[gegl/samplers] Credits added for LBB-Nohalo.

commit 44c309c3a1e5b82919f044ea76f73fa13483ca38
Author: Adam Turcotte <aturcotte src gnome org>
Date:   Mon May 9 11:38:52 2011 -0400

    Credits added for LBB-Nohalo.

 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c |   36 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c
index 2277849..6f9e77a 100644
--- a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c
@@ -17,8 +17,16 @@
  * 2009-2011 (c) Nicolas Robidoux, Adam Turcotte, Chantal Racette,
  * �yvind Kolås and John Cupitt.
- * Nicolas Robidoux thanks Geert Jordaens, Ralf Meyer, Minglun Gong,
- * Eric Daoust and Sven Neumann for useful comments and code.
+ * Nohalo with LBB finishing scheme was developed by Nicolas Robidoux
+ * and Chantal Racette of the Department of Mathematics and Computer
+ * Science of Laurentian University in the course of C. Racette's
+ * Masters thesis in Computational Sciences. Preliminary work on
+ * Nohalo and monotone interpolation was performed by C. Racette and
+ * N. Robidoux in the course of her honours thesis, by N. Robidoux,
+ * A. Turcotte and E. Daoust during Google Summer of Code 2009
+ * (through two awards made to GIMP to improve GEGL), and was
+ * initiated in 2008--2009 by N. Robidoux, A. Turcotte, J. Cupitt,
+ * M. Gong and K. Martinez.
  * N. Robidoux's early research on Nohalo funded in part by an NSERC
  * (National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
@@ -26,23 +34,17 @@
  * Chantal Racette's image resampling research and programming funded
  * in part by a NSERC Discovery Grant awarded to Julien Dompierre
- * (20-61098).
+ * (20-61098) and by a NSERC Graduate Scholarship awarded to her.
- * A. Turcotte's image resampling research on reduced halo funded in
- * part by Ontario Graduate Studies (OGS) Masters scholarship and an
- * NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarhip awarded to
- * him and by a Google Summer of Code 2010 award awarded to GIMP (Gnu
- * Image Manipulation Program).
+ * A. Turcotte's image resampling research on reduced halo methods and
+ * jacobian adaptive methods funded in part by Ontario Graduate
+ * Studies (OGS) Masters scholarship and an NSERC Alexander Graham
+ * Bell Canada Graduate Scholarhip awarded to him and by a Google
+ * Summer of Code 2010 award awarded to GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation
+ * Program).
- * Nohalo with LBB finishing scheme was developed by Nicolas Robidoux
- * and Chantal Racette of the Department of Mathematics and Computer
- * Science of Laurentian University in the course of C. Racette's
- * Masters thesis in Computational Sciences. Preliminary work on
- * Nohalo and monotone interpolation was performed by C. Racette and
- * N. Robidoux in the course of her honours thesis, by N. Robidoux,
- * A. Turcotte and E. Daoust during Google Summer of Code 2009
- * (through two awards made to GIMP to improve GEGL), and, earlier, by
- * N. Robidoux, A. Turcotte, J. Cupitt, M. Gong and K. Martinez.
+ * Nicolas Robidoux thanks Geert Jordaens, Ralf Meyer, Minglun Gong,
+ * Eric Daoust and Sven Neumann for useful comments and code.

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