[banshee/grid] (346 commits) ...[grid] fix VirtualSize computation

Summary of changes:

  dbf53ab... Update AUTHORS and add script to gen it (*)
  45c0abe... Fix crash caused if missing icons (BGO #607822) (*)
  10e9a26... Add a bit of padding above lower-left artwork (*)
  b3525a8... Don't draw a border around NowPlaying artwork (*)
  8d2baa2... Fix NowPlayingTrackInfo artwork changing (*)
  b1c634b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  f185ad7... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  736bb8a... Update contributors for 1.5.3 (*)
  8b6bff6... Various small fixes to NEWS for 1.5.3 (*)
  83061e2... Updates Serbian translations (*)
  246484d... [ListView] Fix a visual artifact (bgo#605736) (*)
  9266c5c... Updated British English translation (*)
  9e804a6... Updated Italian translation (*)
  dc67341... Add latest translation contributors to NEWS (*)
  dd8b912... Update translators.xml (*)
  ce526e3... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  c87263c... [daap] Fix issue with authenticating (bgo#487203) (*)
  99b0c10... [build] fix some runtime errors in linux/mingw (*)
  1dd8151... Updated Serbian translations (*)
  4d9b468... Fix for rockbox flac (bgo#600086) (*)
  ae4f3b9... [daap] Don't allow editing DAAP track metadata (*)
  4c17d34... [Dap.MassStorage] Make sure loaded before auto-sync (*)
  19c59e8... [dap] Make DAP management less frustrating (*)
  57960a6... Updated German translation (*)
  51bf6a7... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  72de009... Add X-GNOME-FullName to .desktop files (bgo#596242) (*)
  9125220... Update NEWS (*)
  63209ea... Update AUTHORS (*)
  7412596... Update NEWS (*)
  03764a4... [NEWS] Mention the return of OS X support (*)
  08f93be... Fix bug in generating the ArtistNameSortKey (*)
  77f35d2... Update translators.xml (*)
  0445779... [bundle] Patches for small OSX improvements (*)
  ac49a9c... [bockbuild] parse cmd line in Profile ctor (*)
  7568aad... [bundle] build banshee release tarball on --release (*)
  932e972... [bundle] fix the upstream tarball url for banshee (*)
  98ecd6d... [build] Do not delete common.desktop in make clean (*)
  1d1a748... [darwin] bundle the new gtkrc keybinding file (*)
  6a30709... [bundle] do not use realpath when finding root (*)
  21742d3... [bundle] use g_strdup since name will be freed (*)
  1cb5a08... [Dap.MassStorage] Add Palm Pre icons (*)
  a9ccc58... [moblin] fix bnc572614, works around mutter bug (*)
  182dec3... [RemoteAudio] Fixed compile error (*)
  026fa22... [build] Fixed --disable-docs (*)
  92116f0... [build] replace obvious bashism with cryptic junk (*)
  b1a2c57... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  eba7bfd... [gio] Fix error creating existing dir (bgo#608372) (*)
  85a99db... [bockbuild] add back global_configure_flags support (*)
  3387eec... [bockbuild] fix print_help error (*)
  90059a1... [build] couple more fixes for mingw build (*)
  da299fc... Add tooltip for playback error column (*)
  b0898c0... [WrapLabel] Show text in tooltip if ellipsized (*)
  ff1d97a... [InternetArchive] Go to Search src on item close (*)
  d254f47... [InternetArchive] Lazy-load items' data and GUI (*)
  aa029c8... [Nereid] Nuke 'Search' label, make the entry wider (*)
  95e9c6a... Add label to make source-specific dropdown clearer (*)
  1d6a61b... [darwin] add check to regenerate .app config files (*)
  68ddf2e... [darwin] clean up the old build/osx dir (*)
  f30dd80... [darwin] set PATH env variable (bgo#608298) (*)
  15bfd6d... [dap] Let the user know if syncing a missing file (*)
  b88495c... [darwin] add a gmcs wrapper to the skeleton (*)
  92ae8c5... [darwin] collect gmcs.exe and cecil reflector (*)
  c0959cc... [darwin] add copyright header to gtkrc file (*)
  7d921c2... Import from top-level hidden dirs (bgo#601068) (*)
  95b1523... Enable webkit/wikipedia extension by default (*)
  6c1d788... Update several .csproj files (*)
  6f3c236... More .csproj updates (*)
  ef42bc4... Fix up several extensions' .csprojs (*)
  d2a1352... More .csproj fixing (*)
  3d58887... More .csproj fixing (*)
  c37e272... More .csproj fixing (*)
  d1f4de9... Use Unicode codes for quotation marks (bgo#608243) (*)
  9c2b0cc... Set TargetFrameworkVersion to v3.5 in all .csprojs (*)
  7d045f5... More .csproj fixing (*)
  4e7827f... More .csproj fixing (*)
  d9890a5... More .csproj fixing (*)
  67e8aba... More .csproj fixing (*)
  9fb17bc... [Hyena.Json] Safely cast stream.Read () to char (*)
  3c2fec7... Fix crash in ColumnCellCreativeCommons if no pixbufs (*)
  122eaa7... Whoops, didn't entirely fix CC-column NRE (*)
  0e6e0f2... Avoid NRE in media profiles combo box (*)
  e80d11d... On Windows, hack around a playback crash (*)
  5c02a12... [SQLiteConvert] Fix some bad line endings (*)
  a54a6d7... Explain how to manually sort playlists (*)
  13750c4... [podcasts] Simplify the default column set (*)
  8cb16d8... [KeyValueParser] Quoted values (bgo#608917) (*)
  1c464b2... [LibraryWatcher] Enable only for music/video (bgo#608829) (*)
  8671b92... [CoverArtEditor] Fix a NRE (bgo#608844) (*)
  d346266... Follow symlinks when scanning (bgo#545768) (*)
  e228bd5... Fix bug parsing some Ogg rating vals (bgo#608835) (*)
  ea1e903... [StreamTagger] Preserve IsCompilation flag (bgo#598981) (*)
  a8be6f2... [Lastfm] Updated to API change (*)
  1c6982f... [darwin] disable webkit when configuring Banshee (*)
  34d1363... [GtkUtilities] bind gtk_show_uri (bgo#587320) (*)
  87a6660... [gnome] remove gnome-sharp dependency (bgo#587320) (*)
  346d384... whitespace fix (*)
  4387c49... [SeekDialog] drop glade dependency (bgo#589705) (*)
  9134a3c... [LastfmRequest] Catch WebException (bgo#609054) (*)
  cb70e01... [BansheeDialog] override Dialog.Run for nicer API (*)
  a10c09c... [OpenLocationDialog] drop glade dep (bgo#589705) (*)
  0bbb414... [FileSystemQueue] Delete from drive command (bgo#609100) (*)
  6a9e6dc... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  fa06528... [PlatformDetection] more extensive probing (*)
  f780e62... [PlatformDetection] remove pointless IsPosix field (*)
  48cdc51... [GStreamer.Service] use PlatformDetection (*)
  2e13aa6... [PixbufImageSurface] use PlatformDetection (*)
  869cae1... [Nereid] Add a few Moblin/OSX specific tweaks (*)
  2bea5b7... [MoblinService] Remove a few hacks (*)
  8c5722f... [OsxService] don't try to hide the main menu (*)
  32cce24... [BansheeDialog] increase border width (*)
  3a7e1c4... [ImportDialog] drop glade dep (bgo#589705) (*)
  872f5eb... [BansheeDialog] add a default constructor (*)
  0cde8ac... [SmartPlaylist.Editor] drop glade dep (bgo#589705) (*)
  e17ef62... [ErrorListDialog] drop glade dep (bgo#589705) (*)
  d6f3173... [StationEditor] drop glade dep (bgo#589705) (*)
  d3c06da... Remove all glade resources/utilities (bgo#589705) (*)
  88a9122... Update POTFILES.in (*)
  cdb5089... [TrackInfoDisplay] Fix a memory leak (bgo#555365) (*)
  1b04039... Dispose TreePath instances (bgo#555365) (*)
  d1a02cb... Dispose FontDescription instances (bgo#555365) (*)
  3f5deb9... [Equalizer] Big refactor of EQ preset management (*)
  ec4f509... [Equalizer] support read-only presets (*)
  2980129... [Equalizer] copy EQ of current preset to new (*)
  7d45345... [EqualizerPresetComboBox] Fix row separator bug (*)
  c584e79... Hungarian translation updated (*)
  5515f00... Add run-profile-heap target (*)
  e6af5c4... Set our C# style preferences in Banshee.sln (*)
  ebe1dc7... Fix Banshee.sln build; metrics aren't ready yet ;) (*)
  a21d9b6... Define folder structure and header in Banshee.sln (*)
  0023016... [Hyena.Metrics] New system for instrumenting apps (*)
  6f3099d... Fix spacing in the Banshee.sln default header (*)
  6a0d543... [Hyena.Metrics] Fixes and improvements (*)
  8c5e12b... Add Banshee pref to enable anon usage collection (*)
  08105f5... [Hyena.Json] Fixed unit tests (*)
  1b9703b... [TrackInfoDisplay] Fix a crash (bgo#609597) (*)
  52eed8a... Properly (and consistently) dispose CairoContext (*)
  32bac7b... Dispose copied FontDescriptions (*)
  238f01f... [Hyena.Metrics] Tweak metrics (*)
  bc27b85... Add some Banshee-specific metrics (version, etc) (*)
  5af0802... [Banshee.Metrics] Fix build (*)
  9b93f74... [Hyena.Metrics] Store sample data by category too (*)
  ea141b2... [Banshee.Metrics] Add source-specific metrics (*)
  43a0d59... [Hyena.Metrics] Fix unit test (*)
  2164b5e... [Hyena.Json] Factor Dump methods into a serializer (*)
  dc9ff32... [Hyena.Json] Make serializer into extension methods (*)
  6cbc0ac... [Hyena.Json] Add support for serializing IGroupings (*)
  c95e6b9... [Hyena.Metrics] Add JSON MetricsCollection method (*)
  ed32a82... [Hyena.Metrics] Fix typo in header (*)
  2576993... [Hyena.Data] CommandExecuted now usable w/o logall (*)
  adff2eb... [Hyena.Metrics] Add Metric.PushSample method (*)
  87f80a4... [Banshee.Metrics] Add static Started/Stopped events (*)
  aa7de89... [Hyena.Metrics] Reorganize, simplify (*)
  c805f75... [Banshee.Metrics] Record whitelisted config options (*)
  751a64a... [Banshee.Metrics] Add display-related metrics (*)
  b1abe81... [Banshee.Metrics] Cleanup, whitelist some more configs (*)
  8ec4668... Update POTFILES.in (*)
  ff8c634... [Banshee.Metrics] Add metrics (*)
  3528188... [Hyena.Metrics] Fix HttpPoster, and add server script (*)
  5625372... [Banshee.Metrics] Post data if have --debug-metrics (*)
  39a1c12... More disposing (*)
  2384e94... Undo over-disposing (*)
  594f9b1... [TrackInfoDisplay] Reset artwork on idle (bgo#609759) (*)
  d8e6b6f... [build] Fix syntax of global "make run" rule (*)
  32e3f78... [build] Fix compilation of Mono.Data.Sqlite from MD (*)
  e16f4e6... Allow debugging from MonoDevelop (*)
  5956e61... [Mtp] Fix some leaks with Albums and Playlists in the bindi (*)
  390d7aa... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  0bd9992... Undo over-disposing (*)
  51ae4cd... [build] Add banshee-1-mono-data-sqlite.pc.in (*)
  0f5ec75... Update translators (*)
  c2b3814... [TrackActions] Open containing folder (bgo#609315) (*)
  7ca66bb... [Hyena.Metrics] Fixed unit test (*)
  3d8dfc2... Undo over-disposing (*)
  0bbe7c6... [ListView] Keep selection visible when sorting (bgo#609868) (*)
  33a5dc4... [perf-analyze-log] show total times, in python now (*)
  206e2e3... Add ShuffleModes extension point (*)
  b9f945e... [Hyena.Data.Sqlite] Augment code comment (*)
  13931e6... Fix just-broken shuffle mode pref saving/restoring (*)
  4c4d465... Hungarian translation updated (*)
  b915327... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  90f0740... [HyenaSqliteCommand] Fix exception handling (bgo#609799) (*)
  2b9518c... [build] some more useful run targets (*)
  8a306de... [Nereid] construct the player UI when first shown (*)
  cb16ec8... [BaseClientWindow] don't call base.OnDeleteEvent (*)
  d542982... [ListView_Header] hack to work around endless loop (*)
  6a6a3c1... [PlayQueueSource] add disposal-aware Clear () (*)
  bd6e6ac... [Hyena.Data.Sqlite] Add BinaryFunction class (*)
  af270ce... Limit RandomBy query to 1 result (*)
  1a68013... [Hyena.Data.Sqlite] Make GetSingle more flexible (*)
  74e43d8... Make GetSingle changes available to RandomBy (*)
  8077ea4... [Shuffler] Use null-checked FirstOrDefault (*)
  67e4d7b... [Hyena.Data.Sqlite] Add Delete (condition) override (*)
  c1922dc... [Hyena.Widgets] Add MenuButton.Menu setter (*)
  7c40ad5... [Banshee.Widgets] Add Default to DictionaryComboBox (*)
  ce922ba... [Shuffler] Fix removing RandomBy when addin disabled (*)
  d153c11... [Shuffler] Fix UI updates when random modes change (*)
  1bf0ea0... [configure.ac] Bump to 1.5.4 for upcoming release (*)
  b318098... Revert "[build] Add banshee-1-mono-data-sqlite.pc.in" (*)
  b405329... New media art storage spec (bgo#520516) (*)
  641254f... Update Czech translation by Marek Cernocky (*)
  712fd81... [PlaybackShuffleActions] Fix shuffle mode initialization (*)
  e781bb8... [Hyena] Add invariant DateTime string methods (*)
  e350e5b... [Hyena.Metrics] Use invariant date representation (*)
  5ca411e... Fix a crash when playing videos in queue (bgo#590085) (*)
  61911ef... [TrackInfoDisplay] Fix a crash (*)
  762363e... [Banshee.Metrics] Send data to server if opted-in (*)
  c9313ae... [Hyena.Json] Add Serializer, and associated tests (*)
  4a8d537... [Hyena.Json] Use invariant locale to serialize floats (*)
  f735cd2... [Hyena.Json] Nuke old serializer, improve new one (*)
  c3ba9b0... [Hyena.Metrics] Clean up, make Sample subclassable (*)
  c97c1b7... [extras/metrics] New project to load/analyze metrics data (*)
  3db7ba3... [PlayQueueSource] Store some settings in db (bgo#603814) (*)
  0328ab7... Update translators.xml (*)
  8fef2fb... [extras/metrics] Start doing some basic analysis (*)
  b181281... Update Czech translation by Marek Cernocky (*)
  9f796f6... [RandomBy] Add TODO comment (*)
  fab21b4... Update NEWS for upcoming 1.5.4 release (*)
  e51fc73... [MiniMode] drop glade dep (bgo#589705) (*)
  e744305... [build] Remove glade-sharp dep (*)
  5ba5275... Mention glade-sharp dep removal in NEWS (*)
  e24ddcb... Updated Portuguese translation (*)
  956bb35... Remove .glade file from POTFILES.in (*)
  5a0734b... Update translators.xml (*)
  d191726... [MiniMode] MD-formatted Makefile.am (*)
  8eddc24... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  f348d35... [Shuffler] Build with Mono.Addins 0.3.1 (bgo#610403) (*)
  546e79c... Disambiguate SqliteModelCache.GetSingle calls (*)
  e8315c6... [Hyena.Data.Sqlite] Fix selecting values from cache (*)
  defd228... Update NEWS (*)
  c4934da... Undo overdisposing (bgo#610728) (*)
  ad9880c... [extras/metrics] Start adding some cool analysis (*)
  c519a80... [Banshee.Metrics] Clear old metrics after posting (*)
  f4f7355... [extras/metrics] Rough analysis of almost all metrics (*)
  1aa015b... Make activating an artist/album play from the start (*)
  c3fcc5a... [Dap.MassStorage] Use Palm Pre icon (*)
  3c9fa04... [Dap.MassStorage] Add support for the Nokia N900 (*)
  c7fa570... [Dap.MassStorage] Add Nokia N900 icon (*)
  b1ddeb2... Mention N900 support in NEWS (*)
  90b7abc... Update translators.xml (*)
  9c1aa2b... [extras] Improvements to create-contributors-paragraph scri (*)
  f10d7ec... Update contributors for 1.5.4 (*)
  f10f6dc... Read/write IsCompilation from/to vorbis comment (*)
  295bbfd... Add support for sample rate and bits per sample (bgo#605223 (*)
  b07c83e... [Dap.Ipod] Cast SampleRate to ushort for older Mono (*)
  3d5f74c... Option to sub-sort the track list by album year (bgo#577680 (*)
  0bfbca1... Update NEWS (*)
  d7019bb... Add the Extensions subdir to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (*)
  139907d... [FileNamePattern] Bring back static API (*)
  7c640ff... Mention FileNamePattern API in NEWS (*)
  b5e8ba7... [OsxBackend] Added OsxIntegration APIs (*)
  d2f4963... [MiniMode] remove glade file reference from csproj (*)
  4300240... [OsxBackend] fix build to include OsxIntegration (*)
  ea8fead... [OsxBackend] Remove XML UI resource, embedded now (*)
  0c70ca4... [OsxBackend] Code cleanup and use OsxIntegration (*)
  26f3372... [OsxService] update copyright header (*)
  2d215ee... [bundle] remove ige-mac-integration-sharp dep (*)
  c6ef00b... A few more NEWS updates (*)
  a3d2e78... [bundle] update to latest versions of deps (*)
  3552800... [bundle] fix ige-mac-integration detection (*)
  372e713... [bundle] fix typo in fontconfig package (*)
  a028fe7... [darwin] add first-run magic file to bundle skel (*)
  eeea620... [darwin] obsolete --enable-osx, auto-detect darwin (*)
  97bd95a... Updated German translation (*)
  faef8b9... Update Czech translation (*)
  8068527... [extras/metrics] Tweaks (*)
  6607d50... [extras/metrics] Add Makefile.am (*)
  be9021b... [Dap.MassStorage] Add MaemoDevice to csproj (*)
  ab81b89... [darwin] package Monobjc as an experiment (*)
  5a0794f... [bockbuild] add pushd/popd support (*)
  f92933d... [darwin] add the missing Monobjc Makefile (*)
  854fe28... [BansheeQuery] Fix an exception (bgo#611128) (*)
  b024b64... [Halie] Relative values for --set-volume (bgo#610981) (*)
  82aa878... Updated German translation (*)
  18272b3... Updated Serbian translations (*)
  424a345... [extras/metrics] Better analysis (*)
  9afb519... [build] *.csproj fixes for building on windows (*)
  45ecb8a... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  109b505... Fix .gitattributes for Windows (*)
  d885c99... [EqualizerSetting] Use InvariantCulture for float values (b (*)
  1b24552... Update Czech translation by Marek Cernocky (*)
  967b0b6... [PreferencesDialog] Fix jumping to a source's prefs (*)
  00ece37... [Banshee.Configuration] Wrap Get in try/catch (*)
  871e5ee... [Banshee.Metrics] Post data only every 48 hours (*)
  e166a3a... [Hyena] Make CryptoUtil.Md5Encode thread-safe (*)
  c88ee9c... [extras/metrics] Better analysis (*)
  1ac3055... [TrackInfo] Don't include Duration in MetadataHash (*)
  a28f29e... Update MAINTAINERS and banshee.doap (*)
  e743b00... Update .gitattributes (*)
  deff80f... Update taglib-sharp refs in .csproj files (*)
  4199933... Add ref to Gio# in Banshee.Gio.csproj (*)
  ffc9f0f... More .csproj references fixing (*)
  fb3c382... Improve search responsiveness on large libraries (*)
  0dc480e... Allow choosing non-local library locations supported (*)
  a6b2345... Change slow-query thresholds to 6k/12k items (*)
  3067390... Update to build on Windows with MonoDevelop 2.2.1 (*)
  01d961c... MonoDevelop on Linux's take on the .csproj refs (*)
  538b925... Remove Banshee.Gio from Windows build (*)
  34864bd... [Banshee.NotificationArea] Reconcile build setups (*)
  b6c8099... [Banshee.GStreamer] Define WIN32 in .csproj (*)
  2d85e5e... [Shuffler] Add table/method to record discards (*)
  423b0ea... [Shuffler] Add bulk RecordShuffles/Discards methods (*)
  005eb60... [PlayQueue] Record manually added/discarded songs (*)
  d6f45d7... Disable keybindings for IDisableKeybindings widgets (*)
  56d7020... [configure.ac] Bump to 1.5.5 for upcoming release (*)
  0e3ffc8... [configure.ac] 1.5.5 is 1.6 RC1 (*)
  80935e3... Update translators.xml (*)
  05cca6d... [Dap] Warn the user if sync deletes more than 10 files (bgo (*)
  55ea857... Add YouTube extension (bgo#576666) (*)
  8a55128... [YouTube] Add project to the solution (*)
  c608172... [YouTube] Fix project references (*)
  0f9650f... [YouTube] Thread-safe UI update (*)
  f054fe9... [YouTube] Dispose HttpWebResponse and some streams (*)
  4613400... [YouTube] Set videos' album as YouTube (*)
  9f7a687... [Dap.MassStorage] Add Google Nexus One image (lp#532182) (*)
  7b4be9f... [X11NotificationAreaBox] Make the area transparent (bgo#588 (*)
  61e0de9... [PlaybackControllerService] Clear the redo stack on shuffle (*)
  b6f319c... [RssParser] Accept feeds with empty title (*)
  99efc88... [SafeUri] Fix g_filename_to_uri usage on Windows (*)
  39ed785... [Audiobook] Custom source icons (bgo#611857) (*)
  6b7baf1... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d777d95... Remove unused file. (*)
  7d05934... Update Aaron's e-mail in MAINTAINERS (*)
  cef082e... Revert "Update Aaron's e-mail in MAINTAINERS" (*)
  7a738d1... Revert "[X11NotificationAreaBox] Make the area transparent  (*)
  c32f37e... [Banshee.Metrics] Do as little as possible on startup (*)
  bb4fd87... [PlayQueue] Fix bug with initializing Actions state (*)
  7bcd83a... [build] Add run-muinshee target (*)
  ef6814d... [Muinshee] Disable Auto-DJ (bgo#595749) (*)
  aed7b23... HIGify ConfirmShutdownDialog (bgo#611985) (*)
  1978a5f... [Muinshee] Hide previous songs (*)
  bd48a4f... [Muinshee] Allow to reorder the queue (bgo#601615) (*)
  753eac4... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  b1f45c7... Update Czech translation (*)
  832adf6... Update translators.xml (*)
  934b5da... Update Czech translation (*)
  ff17b5e... [PlayQueue] Fix items count, size and duration (*)
  f1d295d... [Hyena.Query] Fix file location queries (bgo#612152) (*)
  5602ec9... Updated French translation (*)
  ab4c884... Disable CheckForOverflowUnderflow in many .csproj (*)
  8aabc6b... Update translators.xml (*)
  cb4c519... [YouTube] Disable extension by default (*)
  079af2a... Merge branch 'youtube' (*)
  5026b03... Merged master branch into grid
  bcd0ee7... [grid] don't render unbound allocated children
  731d9b3... [grid] call InvalidateVirtualSize on Allocate
  324bd2a... [grid] fix VirtualSize computation

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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