[gcompris/gcomprixogoo] Major rework of the parsing algo in wiktio2xml. Added support for hyponym and hyperonym. Added suppo

commit 16f702ac931bb9f6a852214a37fed4de62d5c7fc
Author: Bruno Coudoin <bruno coudoin free fr>
Date:   Sat Sep 25 02:16:47 2010 +0200

    Major rework of the parsing algo in wiktio2xml. Added support for
    hyponym and hyperonym. Added support for images.

 tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio.py     |  103 +++++++++++++++---------
 tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio2xml.py |  175 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio.py b/tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio.py
index ec99116..8331e9b 100644
--- a/tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio.py
+++ b/tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio.py
@@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ class Definition:
         self.subType = ""
         self.filtered = False
         self.gender = ""
+        self.synonym = []
+        self.antonym = []
+        self.anagram = []
+        self.hyperonym = []
+        self.hyponym = []
+        self.prononciation = []
+        self.category = []
+        self.image = []
     def addText(self, text):
         self.text += text
@@ -41,31 +49,6 @@ class Definition:
     def setGender(self, gender):
         self.gender = gender
-    def dump2html(self):
-        if self.filtered:
-            return
-        print "<h3>" + self.type + \
-            " " + self.subType + \
-            " " + self.gender + "</h3>"
-        print self.text
-class Word:
-    def __init__ (self, name = None):
-        self.name = name
-        self.definition = []
-        self.synonym = []
-        self.antonym = []
-        self.anagram = []
-        self.prononciation = []
-        self.category = []
-    def setName(self, name):
-        self.name = name
-    def addDefinition(self, definition):
-        self.definition.append(definition)
     def addSynonym(self, synonym):
         if len(synonym):
@@ -78,6 +61,14 @@ class Word:
         if len(anagram):
+    def addHyperonym(self, hyperonym):
+        if len(hyperonym):
+            self.hyperonym.append(hyperonym)
+    def addHyponym(self, hyponym):
+        if len(hyponym):
+            self.hyponym.append(hyponym)
     def addPrononciation(self, prononciation):
         if len(prononciation):
@@ -86,14 +77,16 @@ class Word:
         if len(category):
-    def dump2htmlItem(self, title, liste):
-        if len(liste):
-            print "<h2>" + title + "</h2>"
-            for s in liste:
-                if s.find(":") >= 0:
-                    print "<br></br>" + s
-                else:
-                    print s
+    def addImage(self, image):
+        if len(image):
+            self.image.append(image)
+    def dump2htmlImage(self):
+        if self.image:
+            prefix = "http://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/Fichier:";
+            for img in self.image:
+                print "<a href='" + prefix + img + "'>" + \
+                    img + '</a><br/>'
     def dump2htmlPrononciation(self, title, liste):
         prefix = "http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:";
@@ -105,17 +98,51 @@ class Word:
                     + s + "</a></li>"
             print "</ul>"
+    def dump2htmlItem(self, title, liste):
+        if len(liste):
+            print "<h2>" + title + "</h2>"
+            for s in liste:
+                if s.find(":") >= 0:
+                    print "<br/>" + s
+                else:
+                    print s + ", "
+    def dump2html(self):
+        if self.filtered:
+            return
+        print "<h3>" + self.type + \
+            " " + self.subType + \
+            " " + self.gender + "</h3>"
+        self.dump2htmlImage()
+        print self.text
+        self.dump2htmlItem("Synonymes", self.synonym)
+        self.dump2htmlItem("Antonymes", self.antonym)
+        self.dump2htmlItem("Anagrammes", self.anagram)
+        self.dump2htmlItem("Hyperonymes", self.hyperonym)
+        self.dump2htmlItem("Hyponymes", self.hyponym)
+        self.dump2htmlPrononciation("Prononciation", self.prononciation)
+        self.dump2htmlItem(u"Catégories", self.category)
+class Word:
+    def __init__ (self, name = None):
+        self.name = name
+        self.definition = []
+    def setName(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+    def addDefinition(self, definition):
+        self.definition.append(definition)
     def dump2html(self):
         print "<hr></hr>"
         print "<h1>" + self.name + "</h1>"
         for d in self.definition:
-        self.dump2htmlItem("Synonym", self.synonym)
-        self.dump2htmlItem("Antonym", self.antonym)
-        self.dump2htmlItem("Anagram", self.anagram)
-        self.dump2htmlPrononciation("Prononciation", self.prononciation)
-        self.dump2htmlItem("Category", self.category)
 class Wiktio:
diff --git a/tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio2xml.py b/tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio2xml.py
index a9bf269..90335b0 100755
--- a/tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio2xml.py
+++ b/tools/wiktio2xml/wiktio2xml.py
@@ -233,11 +233,19 @@ class WikiHandler(ContentHandler):
     # Wikipedia text content is interpreted and transformed in XML
     def parseText(self):
         inWord = wiktio.Word()
-        inDefinition = None
-        inAnagram = False
-        inSynonym = False
-        inAntonym = False
-        inPron = False
+        definition = None
+        (DEFINITION,
+         ANAGRAM,
+         SYNONYM,
+         ANTONYM,
+         HYPERONYM,
+         HYPONYM,
+         PRON,
+         SKIP) = range(0, 8)
+        state = SKIP
         wordType = ""
         wordSubType = ""
         filterIndent = ""
@@ -250,22 +258,80 @@ class WikiHandler(ContentHandler):
         self.textContent = re.sub(r"<!--[^>]*-->", "",
                                   self.textContent, re.M)
+        definition = wiktio.Definition()
         concat = ""
         for l in self.textContent.splitlines():
             l = concat + l
             next = False
             if re.search(r"<[^>]+$", l):
-                # Wiki uses a trick to format text area by endind in uncomplete
+                # Wiki uses a trick to format text area by ending in uncomplete
                 # html tags. In this case, we concat this line with the next one
                 # before processing it
                 concat = l
+            # Determine the section of the document we are in
+            if l.startswith("'''" + self.titleContent + "'''"):
+                inWord.setName(self.titleContent)
+                # Get rid of the word, we don't want it in the definition
+                l = re.sub(r"'''.*'''(.*)", r"\1", l)
+                state = DEFINITION
+            elif l == "{{-anagr-}}":
+                state = ANAGRAM
+            elif l == "{{-syn-}}":
+                state = SYNONYM
+            elif l == "{{-ant-}}":
+                state = ANTONYM
+            elif l == "{{-hyper-}}":
+                state = HYPERONYM
+            elif l == "{{-hypo-}}":
+                state = HYPONYM
+            elif l == "{{-pron-}}":
+                state = PRON
+            elif re.search(r"{{-.*-.*}}", l):
+                if definition.text != "":
+                    # Force a <ul> close if needed
+                    definition.addText(self.wiki2xml("", False))
+                    inWord.addDefinition(definition)
+                    # Next definition
+                    definition = wiktio.Definition()
+                state = SKIP
+            # Are we still in the correct language section
+            # We assume the correct language is ahead
+            lang = re.match(r"== {{=([a-z]+)=}} ==", l)
+            if lang and lang.group(1) != None and lang.group(1) != self.locale:
+                return inWord
+            # Image
+            if definition and re.match(ur"\[\[Image:", l):
+                text = re.sub(ur"\[\[Image:([^|}\]]+).*", r"\1", l)
+                definition.addImage(text)
+                continue
+            for wt in self.wordTypes.keys():
+                if re.search(wt, l):
+                    wordType = self.wordTypes[wt]
+                    definition.setType(wordType)
+            for wt in self.genders.keys():
+                if re.search(wt, l):
+                    gender = self.genders[wt]
+                    definition.setGender(gender)
+            for wt in self.wordSubTypes.keys():
+                if re.search(wt, l):
+                    wordSubType = self.wordSubTypes[wt]
+                    definition.setSubType(wordSubType)
+            if state == SKIP:
+                continue
             for filter in self.filterContent:
                 if re.search(filter, l, re.I):
-                    if inDefinition:
-                        inDefinition.filtered = True
+                    if definition:
+                        definition.filtered = True
             if filterIndent != "":
                 # We are filtering, check this line is
@@ -292,81 +358,28 @@ class WikiHandler(ContentHandler):
             # Categories
-            if re.match(ur"\[\[Catégorie:", l):
-                text = re.sub(ur"\[\[Catégorie:(.*)\]\]", r"\1", l)
-                inWord.addCategory(text)
+            if definition and re.match(ur"\[\[Catégorie:", l):
+                text = re.sub(ur"\[\[Catégorie:([^|}\]]+).*", r"\1", l)
+                definition.addCategory(text)
-            # Are we still in the correct language section
-            # We assume the correct language is ahead
-            lang = re.match(r"== {{=([a-z]+)=}} ==", l)
-            if lang and lang.group(1) != None and lang.group(1) != self.locale:
-                return inWord
-            for wt in self.wordTypes.keys():
-                if re.search(wt, l):
-                    wordType = self.wordTypes[wt]
-            for wt in self.genders.keys():
-                if re.search(wt, l):
-                    gender = self.genders[wt]
-            for wt in self.wordSubTypes.keys():
-                if re.search(wt, l):
-                    wordSubType = self.wordSubTypes[wt]
-            if inDefinition:
-                if not re.search(r"{{-.*-.*}}", l):
-                    inDefinition.addText(self.wiki2xml(l, False))
-                else:
-                    # Force a <ul> close if needed
-                    inDefinition.addText(self.wiki2xml("", False))
-                    inWord.addDefinition(inDefinition)
-                    inDefinition = None
-            if inAnagram:
-                if not re.search(r"{{-.*-.*}}", l) and len(l) > 0:
-                    inWord.addAnagram(self.wiki2xml(l, True))
-                else:
-                    inAnagram = False
-            if inSynonym:
-                if not re.search(r"{{-.*-.*}}", l):
-                    inWord.addSynonym(self.wiki2xml(l, True))
-                else:
-                    inSynonym = False
-            if inAntonym:
-                if not re.search(r"{{-.*-.*}}", l):
-                    inWord.addAntonym(self.wiki2xml(l, True))
-                else:
-                    inAntonym = False
-            if inPron:
-                if not re.search(r"{{-.*-.*}}", l):
-                    file = re.subn(r".*audio=([^|}]+).*", r"\1", l)
-                    if file[1] == 1:
-                        inWord.addPrononciation(file[0])
-                else:
-                    inPron = False
-            if l.startswith("'''" + self.titleContent + "'''"):
-                inWord.setName(self.titleContent)
-                inDefinition = wiktio.Definition()
-                inDefinition.setType(wordType)
-                inDefinition.setSubType(wordSubType)
-                inDefinition.setGender(gender)
-                wordType = ""
-                wordSubType = ""
-                gender = ""
-            elif l == "{{-anagr-}}":
-                inAnagram = True
-            elif l == "{{-syn-}}":
-                inSynonym= True
-            elif l == "{{-ant-}}":
-                inAntonym = True
-            elif l == "{{-pron-}}":
-                inPron = True
+            if state == DEFINITION:
+                definition.addText(self.wiki2xml(l, False))
+            elif state == ANAGRAM:
+                if len(l) > 0:
+                    definition.addAnagram(self.wiki2xml(l, True))
+            elif state == SYNONYM:
+                definition.addSynonym(self.wiki2xml(l, True))
+            elif state == ANTONYM:
+                definition.addAntonym(self.wiki2xml(l, True))
+            elif state == HYPERONYM:
+                definition.addHyperonym(self.wiki2xml(l, True))
+            elif state == HYPONYM:
+                definition.addHyponym(self.wiki2xml(l, True))
+            elif state == PRON:
+                file = re.subn(r".*audio=([^|}]+).*", r"\1", l)
+                if file[1] == 1:
+                    definition.addPrononciation(file[0])
         return inWord

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