[totem] Add totem_playlist_add_mrls() API

commit 68702722fecd6baf8e006ab5804cbcd760182c87
Author: Philip Withnall <philip tecnocode co uk>
Date:   Wed Dec 15 14:37:59 2010 +0000

    Add totem_playlist_add_mrls() API
    Due to various places in Totem calling the new asynchronous playlist parsing
    API on lists of items, it's now possible for playlist to be added to Totem in
    orders other than their input order. This is bad.
    This commit adds a new totem_playlist_add_mrls() API, which asynchronously
    adds lists of MRLs to Totem's playlist, preserving their input order.
    Helps: bgo#636686

 src/totem-playlist.c |  251 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/totem-playlist.h |   16 +++
 2 files changed, 267 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/totem-playlist.c b/src/totem-playlist.c
index 489636e..ed17ad0 100644
--- a/src/totem-playlist.c
+++ b/src/totem-playlist.c
@@ -1930,6 +1930,257 @@ totem_playlist_add_mrl_sync (TotemPlaylist *playlist, const char *mrl, const cha
 	return handle_parse_result (totem_pl_parser_parse (playlist->priv->parser, mrl, FALSE), playlist, mrl, display_name);
+typedef struct {
+	TotemPlaylist *playlist;
+	GList *mrls; /* list of TotemPlaylistMrlDatas */
+	gboolean cursor;
+	GAsyncReadyCallback callback;
+	gpointer user_data;
+	guint next_index_to_add;
+	GList *unadded_entries; /* list of TotemPlaylistMrlDatas */
+	volatile gint entries_remaining;
+} AddMrlsOperationData;
+static void
+add_mrls_operation_data_free (AddMrlsOperationData *data)
+	/* Remove the cursor, if one was set */
+	if (data->cursor)
+		unset_waiting_cursor (data->playlist);
+	g_list_foreach (data->mrls, (GFunc) totem_playlist_mrl_data_free, NULL);
+	g_list_free (data->mrls);
+	g_object_unref (data->playlist);
+	g_slice_free (AddMrlsOperationData, data);
+struct TotemPlaylistMrlData {
+	gchar *mrl;
+	gchar *display_name;
+	/* Implementation details */
+	AddMrlsOperationData *operation_data;
+	guint index;
+ * totem_playlist_mrl_data_new:
+ * @mrl: a MRL
+ * @display_name: (allow-none): a human-readable display name for the MRL, or %NULL
+ *
+ * Create a new #TotemPlaylistMrlData struct storing the given @mrl and @display_name.
+ *
+ * This will typically be immediately appended to a #GList to be passed to totem_playlist_add_mrls().
+ *
+ * Return value: (transfer full): a new #TotemPlaylistMrlData; free with totem_playlist_mrl_data_free()
+ *
+ * Since: 3.0
+ */
+TotemPlaylistMrlData *
+totem_playlist_mrl_data_new (const gchar *mrl,
+                             const gchar *display_name)
+	TotemPlaylistMrlData *data;
+	g_return_val_if_fail (mrl != NULL && *mrl != '\0', NULL);
+	data = g_slice_new (TotemPlaylistMrlData);
+	data->mrl = g_strdup (mrl);
+	data->display_name = g_strdup (display_name);
+	return data;
+ * totem_playlist_mrl_data_free:
+ * @data: (transfer full): a #TotemPlaylistMrlData
+ *
+ * Free the given #TotemPlaylistMrlData struct. This should not generally be called by code outside #TotemPlaylist.
+ *
+ * Since: 3.0
+ */
+totem_playlist_mrl_data_free (TotemPlaylistMrlData *data)
+	g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
+	/* NOTE: This doesn't call add_mrls_operation_data_free() on @data->operation_data, since it's shared with other instances of
+	 * TotemPlaylistMrlData, and not truly reference counted. */
+	g_free (data->display_name);
+	g_free (data->mrl);
+	g_slice_free (TotemPlaylistMrlData, data);
+static void
+add_mrls_finish_operation (AddMrlsOperationData *operation_data)
+	/* Check whether this is the final callback invocation; iff it is, we can call the user's callback for the entire operation and free the
+	 * operation data */
+	if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&(operation_data->entries_remaining)) == TRUE) {
+		GSimpleAsyncResult *async_result;
+		async_result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (operation_data->playlist), operation_data->callback, operation_data->user_data,
+		                                          totem_playlist_add_mrls);
+		g_simple_async_result_complete (async_result);
+		g_object_unref (async_result);
+		add_mrls_operation_data_free (operation_data);
+	}
+/* Called exactly once for each MRL in a totem_playlist_add_mrls() operation. Called in the thread running the main loop. If the MRL which has just
+ * been parsed is the next one in the sequence (of entries in @mrls as passed to totem_playlist_add_mrls()), it's added to the playlist proper.
+ * Otherwise, it's added to a sorted queue of MRLs which have had their callbacks called out of order.
+ * When a MRL is added to the playlist proper, any successor MRLs which are in the sorted queue are also added to the playlist proper.
+ * When add_mrls_cb() is called for the last time for a given call to totem_playlist_add_mrls(), it calls the user's callback for the operation
+ * (passed as @callback to totem_playlist_add_mrls()) and frees the #AddMrlsOperationData struct. This is handled by add_mrls_finish_operation().
+ * The #TotemPlaylistMrlData for each MRL is freed by add_mrls_operation_data_free() at the end of the entire operation. */
+static void
+add_mrls_cb (TotemPlParser *parser, GAsyncResult *result, TotemPlaylistMrlData *mrl_data)
+	TotemPlParserResult res;
+	AddMrlsOperationData *operation_data = mrl_data->operation_data;
+	/* Finish parsing the playlist */
+	res = totem_pl_parser_parse_finish (parser, result, NULL);
+	g_assert (mrl_data->index >= operation_data->next_index_to_add);
+	if (mrl_data->index == operation_data->next_index_to_add) {
+		GList *i;
+		/* The entry is the next one in the order, so doesn't need to be added to the unadded list, and can be added to playlist proper */
+		operation_data->next_index_to_add++;
+		handle_parse_result (res, operation_data->playlist, mrl_data->mrl, mrl_data->display_name);
+		/* See if we can now add any other entries which have already been processed */
+		for (i = operation_data->unadded_entries;
+		     i != NULL && ((TotemPlaylistMrlData*) i->data)->index == operation_data->next_index_to_add;
+		     i = g_list_delete_link (i, i)) {
+			TotemPlaylistMrlData *_mrl_data = (TotemPlaylistMrlData*) i->data;
+			operation_data->next_index_to_add++;
+			handle_parse_result (res, operation_data->playlist, _mrl_data->mrl, _mrl_data->display_name);
+		}
+		operation_data->unadded_entries = i;
+	} else {
+		GList *i;
+		/* The entry has been parsed out of order, so needs to be added (in the correct position) to the unadded list for latter addition to
+		 * the playlist proper */
+		for (i = operation_data->unadded_entries; i != NULL && mrl_data->index > ((TotemPlaylistMrlData*) i->data)->index; i = i->next);
+		operation_data->unadded_entries = g_list_insert_before (operation_data->unadded_entries, i, mrl_data);
+	}
+	/* Check whether this is the last callback; call the user's callback for the entire operation and free the operation data if appropriate */
+	add_mrls_finish_operation (operation_data);
+ * totem_playlist_add_mrls:
+ * @self: a #TotemPlaylist
+ * @mrls: (element-type TotemPlaylistMrlData) (transfer full): a list of #TotemPlaylistMrlData structs
+ * @cursor: %TRUE to set a waiting cursor on the playlist for the duration of the operation, %FALSE otherwise
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): a #Cancellable, or %NULL
+ * @callback: (scope async) (allow-none): callback to call once all the MRLs have been added to the playlist, or %NULL
+ * @user_data: (closure) (allow-none): user data to pass to @callback, or %NULL
+ *
+ * Add the MRLs listed in @mrls to the playlist asynchronously, and ensuring that they're added to the playlist in the order they appear in the
+ * input #GList.
+ *
+ * @mrls should be a #GList of #TotemPlaylistMrlData structs, each created with totem_playlist_mrl_data_new(). This function takes ownership of both
+ * the list and its elements when called, so don't free either after calling totem_playlist_add_mrls().
+ *
+ * @callback will be called after all the MRLs in @mrls have been parsed and (if they were parsed successfully) added to the playlist. In the
+ * callback function, totem_playlist_add_mrls_finish() should be called to check for errors.
+ *
+ * Since: 3.0
+ */
+totem_playlist_add_mrls (TotemPlaylist *self,
+                         GList *mrls,
+                         gboolean cursor,
+                         GCancellable *cancellable,
+                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+                         gpointer user_data)
+	AddMrlsOperationData *operation_data;
+	GList *i;
+	guint mrl_index = 0;
+	g_return_if_fail (TOTEM_IS_PLAYLIST (self));
+	g_return_if_fail (mrls != NULL);
+	g_return_if_fail (cancellable == NULL || G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable));
+	/* Build the data struct to pass to the callback function */
+	operation_data = g_slice_new (AddMrlsOperationData);
+	operation_data->playlist = g_object_ref (self);
+	operation_data->mrls = mrls;
+	operation_data->cursor = cursor;
+	operation_data->callback = callback;
+	operation_data->user_data = user_data;
+	operation_data->next_index_to_add = mrl_index;
+	operation_data->unadded_entries = NULL;
+	g_atomic_int_set (&(operation_data->entries_remaining), 1);
+	/* Display a waiting cursor if required */
+	if (cursor)
+		set_waiting_cursor (self);
+	for (i = mrls; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
+		TotemPlaylistMrlData *mrl_data = (TotemPlaylistMrlData*) i->data;
+		if (mrl_data == NULL)
+			continue;
+		/* Set the item's parsing index, so that it's inserted into the playlist in the position it appeared in @mrls */
+		mrl_data->operation_data = operation_data;
+		mrl_data->index = mrl_index++;
+		g_atomic_int_inc (&(operation_data->entries_remaining));
+		/* Start parsing the playlist. Once this is complete, add_mrls_cb() is called (i.e. it's called exactly once for each entry in
+		 * @mrls).
+		 * TODO: Cancellation is currently not supoprted, since no consumers of this API make use of it, and it needs careful thought when
+		 * being implemented, as a separate #GCancellable instance will have to be created for each parallel computation. */
+		totem_pl_parser_parse_async (self->priv->parser, mrl_data->mrl, FALSE, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) add_mrls_cb, mrl_data);
+	}
+	/* Deal with the case that all async operations completed before we got to this point (since we've held a reference to the operation data so
+	 * that it doesn't get freed prematurely if all the scheduled async parse operations complete before we've finished scheduling the rest. */
+	add_mrls_finish_operation (operation_data);
+ * totem_playlist_add_mrls_finish:
+ * @self: a #TotemPlaylist
+ * @result: the #GAsyncResult that was provided to the callback
+ * @error: (allow-none): a #GError for error reporting, or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finish an asynchronous batch MRL addition operation started by totem_playlist_add_mrls().
+ *
+ * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise
+ *
+ * Since: 3.0
+ */
+totem_playlist_add_mrls_finish (TotemPlaylist *self,
+                                GAsyncResult *result,
+                                GError **error)
+	g_return_val_if_fail (TOTEM_IS_PLAYLIST (self), FALSE);
+	g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result), FALSE);
+	g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
+	g_return_val_if_fail (g_simple_async_result_is_valid (result, G_OBJECT (self), totem_playlist_add_mrls), FALSE);
+	/* We don't have anything to return at the moment. */
+	return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 totem_playlist_clear_cb (GtkTreeModel *model,
 			 GtkTreePath  *path,
diff --git a/src/totem-playlist.h b/src/totem-playlist.h
index fe4cba2..8d4f9d9 100644
--- a/src/totem-playlist.h
+++ b/src/totem-playlist.h
@@ -100,6 +100,22 @@ gboolean totem_playlist_add_mrl_sync (TotemPlaylist *playlist,
                                       const char *mrl,
                                       const char *display_name);
+typedef struct TotemPlaylistMrlData TotemPlaylistMrlData;
+TotemPlaylistMrlData *totem_playlist_mrl_data_new (const gchar *mrl,
+                                                   const gchar *display_name);
+void totem_playlist_mrl_data_free (TotemPlaylistMrlData *data);
+void totem_playlist_add_mrls (TotemPlaylist *self,
+                              GList *mrls,
+                              gboolean cursor,
+                              GCancellable *cancellable,
+                              GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+                              gpointer user_data);
+gboolean totem_playlist_add_mrls_finish (TotemPlaylist *self,
+                                         GAsyncResult *result,
+                                         GError **error);
 void totem_playlist_save_current_playlist (TotemPlaylist *playlist,
 					   const char *output);
 void totem_playlist_save_current_playlist_ext (TotemPlaylist *playlist,

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