[foundation-web] Added a script that returns the members that need renewal as well as ballots

commit 96148bbf1f226ec9a2d55aab78964833dd20c905
Author: Tobias Mueller <tobiasmue gnome org>
Date:   Wed May 18 15:57:57 2011 +0000

    Added a script that returns the members that need renewal as well as ballots
    I intend to run that script via a cronjob to inform the people of their need to renew.
    The second usecase is retrieving the ballots that were generated. Now, sending mails with the voting instructions can be done like this:
    ./get_renewees.py -s -l debug -t 16  voting-instructions.txt

 bin/get_renewees.py |  287 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/get_renewees.py b/bin/get_renewees.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..16f9a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/get_renewees.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This program gets the members from the MySQL Database that need renewal.
+By starting with --mode=day you can select only those members that need to
+renew today.
+With --mode=year you get the members that need to renew this year, i.e. 
+whole 2011.
+One can send email, too. Use the --send-mail switch to send email.
+If you want to test your setup, you can use --one-only=your address com to test
+whether email actually works or what From address is used, which is
+configurable with --from-address=other address com 
+In order to work properly, you need to have your MySQL client configured 
+properly, i.e. ~/.my.cnf should be set up with the appropriate 
+The reason to call MySQL client and not use the Python library is 
+mainly, that the MySQL bindings are not installed.
+import datetime
+    from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+    from email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
+    from email.charset import Charset
+except ImportError:
+    from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
+    from email.Charset import Charset
+    from email.MIMENonMultipart import MIMENonMultipart
+import logging
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import smtplib
+import StringIO
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+__author__ = "Tobias Mueller"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2011, The GNOME Project"
+__credits__ = ["Tobias Mueller",]
+__license__ = "GPLv3+"
+__version__ = "1.0.0"
+__maintainer__ = "Tobias Mueller"
+__email__ = "tobiasmue gnome org"
+Dear %(firstname)s,
+the last time, your GNOME Foundation Membership was renewed, was on
+The term of a membership is two years.
+If you want to continue being a member, you have to renew your 
+Please see http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/ for details.
+  The GNOME Membership and Elections Committee
+log = logging.getLogger()
+class MTText(MIMEText):
+    def __init__(self, _text, _subtype='plain', _charset='utf-8'):
+        if not isinstance(_charset, Charset):
+            _charset = Charset(_charset)
+        if isinstance(_text,unicode):
+            _text = _text.encode(_charset.input_charset)
+        MIMENonMultipart.__init__(self, 'text', _subtype,
+                                       **{'charset': _charset.input_charset})
+        self.set_payload(_text, _charset)
+def send_email(to, subject, emailtext, from_address = None, smtp_server = 'localhost'):
+    log = logging.getLogger('eMail')
+    s = None
+    from_address = from_address or "GNOME Membership and Elections Committee <membership-committee gnome org>"
+    msg = MTText(emailtext)
+    msg['To'] = to
+    msg['From'] = from_address
+    msg['Subject'] = subject
+    msgstr = msg.as_string()
+    if s is None:
+        s = smtplib.SMTP()
+        s.connect(smtp_server)
+    try:
+        log.info('Trying to send to %s, %s', to, subject)
+        s.sendmail(from_address, [to,], msgstr)
+    except smtplib.SMTPException,e :
+        log.warning("Error: Could not send to %s!" % (to,))
+        raise e
+    #if s:
+    #    s.quit()
+class Member(object):
+    def __init__(self, firstname, lastname, email, token_or_last_renewed_on):
+        self.firstname = firstname
+        self.lastname = lastname
+        self.email = email
+        self.token_or_last_renewed_on = token_or_last_renewed_on
+    @classmethod
+    def from_csv(cls, csvstring):
+        firstname, lastname, email, token_or_last_renewed_on = csvstring.strip().split(';')
+        return Member(firstname, lastname, email, token_or_last_renewed_on)
+def execute_query(query):
+    log.debug('MySQL Query: %s', query)
+    DATABASE = "foundation"
+    mysql_p = subprocess.Popen(['mysql', DATABASE], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    SQL_result, SQL_error = mysql_p.communicate(query)
+    if SQL_error:
+        sys.stderr.write('Error Executing SQL: %s' % SQL_error)
+    if not SQL_result:
+        log.info('NULL Result from SQL')
+        infile = StringIO.StringIO("")
+    else:
+        infile = StringIO.StringIO(SQL_result)
+        _ = infile.next() # The first line is garbage, I think it's MySQL output
+    return infile
+def get_members_which_need_renewal(mode):
+    """
+    Generates and executes a SQL Query which asks the foundation's database
+    for members that need to renew.
+    The base date is calculated from the mode argument:
+        election:   Last years 07-01 until this years 07-01
+        year:       Beginning of the year, i.e. 01.01. until 31.12.
+        month:      From 1st of this month to end of this month
+        day:        Members that need to renew this day
+    """
+                            YEAR(
+                                DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR)
+                            ),
+                            '-07-01')
+                        """.strip()# Last years July, 1st
+    ELECTION_TO_DATE = """CONCAT(YEAR(CURDATE()), '-07-01')""" # This years July, 1st
+    DAY_FROM_DATE = """DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d")"""
+    MONTH_FROM_DATE = """DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-01")"""
+    MONTH_TO_DATE = """LAST_DAY(NOW())"""
+    YEAR_FROM_DATE = """DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-01-01")"""
+    YEAR_TO_DATE = """DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-12-31")"""
+    (mysql_from_date, mysql_to_date) = {
+            'election': (ELECTION_FROM_DATE, ELECTION_TO_DATE),
+            'day':      (DAY_FROM_DATE,DAY_TO_DATE),
+            'month':    (MONTH_FROM_DATE, MONTH_TO_DATE),
+            'year':     (YEAR_FROM_DATE, YEAR_TO_DATE),
+        }[mode]
+    QUERY = '''
+               SET names 'utf8';
+               SELECT CONCAT(firstname, ';', lastname, ';', email, ';', last_renewed_on)
+               FROM foundationmembers
+               WHERE   last_renewed_on >= DATE_SUB(
+                         %(mysql_from_date)s ,
+                         INTERVAL 2 YEAR
+                      )
+                    AND last_renewed_on <= DATE_SUB(
+                         %(mysql_to_date)s ,
+                         INTERVAL 2 YEAR
+                       )
+               ORDER BY last_renewed_on;
+            '''.strip()
+    QUERY %= {'mysql_from_date': mysql_from_date,
+              'mysql_to_date': mysql_to_date}
+    infile = execute_query(QUERY)
+    memberlist = [Member.from_csv(line.strip()) for line in infile]
+    return memberlist
+def get_members_election_token(election_id):
+    '''
+    Execute a SQL query to get a list of members with their temporary election
+    token.
+    The token need to be created first, i.e. using smth like
+    INSERT INTO election_tmp_tokens (election_id, member_id, tmp_token)
+    SELECT @election_id, id, SUBSTRING(MD5(RAND()) FROM 1 FOR 24) AS tmp_token
+    FROM electorate;
+    '''    
+    QUERY = '''
+               SET names 'utf8';
+               SELECT CONCAT(firstname, ';', lastname, ';', email, ';', tmp_token)
+               FROM election_tmp_tokens, foundationmembers
+               WHERE election_id = %(election_id)s
+                 AND member_id = id;
+            '''.strip()
+    QUERY %= {'election_id': election_id}
+    result = execute_query(QUERY)
+    memberlist = [Member.from_csv(line.strip()) for line in result]
+    return memberlist
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option("-l", "--loglevel", dest="loglevel",
+                      help="Sets the loglevel to one of debug, info, warn, "
+                            "error, critical", default="info")
+    parser.add_option("-m", "--mode", dest="mode",
+                      help="Which members to get: one of year, month, day, election"
+                            " [default: %default]", default="month")
+    parser.add_option("-s", "--send-mail", dest="sendmail",
+                      help="Do indeed send mail [default: %default]",
+                      action="store_true",
+                      default=False)
+    parser.add_option("-t", "--token", dest="token_for_election",
+                      help="Process temporary token, instead of renewals."
+                      "Please give the election id, which you should know, as "
+                      "argument to this parameter. A program argument is also required"
+                      " to read the instructions as a template."
+                      "[default: %default]",
+                      default=False)
+    parser.add_option("-1", "--one-only", dest="oneonlyaddress",
+                      help="Send one mail only to this address [default: %default]",
+                      default=None)
+    parser.add_option("-f", "--from-address", dest="fromaddress",
+                      help="Use that as sending address [default: %default]",
+                      default="Tobias Mueller <tobiasmue gnome org>")
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    loglevel = {'debug': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO,
+                'warn': logging.WARN, 'error': logging.ERROR,
+                'critical': logging.CRITICAL}.get(options.loglevel, "warn")
+    LOGFORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s %(message)s"
+    DATEFORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+    logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, format=LOGFORMAT, datefmt=DATEFORMAT)
+    log = logging.getLogger('main')
+    if not options.token_for_election: # This is the default. We care about renewals
+        email_subject = 'Your GNOME Foundation Membership is about to expire'
+        logmsg = 'Needs Renewal: %s, %s, %s, %s'
+        template = TEMPLATE
+        members = get_members_which_need_renewal(options.mode)
+    else: # This is with -t option. We process election tokens.
+        email_subject = 'GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Elections %d - Voting Instructions' % datetime.date.today().year
+        logmsg = 'Sending Token: %s, %s, %s, %s'
+        template = open(args[0], "r").read()
+        members = get_members_election_token(options.token_for_election)
+    if options.oneonlyaddress:
+        members = [Member("firstname", "lastname", 
+                          options.oneonlyaddress, "2000-05-23")]
+    for member in members:
+        firstname, lastname, email, token_or_last_renewed_on = member.firstname, member.lastname, member.email, member.token_or_last_renewed_on
+        log.warn(logmsg, lastname, firstname, email, token_or_last_renewed_on)
+        emailtext = template % {'firstname':firstname, 'lastname':lastname,
+                                 'email': email, 'token_or_last_renewed_on': token_or_last_renewed_on,
+                               }
+        log.debug('The email to be sent is: %s', emailtext)
+        to = email
+        fromaddress = options.fromaddress
+        subject = email_subject
+        try:
+            if options.sendmail or options.oneonlyaddress:
+                send_email(to, subject, emailtext, fromaddress)
+        except smtplib.SMTPException,e :
+            log.error('Error sending to %s: %s', to, e)
+            try:
+                tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+            except TypeError:
+                tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+            tfile.writeline('To: %s' % to)
+            tfile.writeline('Subject: %s' % subject)
+            tfile.writeline('')
+            tfile.writeline('%s' % emailtext)
+            log.critical('eMail put in %s', tfile.name)

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