413
+#: ../src/eog-window.c:4410
 msgid "Edit Image"
 msgstr "çåãçéãã"
-#: ../src/main.c:66
+#: ../src/main.c:71
 msgid "GNOME Image Viewer"
 msgstr "GNOME çåããããã"
-#: ../src/main.c:73
+#: ../src/main.c:78
 msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããéã"
-#: ../src/main.c:74
+#: ../src/main.c:79
 msgid "Disable image gallery"
 msgstr "çåããããããçåããã"
-#: ../src/main.c:75
+#: ../src/main.c:80
 msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããéã"
-#: ../src/main.c:76
+#: ../src/main.c:81
 msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
 msgstr "æåãããããããååçãããæãããããããããèåãã"
-#: ../src/main.c:77
-msgid ""
-"Open in a single window, if multiple windows are open the first one is used"
-msgstr ""
-"åäãããããããéã (èæãããããããéããããååãæåããããããã"
+#: ../src/main.c:82
+msgid "Open in a single window, if multiple windows are open the first one is used"
+msgstr "åäãããããããéã (èæãããããããéããããååãæåãããããããäçãã)"
-#: ../src/main.c:79
+#: ../src/main.c:84
 msgid "Show the application's version"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããèçãã"
-#: ../src/main.c:111
+#: ../src/main.c:116
 msgid "[FILEâ]"
 msgstr "[ããããâ]"
 #. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eog's command name.
-#: ../src/main.c:124
+#: ../src/main.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
-msgstr ""
-"'%s --help' ãåèãããåçåèããããããããããããããããããäèãè"
+msgstr "'%s --help' ãåèãããåçåèããããããããããããããããããäèãèçãããã"
+#~ msgctxt "PrefDlgSlideSwitchPrefix"
+#~ msgid "_Switch image after:"
+#~ msgstr "çåãåãæããéé(_S):"

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