[tracker/functional-test: 10/18] New tests

commit b70e08895523000b497749fa515df39a94c52c21
Author: Ivan Frade <ivan frade nokia com>
Date:   Wed Aug 18 18:29:24 2010 +0300

    New tests

 tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py        | 1108 +++++++++++--------------
 tests/functional-tests/02-metacontacts.py     |  165 ----
 tests/functional-tests/03-fts-functions.py    |   36 +-
 tests/functional-tests/13-threaded-store.py   |  145 ++++
 tests/functional-tests/14-signals.py          |  171 ++++
 tests/functional-tests/200-backup-restore.py  |  401 +++++++++
 tests/functional-tests/300-miner-basic-ops.py |  275 ++++++
 tests/functional-tests/310-fts-indexing.py    |  308 +++++++
 tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py       |  203 +++++
 tests/functional-tests/500-writeback.py       |  251 ++++++
 10 files changed, 2247 insertions(+), 816 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py b/tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py
index c5ba491..ede03b7 100755
--- a/tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
 # 02110-1301, USA.
+Stand-alone tests cases for the store, inserting, removing information
+in pure sparql and checking that the data is really there
 import sys,os,dbus
 import unittest
 import time
@@ -25,34 +29,21 @@ import random
 import string
 import datetime
-TRACKER = 'org.freedesktop.Tracker1'
-TRACKER_OBJ = '/org/freedesktop/Tracker1/Resources'
-RESOURCES_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Resources"
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+import unittest2 as ut
+#import unittest as ut
+from common.utils.storetest import CommonTrackerStoreTest as CommonTrackerStoreTest
+class TrackerStoreInsertionTests (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+	"""
+        Insert single and multiple-valued properties, dates (ok and broken)
+        and check the results
+	"""
-class TestUpdate (unittest.TestCase):
-	def setUp(self):
-		bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-	        tracker = bus.get_object(TRACKER, TRACKER_OBJ)
-		self.resources = dbus.Interface (tracker,
-		                                 dbus_interface=RESOURCES_IFACE)
-	def sparql_update(self,query):
-		return self.resources.SparqlUpdate(query)
-	def query(self,query):
-		return self.resources.SparqlQuery(query)
-""" Insertion test cases """
-class s_insert(TestUpdate):
-	def test_insert_01(self):
+	def test_insert_01 (self):
+                Simple insert of two triplets.
                 1. Insert a InformationElement with title.
                 2. TEST: Query the title of that information element
                 3. Remove the InformationElement to keep everything as it was before
@@ -63,7 +54,7 @@ class s_insert(TestUpdate):
                 INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
                         nie:title \"test_insert_01\". }
                 """ % (uri)
-                self.sparql_update (insert)
+                self.tracker.update (insert)
 		""" verify the inserted item """
                 query = """
@@ -72,629 +63,486 @@ class s_insert(TestUpdate):
                 nie:title ?t .
                 """ % (uri)
-                results = self.query (query)
+                results = self.tracker.query (query)
                 self.assertEquals (str(results[0][0]), "test_insert_01")
 		""" delete the inserted item """
                 delete = """
-                DELETE { <%s> a nie:InformationElement. }
+                DELETE { <%s> a rdfs:Resource. }
                 """ % (uri)
-                self.sparql_update (delete)
+                self.tracker.update (delete)
 	def test_insert_02(self):
-                ''' SparqlUpdate: Insert triples and check using SparqlQuery'''
-                self.sparql_update('INSERT {<urn:uuid:7646007> a nco:Contact; \
-                nco:fullname "Artist_1_update". \
-                <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/5000_songs_with_metadata_and_album_arts/Artist_1/1_Album/10_song3.mp3> a nmm:MusicPiece,nfo:FileDataObject,nmm:MusicAlbum;\
-                nfo:fileName "10_song.mp3"; \
-                nfo:fileLastModified "2008-10-23T13:47:02" ; \
-                nfo:fileCreated "2008-12-16T12:41:20"; \
-                nfo:fileSize 17630; \
-                nmm:length 219252; \
-                nmm:albumTitle "anything".}')
-                self.verify_test_insert_02()
-        def verify_test_insert_02(self):
-                result = self.query('SELECT ?artist ?date  WHERE{ \
-                ?contact nco:fullname ?artist . \
-		?time nfo:fileCreated ?date . \
-                FILTER (?artist = "Artist_1_update") \
-                }')
-		print result
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-                        if result[i][0] == 'Artist_1_update':
-                                if  result[i][1] == 'anything' and result[i][2] == '219252':
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-					return
-                                else:
-					if i < range(len(result) - 1):
-						continue
-					else:
-                                        	self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
+                """
+                Insert of a bigger set of triplets (linking two objects)
+                """
-        def test_insert_03(self):
-                ''' SparqlUpdate: Insert triples and check using SparqlQuery'''
-		self.sparql_update('INSERT {<urn:uuid:7646004> a nco:Contact; \
-                nco:fullname "Artist_4_update". \
-                <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/5000_songs_with_metadata_and_album_arts/Artist_4/4_Album/4_song_1.mp3> a nmm:MusicPiece,nfo:FileDataObject;\
-                nfo:fileName "4_song_1.mp3"; \
-                nfo:fileCreated "2008-12-16T12:41:20"; \
-                nfo:fileLastModified "2008-12-23T13:47:02" ; \
-                nfo:fileSize 17630; \
-                nmm:musicAlbum "4_Album_update"; \
-                nmm:trackNumber "11"; \
-                nmm:length 219252; \
-                nmm:performer <urn:uuid:7646004>.}')
-                self.verify_test_insert_03()
-        def verify_test_insert_03(self):
-                result = self.query('SELECT ?artist ?album ?len ?trkNo ?fname ?fSz  WHERE{ \
-                ?contact nco:fullname ?artist . \
-                ?song nmm:musicAlbum ?album ; \
-                nmm:length ?len  ;\
-                nmm:trackNumber ?trkNo.\
-                ?songfile nfo:fileName ?fname ;\
-                nfo:fileSize ?fSz .\
-                FILTER (?fname = "4_song_1.mp3") \
-                }')
-                print len(result)
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-                        if result[i][0] == 'Artist_4_update':
-                                if  result[i][1] == '4_Album_update' and result[i][2] == '219252' and result[i][3] == '11' and result[i][4] == '4_song_1.mp3' and result[i][5] == '17630':
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-					return
-                                else:
-					if i < range(len(result) - 1):
-						continue
-					else:
-                                        	self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
+                self.tracker.update("""
+                INSERT {
+                <urn:uuid:bob-dylan> a nmm:Artist; 
+                   nmm:artistName 'Bob Dylan'.
+                <file:///a/b/c/10_song3.mp3> a nmm:MusicPiece, nfo:FileDataObject;
+                   nfo:fileName 'subterranean-homesick-blues.mp3'; 
+                   nfo:fileLastModified '2008-10-23T13:47:02' ; 
+                   nfo:fileCreated '2008-12-16T12:41:20' ; 
+                   nfo:fileSize 17630 ; 
+                   nmm:length 219252 ;
+                   nie:title 'Subterranean homesick blues';
+                   nmm:performer <urn:uuid:bob-dylan>.
+                   }
+                   """)
+                QUERY = """
+                SELECT ?uri ?title ?length  WHERE {
+                    ?uri a nmm:MusicPiece ;
+                         nmm:performer <urn:uuid:bob-dylan> ;
+                         nie:title ?title ;
+                         nmm:length ?length .
+                }
+                """
-	def test_insert_04(self):
-                """Insert, delete same single valued properties multiple times."""
-		""" Delete single valued properties of music file.""" 	
-		self.sparql_update('DELETE { <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> nie:usageCounter ?v } WHERE { \
-		<file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> nie:usageCounter ?v . }')
-		self.sparql_update('DELETE { <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> nie:contentAccessed ?v } WHERE { \
-		<file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> nie:contentAccessed ?v . }')
+                result = self.tracker.query (QUERY)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 3) # uri, title, length
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "file:///a/b/c/10_song3.mp3")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][1], "Subterranean homesick blues")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][2], "219252")
+                self.tracker.update ("""
+                DELETE {
+                   <urn:uuid:bob-dylan> a rdfs:Resource.
+                   <file:///a/b/c/10_song3.mp3> a rdfs:Resource.
+                }
+                """)
-		""" Insert the same single valued properties of music file.""" 	
-                self.sparql_update('INSERT { \
-                <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> a nmm:MusicPiece,nfo:FileDataObject;\
-		nie:usageCounter "1"; \
-		nie:contentAccessed "2000-01-01T00:40:47Z" . }')
-		""" Delete again the single valued properties of music file.""" 	
-		self.sparql_update('DELETE { <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> nie:usageCounter ?v } WHERE { \
-		<file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> nie:usageCounter ?v . }')
-		self.sparql_update('DELETE { <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> nie:contentAccessed ?v } WHERE { \
-		<file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> nie:contentAccessed ?v . }')
-		""" Insert the same single valued properties of music file with different values.""" 	
-                self.sparql_update('INSERT { \
-                <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3> a nmm:MusicPiece,nfo:FileDataObject;\
-		nie:usageCounter "2"; \
-		nie:contentAccessed "2000-01-01T00:40:48Z" . }')
+        def test_insert_03(self):
+                """
+                Checking all the values are inserted
+                """
-		""" Query for the property values and verify whether the last change is applied."""
-                result = self.query('SELECT ?song ?time  WHERE{ \
-		?song nie:usageCounter "2"; \
-		nie:contentAccessed ?time . \
-                }')
-                print len(result)
+		self.tracker.update("""
+                INSERT {
+                <urn:uuid:7646004> a nmm:Artist; 
+                    nmm:artistName 'John Lennon' .
+                <urn:uuid:123123123> a nmm:MusicAlbum ;
+                    nmm:albumTitle 'Imagine' . 
+                <file:///a/b/c/imagine.mp3> a nmm:MusicPiece, nfo:FileDataObject;
+                    nfo:fileName 'imagine.mp3'; 
+                    nfo:fileCreated '2008-12-16T12:41:20'; 
+                    nfo:fileLastModified '2008-12-23T13:47:02' ; 
+                    nfo:fileSize 17630; 
+                    nmm:musicAlbum <urn:uuid:123123123>; 
+                    nmm:trackNumber '11'; 
+                    nmm:length 219252; 
+                    nmm:performer <urn:uuid:7646004>.
+                    }
+                    """)
+                QUERY = """
+                SELECT ?artist ?length ?trackN ?album ?size ?flm ?fc ?filename  WHERE {
+                    <file:///a/b/c/imagine.mp3> a nmm:MusicPiece ;
+                        nmm:performer ?x ;
+                        nmm:length ?length ;
+                        nmm:trackNumber ?trackN ;
+                        nmm:musicAlbum ?y ;
+                        nfo:fileSize ?size ;
+                        nfo:fileLastModified ?flm ;
+                        nfo:fileCreated ?fc ;
+                        nfo:fileName ?filename.
+                    ?x nmm:artistName ?artist .
+                    ?y nmm:albumTitle ?album.
+                    }
+                    """
+                result = self.tracker.query(QUERY)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 8)
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "John Lennon")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][1], "219252")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][2], "11")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][3], "Imagine")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][4], "17630")
+                # FIXME Tracker returns this translated to the current timezone
+                #self.assertEquals (result[0][5], "2008-12-23T11:47:02Z") 
+                #self.assertEquals (result[0][6], "2008-12-16T10:41:20Z")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][7], "imagine.mp3")
+                self.tracker.update ("""
+                DELETE {
+                   <urn:uuid:123123123> a rdfs:Resource .
+                }
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-			if result[i][0] == 'file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/album_4/4_song4.mp3':
-				if  result[i][1] == '2000-01-01T00:40:48Z':
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-                                else:
-                                        self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
+                DELETE {
+                  <file:///a/b/c/imagine.mp3> a rdfs:Resource. 
+                }
+                """)
-	"""Date-Time storage testing """
-	def test_insert_date_01(self):
+	def test_insert_04(self):
+                """
+                Insert, delete same single valued properties multiple times.
+                """
+                for i in range (0, 3):
+                        # Delete single valued properties of music file.
+                        self.tracker.update("""
+                        DELETE {
+                          <test://instance-1> nie:usageCounter ?v
+                        } WHERE { 
+                          <test://instance-1> nie:usageCounter ?v .
+                        }
+                        DELETE {
+                          <test://instance-1> nie:contentAccessed ?w .
+                        } WHERE {
+                          <test://instance-1> nie:contentAccessed ?w .
+                        }
+                        """)
+                        # Insert the same single valued properties of music file.
+                        self.tracker.update("""
+                        INSERT { 
+                           <test://instance-1> a nmm:MusicPiece, nfo:FileDataObject;
+                           nie:usageCounter '%d'; 
+                           nie:contentAccessed '2000-01-01T00:4%d:47Z' .
+                        }""" % (i, i))
+                        # Query for the property values and verify whether the last change is applied.
+                        result = self.tracker.query ("""
+                          SELECT ?playcount ?date WHERE {
+                             <test://instance-1> a nmm:MusicPiece ;
+                                 nie:usageCounter ?playcount ;
+                                 nie:contentAccessed ?date.
+                          }""")
+                        self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+                        self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 2)
+                        self.assertEquals (int (result[0][0]), i)
+                        self.assertEquals (result[0][1], "2000-01-01T00:4%d:47Z" % (i))
+                self.tracker.update ("""
+                DELETE { <test://instance-1> a rdfs:Resource. }
+                """)
+        def __insert_valid_date_test (self, datestring, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, timezone):
+                """
+                Insert a property with datestring value, retrieve its components and validate against
+                the expected results (all the other parameters)
+                """
+                testId = random.randint (10, 1000)
+                self.tracker.update ("""
+                INSERT {
+                   <test://instance-insert-date-%d> a nie:InformationElement;
+		        nie:informationElementDate '%s'.
+                }
+                """ % (testId, datestring))
+		result = self.tracker.query ("""
+                SELECT ?s fn:year-from-dateTime (?v) 
+		          fn:month-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:day-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:hours-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:minutes-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:seconds-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:timezone-from-dateTime (?v) 
+		WHERE {
+                  ?s a nie:InformationElement; 
+		        nie:informationElementDate ?v . 
+		}
+                 """)
+                try:
+                        self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+                        self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 8)
+                        self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "test://instance-insert-date-%d" % (testId))
+                        self.assertEquals (result[0][1], year)
+                        self.assertEquals (result[0][2], month)
+                        self.assertEquals (result[0][3], day)
+                        self.assertEquals (result[0][4], hours)
+                        self.assertEquals (result[0][5], minutes)
+                        self.assertEquals (result[0][6], seconds)
+                        # FIXME To validate this we need to take into account the locale
+                        # self.assertEquals (result[0][7], timezone)
+                finally:
+                        self.tracker.update ("""
+                        DELETE { <test://instance-insert-date-%d> a rdfs:Resource. }
+                        """ % (testId)) 
+	"""Date-Time storage testing """
+	def test_insert_date_01 (self):
                 1. Insert a InformationElement with date having local timezone info.
                 2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_01"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "2004-05-06T13:14:15+0400". }
-                """ % (uri)
-                self.sparql_update (insert)
-		""" verify the inserted item """
-		query = 'SELECT ?s fn:year-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:month-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:day-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:hours-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:minutes-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:seconds-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:timezone-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		WHERE { ?s a nie:InformationElement; \
-		nie:informationElementDate ?v . \
-		}'
-                result = self.query (query)
-		print result
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-			if result[i][0] == 'tracker:test_date_01':
-				if  result[i][1] == '2004' and result[i][2] == '05' and result[i][3] == '06' and result[i][4] == '13' and result[i][5] == '14' and result[i][6] == '15' and result[i][7] == '14400' :
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-                                else:
-                                        self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
-	def test_insert_date_02(self):
+                self.__insert_valid_date_test ("2004-05-06T13:14:15+0400",
+                                               "2004", "05", "06", "13", "14", "15", "14400")
+	def test_insert_date_02 (self):
-                1. Insert a InformationElement with invalid year in date.
+                1. Insert a InformationElement with date ending with "Z" in TZD.
                 2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+                self.__insert_valid_date_test ("2004-05-06T13:14:15Z",
+                                               "2004", "05", "06", "13", "14", "15", "0")
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_02"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "204-05-06T13:14:15+0400". }
-                """ % (uri)
-		try : 
-			self.resources.SparqlUpdate(insert)
-		except :
-			print "error in query execution"
-			self.assert_(True,'error in query execution')
-		""" verify whether the item is inserted"""
-		query = 'SELECT ?s fn:year-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:month-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:day-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:hours-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:minutes-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:seconds-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:timezone-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		WHERE { ?s a nie:InformationElement; \
-		nie:informationElementDate ?v . \
-		}'
-                result = self.query (query)
-		print result
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-			if result[i][0] == 'tracker:test_date_02':
-				if  result[i][1] != '204':
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-                                else:
-                                        self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
-	def test_insert_date_03(self):
+	def test_insert_date_03 (self):
-                1. Insert a InformationElement with date ending with "Z" in TZD.
+                1. Insert a InformationElement with date ending with no TZD.
                 2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+                self.__insert_valid_date_test ("2004-05-06T13:14:15",
+                                               "2004", "05", "06", "13", "14", "15", "10800") # HEL timezone?
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_03"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "2004-05-06T13:14:15Z". }
-                """ % (uri)
-                self.sparql_update (insert)
-		""" verify the inserted item """
-		query = 'SELECT ?s fn:year-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:month-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:day-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:hours-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:minutes-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:seconds-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:timezone-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		WHERE { ?s a nie:InformationElement; \
-		nie:informationElementDate ?v . \
-		}'
-                result = self.query (query)
-		print result
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-			if result[i][0] == 'tracker:test_date_03':
-				if  result[i][1] == '2004' and result[i][2] == '05' and result[i][3] == '06' and result[i][4] == '13' and result[i][5] == '14' and result[i][6] == '15' and result[i][7] == '0' :
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-                                else:
-                                        self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
-	def test_insert_date_04(self):
+        # ut skipIf (1, "It times out in the daemon. Investigate")
+	def test_insert_date_04 (self):
+		"""
+                1. Insert a InformationElement with date having local timezone info
+		   with some minutes in it.
+                2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+                """
+                self.__insert_valid_date_test ("2004-05-06T13:14:15+0230",
+                                               "2004", "05", "06", "13", "14", "15", "9000")
+        # ut skipIf (1, "It times out in the daemon. Investigate")
+        def __test_insert_date_05 (self):
+	 	"""
+                 1. Insert a InformationElement with date having local timezone info in negative.
+                 2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+                 """
+                self.__insert_valid_date_test ("2004-05-06T13:14:15-0230",
+                                               "2004", "05", "06", "13", "14", "15", "-9000")
+        def __insert_invalid_date_test (self, datestring):
+                self.assertRaises (Exception, self.tracker.update, """
+                        INSERT {
+                           <test://instance-insert-invalid-date-01> a nie:InformationElement;
+                              nie:informationElementDate '204-05-06T13:14:15+0400'.
+                        }
+                        """)
+		result = self.tracker.query ("""
+                SELECT ?s fn:year-from-dateTime (?v) 
+		          fn:month-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:day-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:hours-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:minutes-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:seconds-from-dateTime (?v) 
+                          fn:timezone-from-dateTime (?v) 
+		WHERE {
+                   ?s a nie:InformationElement ;
+		        nie:informationElementDate ?v . 
+		}
+                """)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result), 0)
+                # ut skipIf (1, "It times out in the daemon. Investigate")
+	def test_insert_invalid_date_01 (self):
-                1. Insert a InformationElement with date without TZD.
+                1. Insert a InformationElement with invalid year in date.
                 2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+                self.__insert_invalid_date_test ("204-05-06T13:14:15+0400")
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_04"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "2004-05-06T13:14:15". }
-                """ % (uri)
-                self.sparql_update (insert)
-		""" verify the inserted item """
-		query = 'SELECT ?s fn:year-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:month-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:day-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:hours-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:minutes-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:seconds-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:timezone-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		WHERE { ?s a nie:InformationElement; \
-		nie:informationElementDate ?v . \
-		}'
-                result = self.query (query)
-		print result
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-			if result[i][0] == 'tracker:test_date_04':
-				if  result[i][1] == '2004' and result[i][2] == '05' and result[i][3] == '06' and result[i][4] == '13' and result[i][5] == '14' and result[i][6] == '15':
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-                                else:
-                                        self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
-	def test_insert_date_05(self):
+                # ut skipIf (1, "It times out in the daemon. Investigate")
+	def test_insert_invalid_date_02 (self):
                 1. Insert a InformationElement with date without time.
                 2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+                self.__insert_invalid_date_test ("2004-05-06")
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_05"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "2004-05-06". }
-                """ % (uri)
-		try : 
-			self.resources.SparqlUpdate(insert)
-		except :
-			print "error in query execution"
-			self.assert_(True,'error in query execution')
-		else:
-			self.fail('Query successfully executed')		
-	def test_insert_date_06(self):
+                # ut skipIf (1, "It times out in the daemon. Investigate")
+	def test_insert_invalid_date_03 (self):
                 1. Insert a InformationElement with date without time but only the "T" separator.
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_06"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "2004-05-06T". }
-                """ % (uri)
-		try : 
-			self.resources.SparqlUpdate(insert)
-		except :
-			print "error in query execution"
-			self.assert_(True,'error in query execution')
-		else:
-			self.fail('Query successfully executed')		
+                self.__insert_invalid_date_test ("2004-05-06T")
-	def test_insert_date_07(self):
+                # ut skipIf (1, "It times out in the daemon. Investigate")
+	def test_insert_invalid_date_04 (self):
-                1. Insert a InformationElement with date having local timezone info
-		   with some minutes in it.
-                2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+                1. Insert a InformationElement with date without time but only the "T" separator.
+                self.__insert_invalid_date_test ("2004-05-06T1g:14:15-0200")
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_07"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "2004-05-06T13:14:15+0230". }
-                """ % (uri)
-                self.sparql_update (insert)
-		""" verify the inserted item """
-		query = 'SELECT ?s fn:year-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:month-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:day-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:hours-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:minutes-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:seconds-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:timezone-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		WHERE { ?s a nie:InformationElement; \
-		nie:informationElementDate ?v . \
-		}'
-                result = self.query (query)
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-			if result[i][0] == 'tracker:test_date_07':
-				if  result[i][1] == '2004' and result[i][2] == '05' and result[i][3] == '06' and result[i][4] == '13' and result[i][5] == '14' and result[i][6] == '15' and result[i][7] == '9000':
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-                                else:
-					print result[i]
-                                        self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
-	def test_insert_date_08(self):
-		"""
-                1. Insert a InformationElement with date having 
-		local timezone info in negative.
-                2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+class TrackerStoreDeleteTests (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+        """
+        Use DELETE in Sparql and check the information is actually removed
+        """
+        def test_delete_01 (self):
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_08"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "2004-05-06T13:14:15-0230". }
-                """ % (uri)
-                self.sparql_update (insert)
-		""" verify the inserted item """
-		query = 'SELECT ?s fn:year-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:month-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:day-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:hours-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:minutes-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:seconds-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		fn:timezone-from-dateTime (?v) \
-		WHERE { ?s a nie:InformationElement; \
-		nie:informationElementDate ?v . \
-		}'
-                result = self.query (query)
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-			if result[i][0] == 'tracker:test_date_08':
-				if  result[i][1] == '2004' and result[i][2] == '05' and result[i][3] == '06' and result[i][4] == '13' and result[i][5] == '14' and result[i][6] == '15' and result[i][7] == '-9000':
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-                                else:
-					print result[i]
-                                        self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
-	def test_insert_date_09(self):
-		"""
-                1. Insert a InformationElement with date having some letters instead of numbers
-                2. TEST: Query and verify the various componentes of date
+                Insert triples and Delete a triple. Verify the deletion with a query
-                uri = "tracker:test_date_09"
-                insert = """
-                INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement;
-			nie:informationElementDate "2004-05-06T1g:14:15-0200". }
-                """ % (uri)
-		try : 
-			self.resources.SparqlUpdate(insert)
-		except :
-			print "error in query execution"
-			self.assert_(True,'error in query execution')
+		# first insert 
+                self.tracker.update ("""
+                INSERT {
+                   <urn:uuid:7646001> a nco:Contact; 
+                            nco:fullname 'Artist_1_delete'. 
+                   <test://instance-test-delete-01> a nmm:MusicPiece, nfo:FileDataObject; 
+                            nfo:fileName '11_song_del.mp3'; 
+                            nfo:genre 'Classic delete'; 
+                            nmm:musicAlbum '1_Album_delete'; 
+                            nmm:performer <urn:uuid:7646001>.
+                }
+                """)
-		else:
-			self.fail('Query successfully executed')		
+		# verify the insertion
+                result = self.tracker.query ("""
+                SELECT ?u WHERE {
+                    ?u a nmm:MusicPiece ;
+                         nfo:genre 'Classic delete' .
+                }
+                """)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 1)
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "test://instance-test-delete-01")
+		# now delete
+                self.tracker.update("""
+                DELETE { 
+                  <test://instance-test-delete-01> a rdfs:Resource.
+                }
+                """)
-""" Deletion test cases """
-class s_delete(TestUpdate):
-        def test_delete_01(self):
-                ''' Insert triples and Delete a triple. Verify the deletion with a query'''
-		"""first insert """
-                self.sparql_update('INSERT {<urn:uuid:7646001> a nco:Contact; \
-                nco:fullname "Artist_1_delete". \
-                <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/5000_songs_with_metadata_and_album_arts/Artist_1/1_Album/11_song_del.mp3> a nmm:MusicPiece,nfo:FileDataObject;\
-                nfo:fileName "11_song_del.mp3"; \
-                nfo:genre "Classic delete"; \
-                nmm:musicAlbum "1_Album_delete"; \
-                nmm:performer <urn:uuid:7646001>.}')
-		"""verify the insertion """
-                self.verify_test_insert_delete_01()
-		"""now  delete """
-                self.sparql_update('DELETE { \
-                <file:///media/PIKKUTIKKU/5000_songs_with_metadata_and_album_arts/Artist_1/1_Album/11_song_del.mp3> nfo:genre "Classic delete".}')
-                print " After deleting a triple"
-		"""verify the deletion """
-        	self.verify_test_delete_01()
-        def verify_test_insert_delete_01(self):
-                result = self.query('SELECT ?fname ?genre WHERE  { \
-                ?songfile nfo:fileName ?fname ;\
-                nfo:genre ?genre .\
-                FILTER (?genre = "Classic delete") \
-                }')
-                if result != []:
-                        for i in range(len(result)):
-                                if result[i][0] == '11_song_del.mp3':
-                                        if result[i][1] == "Classic delete":
-                                                self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-					else:
-                                                self.fail('File not inserted, so failing the \'Delete genre \' testcase')
-                else:
-                        self.fail('File not inserted, so failing the \'Delete genre \' testcase')
-        def verify_test_delete_01(self):
-                result = self.query('SELECT ?fn  WHERE { \
-                ?f a nmm:MusicPiece . \
-                ?f nfo:fileName ?fn ;\
-                nfo:genre ?genre .\
-                FILTER (?genre = "Classic delete") \
-                 }' )
-                if result != []:
-                        for i in range(len(result)):
-                                if result[i][0] == '11_song_del.mp3':
-                                        self.fail('Fail %s' %result)
-                                else:
-                                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-                else:
-                        self.assert_(True,'Pass')
+                # Check the instance is not there
+                result = self.tracker.query ("""
+                SELECT ?u WHERE {
+                    ?u a nmm:MusicPiece ;
+                         nfo:genre 'Classic delete' .
+                }
+                """)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result), 0)
 	def test_delete_02 (self):
-		"""Delete a MusicAlbum and count the album """
-		"""
+                """
+                Delete a MusicAlbum and count the album
 		1. add a music album.
 		2. count the number of albums
 		3. delete an album
 		2. count the number of albums
-		"""Add a music album """
-                self.sparql_update('INSERT {<06_Album_delete> a nmm:MusicAlbum;\
-                nmm:albumTitle "06_Album_delete".}')
+                initial = self.tracker.count_instances ("nmm:MusicAlbum")
-		"""get the count of music albums"""
-                result = self.query('SELECT ?album  WHERE  { \
-                ?album a nmm:MusicAlbum. \
-                } ')
-                count_before_del = len(result)
-                print len(result)
-                print result
+		"""Add a music album """
+                self.tracker.update ("""
+                INSERT {
+                   <test://instance-delete-02> a nmm:MusicAlbum;
+                           nmm:albumTitle '06_Album_delete'.
+                }
+                """)
+                after_insert = self.tracker.count_instances ("nmm:MusicAlbum")
+                self.assertEquals (initial+1, after_insert)
-		"""Delete the added  music album """
-                self.sparql_update('DELETE { \
-                <06_Album_delete> a nmm:MusicAlbum.}')
+		"""Delete the added music album """
+                self.tracker.update("""
+                DELETE { 
+                  <test://instance-delete-02> a nmm:MusicAlbum.
+                }
+                """)
 		"""get the count of music albums"""
-                result = self.query('SELECT ?album  WHERE  { \
-                ?album a nmm:MusicAlbum. \
-                } ')
+                after_removal = self.tracker.count_instances ("nmm:MusicAlbum")
-                count_after_del = len(result)
-                print len(result)
+                self.assertEquals (after_removal, initial)
-                self.assertEquals (count_before_del - 1, count_after_del)
-""" Batch Update test cases """
-class s_batch_update(TestUpdate):
+class TrackerStoreBatchUpdateTest (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+        """
+        Insert data using the BatchSparqlUpdate method in the store
+        """
 	def test_batch_insert_01(self):
-		"""batch insertion of 100 contacts:
-		1. delete those existing contacts which we want to insert again.
-		2. insert 100 contacts.
-		3. delete the inserted contacts.
+                batch insertion of 100 contacts:
+		1. insert 100 contacts.
+		2. delete the inserted contacts.
+		"""
+                NUMBER_OF_TEST_CONTACTS = 3
+		# query no. of existing contacts. (predefined instances in the DB)
+		count_before_insert = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:PersonContact")
+		# insert contacts.
+                CONTACT_TEMPLATE = """
+                   <test://instance-contact-%d> a nco:PersonContact ;
+                      nco:nameGiven 'Contact-name %d';
+                      nco:nameFamily 'Contact-family %d';
+                      nie:generator 'test-instance-to-remove' ;
+                      nco:contactUID '%d';
+                      nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel:%s> .
+                """
-		"""delete those existing contacts which we want to insert again.
-		the uid creation is same here as it's created during insertion."""
-     		for j in range(100) :
-			uid = j*1000+1234
-			delete = 'DELETE {?contact a rdfs:Resource} WHERE {?contact nco:contactUID  <%s> }' %uid
-			self.sparql_update (delete)
-		""" querry no. of existing contacts. """
-		result = self.query ('SELECT ?c ?Fname ?Gname ?number WHERE { \
-					?c a  nco:PersonContact ; \
-					nco:nameGiven ?Gname ; \
-					nco:nameFamily ?Fname; \
-					nco:hasPhoneNumber ?number. \
-					} LIMIT 1000')
-		count_before_insert = len(result)
-		print "contact count before insert %d" %count_before_insert
-		"""insert 100 contacts."""
-		INSERT_SPARQL = "; ".join([
-				"<%s> a nco:PersonContact",
-				"nco:nameGiven '%s'",
-				"nco:nameFamily '%s'",
-				"nco:contactUID %s",
-				"nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel:%s>."
-				])
-		a="\n"
-     		"""Preparing a list of Contacts """
-     		for j in range(100) :
-       			contact=  str(random.randint(0, sys.maxint))
-       			names1=['christopher','paul','timothy','stephen','michael','andrew','harold','douglas','timothy','walter','kevin','joshua','robert','matthew','broderick','lacy','rashad','darro','antonia','chas']
-       			names2=['cyril','ronny','stevie','lon','freeman','erin','duncan','kennith','carmine','augustine','young','chadwick','wilburn','jonas','lazaro','brooks','ariel','dusty','tracey','scottie','seymour']
-       			firstname=random.choice(names1)
-       			lastname=random.choice(names2)
-       			contactUID= j*1000+1234
-       			PhoneNumber= str(random.randint(0, sys.maxint))
-       			sparql_insert=INSERT_SPARQL % (contact,firstname,lastname, contactUID,PhoneNumber)
-       			a=a+sparql_insert
-     		INSERT= "INSERT{" + a + "}"
-       		self.resources.BatchSparqlUpdate(INSERT)
-		""" querry no. of existing contacts. """
-		result = self.query ('SELECT ?c ?Fname ?Gname ?number WHERE { \
-					?c a  nco:PersonContact ; \
-					nco:nameGiven ?Gname ; \
-					nco:nameFamily ?Fname; \
-					nco:hasPhoneNumber ?number. \
-					} LIMIT 1000')
-		count_after_insert = len(result)
-		print "contact count after insert %d" %count_after_insert
-		""" cleanup the inserted contacts """
-     		for j in range(100) :
-			uid = j*1000+1234
-			delete = 'DELETE {?contact a rdfs:Resource} WHERE {?contact nco:contactUID  <%s> }' %uid
-			self.sparql_update (delete)
-		"""test verification """
-		if count_after_insert == 1000:
-			if count_after_insert >= count_before_insert:
-                		self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-			else:
-                		self.fail('batch insertion failed')
-		else:
-			if count_after_insert == count_before_insert + 100:
-                		self.assert_(True,'Pass')
-			else:
-                		self.fail('batch insertion failed')
-class phone_no (TestUpdate):
-	def test_phone_01 (self):
-		"""1. Setting the maemo:localPhoneNumber property to last 7 digits of phone number.
-		   2. Receiving a message  from a contact whose localPhoneNumber is saved.
-		   3. Querying for the local phone number.
+                global contact_list
+                contact_list = []
+                def complete_contact (contact_template):
+                        random_phone = "".join ([str(random.randint (0, 9)) for i in range (0, 9)])
+                        contact_counter = random.randint (0, 10000)
+                        # Avoid duplicates
+                        while contact_counter in contact_list:
+                                contact_counter = random.randint (0, 10000)
+                        contact_list.append (contact_counter)
+                        return contact_template % (contact_counter,
+                                                   contact_counter,
+                                                   contact_counter,
+                                                   contact_counter,
+                                                   random_phone)
+                contacts = map (complete_contact, [CONTACT_TEMPLATE] * NUMBER_OF_TEST_CONTACTS)
+		INSERT_SPARQL = "\n".join (["INSERT {"] + contacts +["}"])
+       		self.tracker.batch_update (INSERT_SPARQL)
+		# Check all instances are in
+		count_after_insert = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:PersonContact")
+                self.assertEquals (count_before_insert + NUMBER_OF_TEST_CONTACTS, count_after_insert)
+		""" Delete the inserted contacts """
+                DELETE_SPARQL = """
+                DELETE {
+                  ?x a rdfs:Resource .
+                } WHERE {
+                  ?x a nco:PersonContact ;
+                      nie:generator 'test-instance-to-remove' .
+                }
+                """
+                self.tracker.update (DELETE_SPARQL)
+                count_final = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:PersonContact")
+                self.assertEquals (count_before_insert, count_final)
+class TrackerStorePhoneNumberTest (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+	"""
+        Tests around phone numbers (maemo specific). Inserting correct/incorrect ones
+        and running query to get the contact from the number.
+	"""
+        @ut.skipIf (not cfg.haveMaemo, "This test uses maemo:specific properties")
+ 	def test_phone_01 (self):
+		"""
+                1. Setting the maemo:localPhoneNumber property to last 7 digits of phone number.
+		2. Receiving a message  from a contact whose localPhoneNumber is saved.
+		3. Query messages from the local phone number
 		PhoneNumber = str(random.randint (0, sys.maxint))
 		UUID	    = str(time.time())
@@ -707,69 +555,63 @@ class phone_no (TestUpdate):
 		Given_Name  = 'test_GN_' + `ID`
 		Family_Name = 'test_FN_' + `ID`
-				<tel:%s> a nco:PhoneNumber ; 
-				nco:phoneNumber  '%s' .
-				<urn:uuid:%s> a nco:PersonContact;
-				nco:contactUID <contact:test_%s>;
-				nco:nameFamily '%s'  ; 
-				nco:nameGiven '%s'.  
-				<urn:uuid:%s>  nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel:%s>. 
-				<tel:%s> maemo:localPhoneNumber '%s' 
-				}"""
-		sparql_insert = INSERT_SPARQL % (PhoneNumber,PhoneNumber,UUID,UUID1,Given_Name,Family_Name,UUID,PhoneNumber,PhoneNumber,localNumber)               
-		try :
-	            self.resources.SparqlUpdate(sparql_insert)
-		except :
-		    self.fail('Insertion is not successful')			
-				 <urn:uuid:%s> a nmo:Message ; 
-				 nmo:from [a nco:Contact ; 
-				 nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel:%s>];
-			 	 nmo:receivedDate '%s' ; 
-				 nmo:plainTextMessageContent 'hello' }"""
-		sparql_insert = INSERT_SPARQL1 % ( UUID2,PhoneNumber,Received)
-		try :
-	            self.resources.SparqlUpdate(sparql_insert)
-		except :
-		    self.fail('Insertion is not successful')			
-		QUERY_SPARQL = """ SELECT  ?local 
-				WHERE { ?msg a nmo:Message .
-				?c a nco:Contact;
-				nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel:%s>.
-				<tel:%s> maemo:localPhoneNumber ?local
-				} """
-		QUERY= QUERY_SPARQL %(PhoneNumber,PhoneNumber)
-                result = self.resources.SparqlQuery(QUERY) 
-		self.assert_(result[0][0].find(localNumber)!=-1 , 'Query is not succesful')
+                INSERT { 
+                    <tel:123456789> a nco:PhoneNumber ; 
+                          nco:phoneNumber  '00358555444333' ;
+                          maemo:localPhoneNumber '5444333'.
+                    <test://test_phone_1/contact> a nco:PersonContact;
+			nco:contactUID '112';
+                        nco:nameFamily 'Family-name'  ; 
+                        nco:nameGiven 'Given-name'.  
+                    <test://test_phone_1/contact> nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel:123456789>. 
+                }
+                """
+                self.tracker.update (INSERT_CONTACT_PHONE)
+                INSERT { 
+                    <test://test_phone_1/message> a nmo:Message ; 
+                         nmo:from [a nco:Contact ; nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel:123456789>];
+                         nmo:receivedDate '2010-01-02T10:13:00Z' ; 
+                         nmo:plainTextMessageContent 'hello'
+                }
+                """
+                self.tracker.update (INSERT_MESSAGE)
+                SELECT ?msg WHERE {
+                     ?msg a nmo:Message;
+                         nmo:from ?c .
+                     ?c nco:hasPhoneNumber ?n .
+                     ?n maemo:localPhoneNumber '5444333'.
+		} """
+                result = self.tracker.query (QUERY_SPARQL)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 1)
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "test://test_phone_1/message")
+        @ut.skipIf (not cfg.haveMaemo, "This test uses maemo:specific properties")
 	def test_phone_02 (self):
-		""" Inserting a local phone number which have spaces """
-				<tel+3333333333> a nco:PhoneNumber ; 
-				nco:phoneNumber  <tel+3333333333> . 
-				<urn:uuid:9876> a nco:PersonContact;
+		"""
+                Inserting a local phone number which have spaces
+                """
+                INSERT { 
+			<tel+3333333333> a nco:PhoneNumber ; 
+				nco:phoneNumber  <tel+3333333333> ;
+                                maemo:localPhoneNumber '333 333'.
+			<test://test_phone_02/contact> a nco:PersonContact;
 				nco:nameFamily 'test_name_01' ; 
-				nco:nameGiven 'test_name_02'.  
-				<urn:uuid:98765>  nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel+3333333333>. 
-				<tel+3333333333> maemo:localPhoneNumber <333 333> }"""
-		try:
-		  self.resources.SparqlUpdate(INSERT_SPARQL)
-                except :                                                                                                     
-                   print "error in query execution"                                                                     
-                   self.assert_(True,'error in query execution')                                                        
-                else:                                                                                                        
-                    self.fail('Query successfully executed')
+				nco:nameGiven 'test_name_02';
+                                nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel+3333333333> .
+                }
+                """
+                self.assertRaises (Exception, self.tracker.update (INSERT_SPARQL))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	unittest.main()
+	ut.main()
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/03-fts-functions.py b/tests/functional-tests/03-fts-functions.py
index c8c86b6..cce6197 100755
--- a/tests/functional-tests/03-fts-functions.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/03-fts-functions.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
@@ -18,23 +18,23 @@
 # 02110-1301, USA.
+These tests use only the store. They insert instances with known text
+and run sparql with fts functions to check the results.
 import dbus
 import unittest
 import random
-TRACKER = 'org.freedesktop.Tracker1'
-TRACKER_OBJ = '/org/freedesktop/Tracker1/Resources'
-RESOURCES_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Resources"
-class TestFTSFunctions (unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp (self):
-        bus = dbus.SessionBus ()
-        tracker = bus.get_object (TRACKER, TRACKER_OBJ)
-        self.resources = dbus.Interface (tracker,
-                                         dbus_interface=RESOURCES_IFACE);
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+import unittest2 as ut
+#import unittest as ut
+from common.utils.storetest import CommonTrackerStoreTest as CommonTrackerStoreTest
+class TestFTSFunctions (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+    """
+    Insert data with text and check the fts:xxxx functions are returning the expected results
+    """
     def test_fts_rank (self):
         1. Insert a Contact1 with 'abcdefxyz' as fullname and nickname
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class TestFTSFunctions (unittest.TestCase):
                        nco:nickname 'abcdefxyz abcdefxyz' .
-        self.resources.SparqlUpdate (insert_sparql)
+        self.tracker.update (insert_sparql)
         query = """
         SELECT ?contact WHERE {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class TestFTSFunctions (unittest.TestCase):
                 fts:match 'abcdefxyz' .
         } ORDER BY DESC (fts:rank(?contact))
-        results = self.resources.SparqlQuery (query)
+        results = self.tracker.query (query)
         self.assertEquals (len(results), 3)
         self.assertEquals (results[0][0], "contact://test/fts-function/rank/3")
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class TestFTSFunctions (unittest.TestCase):
                        nco:nickname 'abcdefxyz abcdefxyz' .
-        self.resources.SparqlUpdate (insert_sparql)
+        self.tracker.update (insert_sparql)
         query = """
         SELECT fts:offsets (?contact) WHERE {
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class TestFTSFunctions (unittest.TestCase):
                 fts:match 'abcdefxyz' .
-        results = self.resources.SparqlQuery (query)
+        results = self.tracker.query (query)
         self.assertEquals (len(results), 3)
         self.assertEquals (len (results[0][0].split(",")), 4) # (u'151,1,161,1')
         self.assertEquals (len (results[1][0].split(",")), 2) # (u'161,1')
@@ -129,4 +129,4 @@ class TestFTSFunctions (unittest.TestCase):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
+    ut.main()
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/13-threaded-store.py b/tests/functional-tests/13-threaded-store.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7caddeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/13-threaded-store.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+Test that the threads in the daemon are working:
+ A very long query shouldn't block smaller queries.
+import os, dbus
+import gobject
+import glib
+import time
+from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+import unittest2 as ut
+#import unittest as ut
+from common.utils.storetest import CommonTrackerStoreTest as CommonTrackerStoreTest
+MAX_TEST_TIME = 60 # seconds to finish the tests (to avoid infinite waitings)
+COMPLEX_QUERY_TIMEOUT = 15000 # ms (How long do we wait for an answer to the complex query)
+SIMPLE_QUERY_FREQ = 2 # seconds (How freq do we send a simple query to the daemon)
+class TestThreadedStore (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+    """
+    When the database is big, running a complex query takes ages.
+    After cancelling the query, any following query is queued
+    Reported in bug NB#183499
+    """
+    def setUp (self):
+        self.main_loop = gobject.MainLoop ()
+        self.simple_queries_counter = AMOUNT_SIMPLE_QUERIES
+        self.simple_queries_answers = 0
+    def __populate_database (self):
+        self.assertTrue (os.path.exists ('ttl'))
+        for ttl_file in ["010-nco_EmailAddress.ttl",
+                         "011-nco_PostalAddress.ttl",
+                         "012-nco_PhoneNumber.ttl",
+                         "014-nco_ContactEmail.ttl",
+                         "015-nco_ContactCall.ttl",
+                         "018-nco_PersonContact.ttl",
+                         "012-nco_PhoneNumber.ttl",
+                         "016-nco_ContactIM.ttl"]:
+            full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join ("ttl", ttl_file))
+            print full_path
+            self.tracker.get_tracker_iface ().Load ("file://" + full_path,
+                                                        timeout=30000)
+    def test_complex_query (self):
+        start = time.time ()
+        self.__populate_database ()
+        end = time.time ()
+        print "Loading: %.3f sec." % (end-start)
+        COMPLEX_QUERY = """
+        SELECT ?url nie:url(?photo) nco:imContactStatusMessage (?url)
+                tracker:coalesce(nco:nameFamily (?url), nco:nameFamily (?url), nco:nameGiven (?org), ?email, ?phone, nco:blogUrl (?url))
+        WHERE {
+          { ?url a nco:PersonContact.
+            ?url fts:match 'fami*'.
+          } UNION {
+            ?url a nco:PersonContact.
+            ?url nco:hasEmailAddress ?add.
+            ?add fts:match 'fami*'.
+         } UNION {
+            ?url a nco:PersonContact.
+            ?url nco:hasPostalAddress ?post.
+            ?post fts:match 'fami*'.
+         }
+         OPTIONAL { ?url nco:photo ?photo.}
+         OPTIONAL { ?url nco:org ?org. }
+         OPTIONAL { ?url maemo:relevance ?relevance.}
+         OPTIONAL { ?url nco:hasPhoneNumber ?hasphone. ?hasPhone nco:phoneNumber ?phone.}
+         OPTIONAL { ?url nco:hasEmailAddress ?hasemail. ?hasemail nco:emailAddress ?email.}
+         } ORDER BY ?relevance LIMIT 100"""
+        # Standard timeout
+        print "Send complex query"
+        self.complex_start = time.time ()
+        self.tracker.get_tracker_iface ().SparqlQuery (COMPLEX_QUERY, timeout=COMPLEX_QUERY_TIMEOUT,
+                                                       reply_handler=self.reply_complex,
+                                                       error_handler=self.error_handler_complex)
+        self.timeout_id = glib.timeout_add_seconds (MAX_TEST_TIME, self.__timeout_on_idle)
+        glib.timeout_add_seconds (SIMPLE_QUERY_FREQ, self.__simple_query)
+        self.main_loop.run ()
+    def __simple_query (self):
+        print "Send simple query (%d)" % (self.simple_queries_counter)
+        SIMPLE_QUERY = "SELECT ?name WHERE { ?u a nco:PersonContact; nco:fullname ?name. }"
+        self.tracker.get_tracker_iface ().SparqlQuery (SIMPLE_QUERY,
+                                                       timeout=10000,
+                                                       reply_handler=self.reply_simple,
+                                                       error_handler=self.error_handler)
+        self.simple_queries_counter -= 1
+        if (self.simple_queries_counter == 0):
+            print "Stop sending queries (wait)"
+            return False
+        return True
+    def reply_simple (self, results):
+        print "Simple query answered"
+        self.assertNotEquals (len (results), 0)
+        self.simple_queries_answers += 1
+        if (self.simple_queries_answers == AMOUNT_SIMPLE_QUERIES):
+            print "All simple queries answered"
+            self.main_loop.quit ()
+    def reply_complex (self, results):
+        print "Complex query: %.3f" % (time.time () - self.complex_start)
+    def error_handler (self, error_msg):
+        print "ERROR in dbus call", error_msg
+    def error_handler_complex (self, error_msg):
+        print "Complex query timedout in DBus (", error_msg, ")"
+    def __timeout_on_idle (self):
+        print "Timeout... asumming idle"
+        self.main_loop.quit ()
+        return False
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ut.main ()
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/14-signals.py b/tests/functional-tests/14-signals.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f224ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/14-signals.py
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+Test that after insertion/remove/updates in the store, the signals
+are emitted. Theses tests are not extensive (only few selected signals
+are tested)
+import unittest2 as ut
+from common.utils.storetest import CommonTrackerStoreTest as CommonTrackerStoreTest
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+import gobject
+import glib
+import dbus
+from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+NCO_CONTACT_PATH = "/org/freedesktop/Tracker1/Resources/Classes/nco/Contact"
+SIGNALS_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Resources.Class"
+REASONABLE_TIMEOUT = 10 # Time waiting for the signal to be emitted
+class TrackerStoreSignalsTests (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+    """
+    Insert/update/remove instances from nco:PersonContact
+    and check that the signals are emitted
+    """
+    def setUp (self):
+        self.loop = gobject.MainLoop()
+        dbus_loop = DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
+        self.bus = dbus.SessionBus (dbus_loop)
+        self.timeout_id = 0
+    def __connect_signal (self, signal_name, callback):
+        """
+        After connecting to the signal, call self.__wait_for_signal.
+        That function will wait in a loop, so make sure that the callback
+        calls self.loop.quit ()
+        """
+            print "What kind of signal are you trying to connect?!"
+            assert False
+        self.cb_id = self.bus.add_signal_receiver (callback,
+                                                   signal_name=signal_name,
+                                                   path = NCO_CONTACT_PATH,
+                                                   dbus_interface = SIGNALS_IFACE)
+    def __wait_for_signal (self):
+        """
+        In the callback of the signals, there should be a self.loop.quit ()
+        """
+        self.timeout_id = glib.timeout_add_seconds (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT, self.__timeout_on_idle)
+        self.loop.run ()
+    def __timeout_on_idle (self):
+        self.loop.quit ()
+        self.fail ("Timeout, the signal never came!")
+    def __disconnect_signals_after_test (fn):
+        """
+        Here maybe i got a bit carried away with python instrospection.
+        This decorator makes the function run in a try/finally, and disconnect
+        all the signals afterwards.
+        It means that the signal callbacks just need to ensure the results are fine.
+        Don't touch this unless you know what are you doing.
+        """
+        def new (self, *args):
+            try:
+                fn (self, *args)
+            finally:
+                if (self.timeout_id != 0):
+                    glib.source_remove (self.timeout_id )
+                    self.timeout_id = 0
+                self.loop.quit ()
+                self.bus._clean_up_signal_match (self.cb_id)
+        return new
+    @__disconnect_signals_after_test 
+    def __contact_added_cb (self, contacts_added):
+        self.assertEquals (len (contacts_added), 1)
+        self.assertIn ("test://signals-contact-add", contacts_added)
+    def test_01_insert_contact (self):
+        CONTACT = """
+        INSERT {
+         <test://signals-contact-add> a nco:PersonContact ;
+             nco:nameGiven 'Contact-name added';
+             nco:nameFamily 'Contact-family added';
+             nie:generator 'test-14-signals' ;
+             nco:contactUID '1321321312312';
+             nco:hasPhoneNumber <tel:555555555> .
+        }
+        """
+        self.__connect_signal (SUBJECTS_ADDED_SIGNAL, self.__contact_added_cb)
+        self.tracker.update (CONTACT)
+        self.__wait_for_signal ()
+        self.tracker.update ("""
+        DELETE { <test://signals-contact-add> a rdfs:Resource }
+        """)
+    @__disconnect_signals_after_test
+    def __contact_removed_cb (self, contacts_removed):
+        self.assertEquals (len (contacts_removed), 1)
+        self.assertIn ("test://signals-contact-remove", contacts_removed)
+    def test_02_remove_contact (self):
+        CONTACT = """
+        INSERT {
+         <test://signals-contact-remove> a nco:PersonContact ;
+             nco:nameGiven 'Contact-name removed';
+             nco:nameFamily 'Contact-family removed'.
+        }
+        """
+        self.tracker.update (CONTACT)
+        self.__connect_signal (SUBJECTS_REMOVED_SIGNAL, self.__contact_removed_cb)
+        self.tracker.update ("""
+            DELETE { <test://signals-contact-remove> a rdfs:Resource }
+            """)
+        self.__wait_for_signal ()
+    @__disconnect_signals_after_test
+    def __contact_updated_cb (self, contacts_updated, props_updated):
+        self.assertEquals (len (contacts_updated), 1)
+        self.assertIn ("test://signals-contact-update", contacts_updated)
+        self.assertEquals (len (props_updated), 1)
+        self.assertIn ("http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nco#fullname";, props_updated)
+    def test_03_update_contact (self):
+        self.tracker.update ("INSERT { <test://signals-contact-update> a nco:PersonContact }")
+        self.__connect_signal (SUBJECTS_CHANGED_SIGNAL, self.__contact_updated_cb)
+        self.tracker.update ("INSERT { <test://signals-contact-update> nco:fullname 'wohoo'}")
+        self.__wait_for_signal ()
+        self.tracker.update ("DELETE { <test://signals-contact-update> a rdfs:Resource}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ut.main()
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/200-backup-restore.py b/tests/functional-tests/200-backup-restore.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b0492ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/200-backup-restore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+import os 
+import dbus # For the exception handling
+from common.utils.system import TrackerSystemAbstraction
+from common.utils.helpers import StoreHelper
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+from common.utils.storetest import CommonTrackerStoreTest as CommonTrackerStoreTest
+import unittest2 as ut
+Call backup, restore, force the journal replay and check the data is correct afterwards
+class BackupRestoreTest (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+        """
+        Backup and restore to/from valid/invalid files
+        """
+        def setUp (self):
+            self.TEST_INSTANCE = "test://backup-restore/1"
+            self.BACKUP_FILE = "file://" + os.path.join (cfg.TEST_TMP_DIR, "tracker-backup-test-1")
+            if (os.path.exists (self.BACKUP_FILE)):
+                os.unlink (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+        def __insert_test_instance (self):
+            self.tracker.update ("INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact; nco:fullname 'test-backup' } "
+                                 % (self.TEST_INSTANCE))
+        def __delete_test_instance (self):
+            self.tracker.update ("DELETE { <%s> a rdfs:Resource } " % (self.TEST_INSTANCE))
+        def __is_test_instance_there (self):
+            result = self.tracker.query ("SELECT ?u WHERE { ?u a nco:Contact; nco:fullname 'test-backup'}")
+            if (len (result) == 1 and len (result[0]) == 1 and result[0][0] == self.TEST_INSTANCE):
+                return True
+            return False
+	def test_backup_01(self):
+            """
+            Inserted data is restored after backup
+            1.Insert contact
+            2.Take backup.
+            3.Delete contact. (check it is not there)
+            4.Restore the file.
+            5.Check the contact is back there
+            """
+            self.__insert_test_instance ()
+            instances_before = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+            self.tracker.backup (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+            self.__delete_test_instance ()
+            instances_now = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+            self.assertEquals (instances_before-1, instances_now)
+            self.tracker.restore (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+            instances_after = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+            self.assertEquals (instances_before, instances_after)
+            self.assertTrue (self.__is_test_instance_there ())
+            # Clean the DB for the next test
+            self.__delete_test_instance ()
+ 	def test_backup_02 (self):
+ 	      """
+              Data inserted after backup is lost in restore
+ 	      1.Take backup of db.
+ 	      2.Insert a contact.
+ 	      3.Restore the db.
+ 	      4.Search for the contact inserted. 
+ 	      """
+              # Precondition: test backup contact shouldn't be there
+              self.assertFalse (self.__is_test_instance_there ())
+              self.tracker.backup (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+              self.__insert_test_instance ()
+              self.assertTrue (self.__is_test_instance_there ())
+              self.tracker.restore (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+              self.assertFalse (self.__is_test_instance_there ())
+	def test_backup_03 (self):
+	      """
+              Restore from a random text file
+	      """
+              TEST_FILE = os.path.join (cfg.TEST_TMP_DIR, "trash_file")
+              trashfile = open (TEST_FILE, "w")
+              trashfile.write ("Here some useless text that obviously is NOT a backup")
+              trashfile.close ()
+	      self.assertRaises (dbus.DBusException,
+                                 self.tracker.restore,
+                                 "file://" + TEST_FILE)
+              os.unlink (TEST_FILE)
+        def test_backup_04 (self):
+              """
+              Restore from a random binary file
+              """
+              TEST_FILE = os.path.join (cfg.TEST_TMP_DIR, "trash_file.dat")
+              import struct
+              trashfile = open (TEST_FILE, "wb")
+              for n in range (0, 50):
+                  data = struct.pack ('i', n)
+                  trashfile.write (data)
+              trashfile.close ()
+              instances_before = self.tracker.count_instances ("nie:InformationElement")
+	      self.assertRaises (dbus.DBusException,
+                                 self.tracker.restore,
+                                 "file://" + TEST_FILE)
+              os.unlink (TEST_FILE)
+	def test_backup_05(self):
+	      """
+	      Take backup of db to a invalid path.
+	      Expected: Backup should not be taken and tracker should behave normally.	
+	      """
+              self.assertRaises (dbus.DBusException,
+                                 self.tracker.backup,
+                                 "file://%s/this/is/a/non-existant/folder/backup" % (cfg.TEST_TMP_DIR))
+        def test_backup_06 (self):
+            """
+            Try to restore an invalid path
+            """
+            self.assertRaises (dbus.DBusException,
+                               self.tracker.restore,
+                               "file://%s/this/is/a/non-existant/folder/backup" % (cfg.TEST_TMP_DIR))
+	def test_backup_07(self):
+	      """
+              Restore after removing the DBs and journal
+	      1.Insert a contact.
+	      2.Take backup of db.
+	      4.Delete the database
+	      5.Restore the db.
+	      6.Search for the contact inserted. 
+              """
+              self.__insert_test_instance ()
+              instances_before = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+	      self.tracker.backup (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+              self.system.tracker_store_remove_dbs ()
+              self.system.tracker_store_remove_journal ()
+              self.system.tracker_store_brutal_restart ()
+              instances_before_restore = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+              self.assertNotEqual (instances_before_restore, instances_before)
+              self.tracker.restore (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+	      self.assertTrue (self.__is_test_instance_there ())
+              self.__delete_test_instance ()
+	def test_backup_08 (self):
+	      """
+              Restore after corrupting DB
+	      1.Insert a contact.
+	      2.Take backup of db.
+	      5.Restore the db.
+	      6.Search for the contact inserted. 
+              """
+              self.__insert_test_instance ()
+              instances_before = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+	      self.tracker.backup (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+              self.system.tracker_store_corrupt_dbs ()
+              self.system.tracker_store_remove_journal ()
+              self.system.tracker_store_brutal_restart ()
+              instances_before_restore = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+              self.assertNotEqual (instances_before_restore, instances_before)
+              self.tracker.restore (self.BACKUP_FILE)
+	      self.assertTrue (self.__is_test_instance_there ())
+              # DB to the original state
+              self.__delete_test_instance ()
+## 	def test_backup_09(self):
+## 	      """
+## 	      1.Insert a contact.
+## 	      2.Take backup of db.
+## 	      3.Corrupt the databse.
+## 	      4.Restore the db.
+## 	      5.Search for the contact inserted. 
+## 	      Expected:Contact should be listed in tracker search.	
+## 	      """
+## 	      urn = 'urn:uuid:'+`random.randint(0, sys.maxint)`
+## 	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+## 	      insert = insert_sparql %(urn)
+## 	      self.sparql_update(insert)
+## 	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact')
+## 	      stats1 = result.split()
+## 	      self.backup.Save(BACKUP_1)
+##               delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "                                                            
+##               delete = delete_sparql %(urn)                                                                               
+##               self.sparql_update(delete)  	
+## 	      print ("Corrupting the database")
+## 	      commands.getoutput('cp  ' + configuration.TEST_DATA_IMAGES +'test-image-1.jpg' + ' ' + database +'meta.db' )
+## 	      try :
+##                  self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+## 	      except :
+## 		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+## 	      print "querying for the contact"
+## 	      query_sparql = "SElECT ?c WHERE {?c a nco:Contact .FILTER (REGEX(?c, '%s' )) }"
+##               query = query_sparql %(urn)                                             
+##               result = self.query(query)                                                     
+## 	      self.assert_(result[0][0].find(urn)!=-1 , "Restore is not successful" )
+## 	def test_backup_10(self):
+## 	      """
+## 	      1.Insert a contact.
+## 	      2.Take backup of db.
+## 	      3.Kill tracker-store process.
+## 	      4.Corrupt the databse.
+## 	      5.Restore the db.
+## 	      6.Search for the contact inserted. 
+## 	      Expected:Contact should be listed in tracker search.	
+## 	      """
+## 	      urn = random.randint(0, sys.maxint)	
+## 	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+## 	      insert = insert_sparql %(urn)
+## 	      self.sparql_update(insert)
+## 	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact')
+## 	      stats1 = result.split()
+## 	      self.backup.Save(BACKUP_1)
+## 	      delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "                                                            
+##               delete = delete_sparql %(urn)                                                                               
+##               self.sparql_update(delete)  
+## 	      self.kill_store() 
+## 	      print ("corrupting the database")
+## 	      commands.getoutput('cp  ' + configuration.TEST_DATA_IMAGES +'test-image-1.jpg' + ' ' + database +'meta.db' )
+## 	      try :
+##                  self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+## 	      except :
+## 		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+##               result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact ')
+## 	      query_sparql = "SElECT ?c WHERE {?c a nco:Contact .FILTER (REGEX(?c, '%s' )) }"
+##               query = query_sparql %(urn)                                                    
+##               result = self.query(query)                                                     
+## 	      self.assert_(result[0][0].find(urn)!=-1 , "Restore is not successful")
+        def test_backup_11(self):
+	      """
+              Backup ignores the file extension
+	      1.Insert a contact.
+	      2.Take backup of db in .jpg format.
+	      3.Restore the db.
+	      4.Search for the contact inserted. 
+	      """
+              BACKUP_JPG_EXT = "file://%s/tracker-test-backup.jpg" % (cfg.TEST_TMP_DIR)
+              self.__insert_test_instance ()
+              instances_before = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+	      self.tracker.backup (BACKUP_JPG_EXT)
+              self.__delete_test_instance ()
+              instances_now = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+              self.assertEquals (instances_before, instances_now+1)
+              self.tracker.restore (BACKUP_JPG_EXT)
+              instances_after = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+              self.assertEquals (instances_before, instances_after)
+              # Restore the DB to the original state
+              self.__delete_test_instance ()
+class JournalReplayTest (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
+        """
+        Force journal replaying and check that the DB is correct aftewards
+        """
+ 	def test_journal_01 (self) :
+            """
+            Journal replaying when the DB is corrupted
+            Insert few data (to have more than the pre-defined instances)
+            Check instances of different classes
+            Replace the DB with a random file
+            Restart the daemon
+            Check instances of different classes
+            """
+            self.tracker.update ("INSERT { <test://journal-replay/01> a nco:Contact. }")
+            emails = self.tracker.count_instances ("nmo:Email")
+            ie = self.tracker.count_instances ("nie:InformationElement")
+            contacts = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+            self.system.tracker_store_corrupt_dbs ()
+            self.system.tracker_store_brutal_restart ()
+            ## Start it twice... the first time it detects the broken DB and aborts
+            self.system.tracker_store_brutal_restart ()
+            emails_now = self.tracker.count_instances ("nmo:Email")
+            ie_now = self.tracker.count_instances ("nie:InformationElement")
+            contacts_now = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+            self.assertEquals (emails, emails_now)
+            self.assertEquals (ie, ie_now)
+            self.assertEquals (contacts, contacts_now)
+            self.tracker.update ("DELETE { <test://journal-replay/01> a rdfs:Resource. }")
+	def test_journal_02 (self) :
+            """
+            Journal replaying when the DB disappears
+            Insert few data (to have more than the pre-defined instances)
+            Check instances of different classes
+            Remove the DB
+            Restart the daemon
+            Check instances of different classes
+            """
+            self.tracker.update ("INSERT { <test://journal-replay/02> a nco:Contact. }")
+            emails = self.tracker.count_instances ("nmo:Email")
+            ie = self.tracker.count_instances ("nie:InformationElement")
+            contacts = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+            self.system.tracker_store_remove_dbs ()
+            self.system.tracker_store_brutal_restart ()
+            emails_now = self.tracker.count_instances ("nmo:Email")
+            ie_now = self.tracker.count_instances ("nie:InformationElement")
+            contacts_now = self.tracker.count_instances ("nco:Contact")
+            self.assertEquals (emails, emails_now)
+            self.assertEquals (ie, ie_now)
+            self.assertEquals (contacts, contacts_now)
+            self.tracker.update ("DELETE { <test://journal-replay/02> a rdfs:Resource. }")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ut.main()                      
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/300-miner-basic-ops.py b/tests/functional-tests/300-miner-basic-ops.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aaa0f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/300-miner-basic-ops.py
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia (ivan frade nokia com)
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+# TODO:
+#     These tests are for files... we need to write them for folders!
+Monitor a test directory and copy/move/remove/update files and folders there.
+Check the basic data of the files is updated accordingly in tracker.
+import os
+import shutil
+import time
+import unittest2 as ut
+from common.utils.minertest import CommonTrackerMinerTest, BASEDIR, uri, path
+class MinerCrawlTest (CommonTrackerMinerTest):
+    """
+    Test cases to check if miner is able to monitor files that are created, deleted or moved
+    """
+    def __get_text_documents (self):
+        return self.tracker.query ("""
+          SELECT ?url WHERE {
+              ?u a nfo:TextDocument ;
+                  nie:url ?url.
+          }
+          """)
+    """
+    Boot the miner with the correct configuration and check everything is fine
+    """
+    def test_01_initial_crawling (self):
+        """
+        The precreated files and folders should be there
+        """
+        # Maybe the information hasn't been committed yet
+        time.sleep (1)
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 3)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # We don't check (yet) folders, because Applications module is injecting results
+## class copy(TestUpdate):
+## FIXME all tests in one class because the miner-fs restarting takes some time (~5 sec)
+##       Maybe we can move the miner-fs initialization to setUpModule and then move these
+##       tests to different classes  
+    def test_02_copy_from_unmonitored_to_monitored (self):
+        """
+        Copy an file from unmonitored directory to monitored directory
+        and verify if data base is updated accordingly
+        """
+        source = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-no-monitored", "file0.txt")
+        dest = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "file0.txt")
+        shutil.copyfile (source, dest)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        # verify if miner indexed this file. 
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 4)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file0.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # Clean the new file so the test directory is as before
+        print "Remove and wait"
+        os.remove (dest)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+    def test_03_copy_from_monitored_to_unmonitored (self):
+        """
+        Copy an file from a monitored location to an unmonitored location
+        Nothing should change 
+        """
+        # Copy from monitored to unmonitored
+        source = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "file1.txt")
+        dest = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-no-monitored", "file1.txt")
+        shutil.copyfile (source, dest)
+        time.sleep (1)
+        # Nothing changed
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 3)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # Clean the file
+        os.remove (dest)
+    def test_04_copy_from_monitored_to_monitored (self):
+        """
+        Copy a file between monitored directories
+        """
+        source = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "file1.txt")
+        dest = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "dir1", "dir2", "file-test04.txt")
+        shutil.copyfile (source, dest)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 4)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file-test04.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # Clean the file
+        os.remove (dest)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        self.assertEquals (3, self.tracker.count_instances ("nfo:TextDocument"))
+    def test_05_move_from_unmonitored_to_monitored (self):
+        """
+        Move a file from unmonitored to monitored directory
+        """
+        source = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-no-monitored", "file0.txt")
+        dest = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "dir1", "file-test05.txt")
+        shutil.move (source, dest)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 4)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file-test05.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # Clean the file
+        os.remove (dest)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        self.assertEquals (3, self.tracker.count_instances ("nfo:TextDocument"))
+## """ move operation and tracker-miner response test cases """
+## class move(TestUpdate):
+    def test_06_move_from_monitored_to_unmonitored (self):
+        """
+        Move a file from monitored to unmonitored directory
+        """
+        source = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "dir1", "file2.txt")
+        dest = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-no-monitored", "file2.txt")
+        shutil.move (source, dest)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 2)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # Restore the file
+        shutil.move (dest, source)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        self.assertEquals (3, self.tracker.count_instances ("nfo:TextDocument"))
+    def test_07_move_from_monitored_to_monitored (self):
+        """
+        Move a file between monitored directories
+        """
+        source = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "dir1", "file2.txt")
+        dest = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "file2.txt")
+        shutil.move (source, dest)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 3)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file2.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # Restore the file
+        shutil.move (dest, source)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 3)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt"), unpacked_result)
+    def test_08_deletion_single_file (self):
+        """
+        Delete one of the files
+        """
+        victim = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "dir1", "file2.txt")
+        os.remove (victim)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 2)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # Restore the file
+        f = open (victim, "w")
+        f.write ("Don't panic, everything is fine")
+        f.close ()
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+    def test_09_deletion_directory (self):
+        """
+        Delete a directory
+        """
+        victim = os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "dir1")
+        shutil.rmtree (victim)
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+        unpacked_result = [ r[0] for r in result]
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), unpacked_result)
+        # Restore the dirs
+        #  Wait after each operation to be sure of the results
+        os.makedirs (os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "dir1"))
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        os.makedirs (os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-monitored", "dir1", "dir2"))
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        for f in ["test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt",
+                  "test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"]:
+            filename = os.path.join (BASEDIR, f)
+            writer = open (filename, "w")
+            writer.write ("Don't panic, everything is fine")
+            writer.close ()
+            self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        # Wait a bit more... some time one idle is not enough
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle (3)
+        # Check everything is fine
+        result = self.__get_text_documents ()
+        self.assertEquals (len (result), 3)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print """
+     Tests for Copy/move/delete operations of FILES between monitored/unmonitored locations.
+     We need to do the same for DIRECTORIES!
+    """
+    ut.main()
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/310-fts-indexing.py b/tests/functional-tests/310-fts-indexing.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..334ab88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/310-fts-indexing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia (ivan frade nokia com)
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+# TODO:
+#     These tests are for files... we need to write them for folders!
+Monitor a directory, copy/move/remove/update text files and check that
+the text contents are updated accordingly in the indexes.
+import os
+import shutil
+import locale
+import unittest2 as ut
+from common.utils.minertest import CommonTrackerMinerTest, BASEDIR, uri, path, DEFAULT_TEXT
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+class CommonMinerFTS (CommonTrackerMinerTest):
+    """
+    Superclass to share methods. Shouldn't be run by itself.
+    """
+    def setUp (self):
+        self.testfile = "test-monitored/miner-fts-test.txt"
+        if os.path.exists (path (self.testfile)):
+            os.remove (path (self.testfile))
+        # Shouldn't we wait here for the miner to idle? (it works without it)
+    def tearDown (self):
+        #if os.path.exists (path (self.testfile)):
+        #    os.remove (path (self.testfile))
+        pass
+    def set_text (self, text):
+        f = open (path (self.testfile), "w")
+        f.write (text)
+        f.close ()
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+    def search_word (self, word):
+        """
+        Return list of URIs with the word in them
+        """
+        print word
+        results = self.tracker.query ("""
+                SELECT ?url WHERE {
+                  ?u a nfo:TextDocument ;
+                      nie:url ?url ;
+                      fts:match '%s'.
+                 }
+                 """ % (word))
+        return [r[0] for r in results]
+    def basic_test (self, text, word):
+        """
+        Save the text on the testfile, search the word
+        and assert the testfile is only result.
+        Be careful with the default contents of the text files
+        ( see common/utils/minertest.py DEFAULT_TEXT )
+        """
+        self.set_text (text)
+        results = self.search_word (word)
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+        self.assertIn ( uri (self.testfile), results)
+class MinerFTSBasicTest (CommonMinerFTS):
+    """
+    Tests different contents in a single file
+    """
+    def test_01_single_word (self):
+        TEXT = "automobile"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, TEXT)
+    def test_02_multiple_words (self):
+        TEXT = "automobile with unlimited power"
+        self.set_text (TEXT)
+        results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+        self.assertIn (uri (self.testfile), results)
+        results = self.search_word ("unlimited")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+        self.assertIn (uri (self.testfile), results)
+    def test_03_long_word (self):
+        # TEXT is longer than the 20 characters specified in the fts configuration
+        TEXT = "fsfsfsdfskfweeqrewqkmnbbvkdasdjefjewriqjfnc"
+        self.set_text (TEXT)
+        results = self.search_word (TEXT)
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+    def test_04_non_existent_word (self):
+        TEXT = "This a trick"
+        self.set_text (TEXT)
+        results = self.search_word ("trikc")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+    def test_05_word_in_multiple_files (self):
+        # Safeguard, in the case we modify the DEFAULT_TEXT later...
+        assert "content" in DEFAULT_TEXT
+        self.set_text (DEFAULT_TEXT)
+        results = self.search_word ("content")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 4)
+        self.assertIn ( uri (self.testfile), results)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), results)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt"), results)
+        self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), results)
+    def test_06_word_multiple_times_in_file (self):
+        TEXT = "automobile is red. automobile is big. automobile is great!"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, "automobile")
+    def test_07_sentence (self):
+        TEXT = "plastic is fantastic"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, TEXT)
+    def test_08_partial_sentence (self):
+        TEXT = "plastic is fantastic"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, "is fantastic")
+    def test_09_strange_word (self):
+        # FIXME Not sure what are we testing here
+        TEXT = "'summer.time'"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, "summer.time")
+    # Skip the test 'search for .'
+    def test_10_mixed_letters_and_numbers (self):
+        TEXT = "abc123"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, "abc123")
+    def test_11_ignore_numbers (self):
+        TEXT = "palabra 123123"
+        self.set_text (TEXT)
+        results = self.search_word ("123123")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+class MinerFTSFileOperationsTest (CommonMinerFTS):
+    """
+    Move, update, delete the files and check the text indexes are updated accordingly.
+    """
+    def test_01_removal_of_file (self):
+        """
+        When removing the file, its text contents disappear from the index
+        """
+        TEXT = "automobile is red and big and whatnot"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, "automobile")
+        os.remove ( path (self.testfile))
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+    def test_02_empty_the_file (self):
+        """
+        Emptying the file, the indexed words are also removed
+        """
+        TEXT = "automobile is red and big and whatnot"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, "automobile")
+        self.set_text ("")
+        results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+    def test_03_update_the_file (self):
+        """
+        Changing the contents of the file, updates the index
+        """
+        TEXT = "automobile is red and big and whatnot"
+        self.basic_test (TEXT, "automobile")
+        self.set_text ("airplane is blue and small and wonderful")
+        results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+        results = self.search_word ("airplane")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+    # Skip the test_text_13... feel, feet, fee in three diff files and search feet
+    def __recreate_file (self, filename, content):
+        if os.path.exists (filename):
+            os.remove (filename)
+        f = open (filename, "w")
+        f.write (content)
+        f.close ()
+    def test_04_on_unmonitored_file (self):
+        """
+        Set text in an unmonitored file. There should be no results.
+        """
+        TEXT = "automobile is red"
+        TEST_15_FILE = "test-no-monitored/fts-indexing-test-15.txt"
+        self.__recreate_file (path (TEST_15_FILE), TEXT)
+        results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+        os.remove (path (TEST_15_FILE))
+    def test_05_move_file_unmonitored_monitored (self):
+        """
+        Move file from unmonitored location to monitored location and index should be updated
+        """
+        # Maybe the miner hasn't finished yet with the setUp deletion!
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        TEXT = "airplane is beautiful"
+        TEST_16_SOURCE = "test-no-monitored/fts-indexing-text-16.txt"
+        TEST_16_DEST = "test-monitored/fts-indexing-text-16.txt"
+        self.__recreate_file (path (TEST_16_SOURCE), TEXT)
+        results = self.search_word ("airplane")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+        shutil.copyfile ( path (TEST_16_SOURCE), path (TEST_16_DEST))
+        self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+        results = self.search_word ("airplane")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+        os.remove ( path (TEST_16_SOURCE))
+        os.remove ( path (TEST_16_DEST))
+    # skip test for a file in a hidden directory
+class MinerFTSStopwordsTest (CommonMinerFTS):
+    """
+    Search for stopwords in a file 
+    """
+    def __get_some_stopwords (self):
+        langcode, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale ()
+        if "_" in langcode:
+            langcode = langcode.split ("_")[0]
+        stopwordsfile = os.path.join (cfg.DATADIR, "tracker", "languages", "stopwords." + langcode)
+        if not os.path.exists (stopwordsfile):
+            self.skipTest ("No stopwords for the current locale ('%s' doesn't exist)" % (stopwordsfile))
+            return []
+        stopwords = []
+        counter = 0
+        for line in open (stopwordsfile, "r"):
+            if len (line) > 4:
+                stopwords.append (line[:-1])
+                counter += 1
+            if counter > 5:
+                break
+        return stopwords
+    def test_01_stopwords (self):
+        stopwords = self.__get_some_stopwords ()
+        TEXT = " ".join (["this a completely normal text automobile"] + stopwords)
+        self.set_text (TEXT)
+        results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+        self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+        print stopwords
+        for i in range (0, len (stopwords)):
+            results = self.search_word (stopwords[i])
+            self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+    ## FIXME add all the special character tests!
+    ##  http://git.gnome.org/browse/tracker/commit/?id=81c0d3bd754a6b20ac72323481767dc5b4a6217b
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ut.main ()
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py b/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e3f6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+For a collection of files, call the extractor and check that the expected
+metadata is extracted. Load dynamically the test information from a data
+directory (containing xxx.expected files)
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+from common.utils.helpers import ExtractorHelper
+import unittest2 as ut
+import os
+import types
+import sys
+import ConfigParser
+class ExtractionTestCase (ut.TestCase):
+    """
+    Test checks if the tracker extractor is able to retrieve metadata 
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, methodName='runTest', descfile=None):
+        """
+        Descfile is the description file in a relative path
+        """
+        ut.TestCase.__init__ (self, methodName)
+        # Load the description file
+        assert descfile
+        self.rel_description = descfile
+        self.configParser = self.__load_description_file (self.rel_description)
+        # Add a method to the class called after the description file
+        methodName = self.rel_description.lower()[:-len(".expected")].replace (" ", "_")[-60:]
+        if (self.__is_expected_failure ()):
+            setattr (self,
+                     methodName,
+                     self.expected_failure_test_extraction)
+        else:
+            setattr (self,
+                     methodName,
+                     self.generic_test_extraction)
+        # unittest framework will run the test called "self._testMethodName"
+        # So we set that variable to our new name
+        self._testMethodName = methodName
+    def runTest (self):
+        """
+        Empty function pointer, that should NEVER be called. It is required to exist by unittest.
+        """
+        assert False
+    def __load_description_file (self, descfile):
+        configParser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser ()
+        # Make it case sensitive:
+        configParser.optionxform = str
+        abs_description = os.path.abspath (descfile)
+        loaded_files = configParser.read (abs_description)
+        if not abs_description in loaded_files:
+            raise Exception("Unable to load %s" % (abs_description))
+        return configParser
+    def __is_expected_failure (self):
+        assert self.configParser
+        return self.configParser.has_option ("TestFile", "ExpectedFailure")
+    def __get_bugnumber (self):
+        assert self.configParser
+        if self.configParser.has_option ("TestFile", "Bugzilla"):
+            return "'" + self.configParser.get ("TestFile", "Bugzilla") + "'"
+        else:
+            return None
+    def setUp (self):
+        self.extractor = ExtractorHelper ()
+    def expected_failure_test_extraction (self):
+        try:
+            self.generic_test_extraction ()
+        except Exception:
+            raise ut.case._ExpectedFailure(sys.exc_info())
+        if self.__get_bugnumber ():
+            raise Exception ("Unexpected success. Maybe bug: " + self.__get_bugnumber () + " has been fixed?")
+        else:
+            raise Exception ("Unexpected success. Check " + self.rel_description)
+    def generic_test_extraction (self):
+        abs_description = os.path.abspath (self.rel_description)
+        # Filename contains the file to extract, in a relative path to the description file
+        desc_root, desc_file = os.path.split (abs_description)
+        self.file_to_extract = ""
+        try:
+            self.file_to_extract = os.path.join (desc_root, self.configParser.get ("TestFile", "Filename"))
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.fail ("%s in %s"
+                       % (e, abs_description))
+        result = self.extractor.get_metadata ("file://" + self.file_to_extract, "")
+        self.__assert_extraction_ok (result)
+    def assertDictHasKey (self, d, key, msg=None):
+        if not d.has_key (key):
+            standardMsg = "Missing: %s\n" % (key)
+            self.fail (self._formatMessage (msg, standardMsg))
+        else:
+            return
+    def __assert_extraction_ok (self, result):
+        self.__check_section ("Metadata", result)
+        if (cfg.haveMaemo and self.configParser.has_section ("Meego")):
+            self.__check_section ("Meego", result)
+    def __check_section (self, section, result):
+        error_missing_prop = "Property '%s' hasn't been extracted from file \n'%s'\n (requested on '%s' [%s])"
+        error_wrong_value = "on property '%s' from file %s\n (requested on: '%s' [%s])"
+        error_extra_prop = "Property '%s' was explicitely banned for file \n'%s'\n (requested on '%s' [%s])"
+        error_extra_prop_v = "Property '%s' with value '%s' was explicitely banned for file \n'%s'\n (requested on %s' [%s])"
+        expected_pairs = [ (k.replace ("_", ":"), v)
+                           for (k,v) in self.configParser.items (section)
+                           if not k.startswith ("!")]
+        unexpected_pairs = [ (k[1:].replace ("_", ":"), v)
+                             for (k,v) in self.configParser.items (section)
+                             if k.startswith ("!")]
+        for (prop, value) in expected_pairs:
+            self.assertDictHasKey (result, prop,
+                                   error_missing_prop % (prop,
+                                                         self.file_to_extract,
+                                                         self.rel_description,
+                                                         section))
+            self.assertIn (value, result [prop],
+                           error_wrong_value % (prop,
+                                                self.file_to_extract,
+                                                self.rel_description,
+                                                section))
+        for (prop, value) in unexpected_pairs:
+            # There is no prop, or it is but not with that value
+            if (value == ""):
+                self.assertFalse (result.has_key (prop), error_extra_prop % (prop,
+                                                                             self.file_to_extract,
+                                                                             self.rel_description,
+                                                                             section))
+            else:
+                self.assertNotIn (value, result [prop], error_extra_prop_v % (prop,
+                                                                              value,
+                                                                              self.file_to_extract,
+                                                                              self.rel_description,
+                                                                              section))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ##
+    # Traverse the TEST_DATA_PATH directory looking for .description files
+    # Add a new TestCase to the suite per .description file and run the suite.
+    #
+    # Is we do this inside a single TestCase an error in one test would stop the whole
+    # testing.
+    ##
+    if (os.path.exists (os.getcwd() + "/test-extraction-data")):
+        # Use local directory if available
+        TEST_DATA_PATH = os.getcwd() + "/test-extraction-data"
+    else:
+        TEST_DATA_PATH = os.path.join (cfg.DATADIR, "tracker-tests",
+                                       "test-extraction-data")
+    print "Loading test descriptions from", TEST_DATA_PATH
+    extractionTestSuite = ut.TestSuite ()
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk (TEST_DATA_PATH):
+         descriptions = [os.path.join (root, f) for f in files if f.endswith ("expected")]
+         for descfile in descriptions:
+             tc = ExtractionTestCase(descfile=descfile)
+             extractionTestSuite.addTest(tc)
+    result = ut.TextTestRunner (verbosity=1).run (extractionTestSuite)
+    sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/500-writeback.py b/tests/functional-tests/500-writeback.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..620c7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/500-writeback.py
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia (ivan frade nokia com)
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+Write values in tracker and check the actual values are written
+on the files. Note that these tests are highly platform dependant.
+import sys, os, dbus
+import time
+import shutil
+from common.utils.system import TrackerSystemAbstraction
+from common.utils.helpers import StoreHelper, ExtractorHelper
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+import unittest2 as ut
+from common.utils.expectedFailure import expectedFailureBug
+BASEDIR = os.environ['HOME']
+REASONABLE_TIMEOUT = 5 # Seconds we wait for tracker-writeback to do the work
+def uri (filename):
+    return "file://" + os.path.join (BASEDIR, filename)
+class CommonTrackerWritebackTest (ut.TestCase):
+    """
+    Superclass to share methods. Shouldn't be run by itself.
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def __prepare_directories (self):
+        #
+        #     ~/test-writeback-monitored/
+        #     ~/test-writeback-no-monitored/
+        #
+        for d in ["test-writeback-monitored",
+                  "test-writeback-no-monitored"]:
+            directory = os.path.join (BASEDIR, d)
+            if (os.path.exists (directory)):
+                shutil.rmtree (directory)
+            os.makedirs (directory)
+        if (os.path.exists (os.getcwd() + "/test-writeback-data")):
+            # Use local directory if available
+            datadir = os.getcwd() + "/test-writeback-data"
+        else:
+            datadir = os.path.join (cfg.DATADIR, "tracker-tests",
+                                    "test-writeback-data")
+        for root, dirs, testfile in os.walk (datadir):
+            def is_valid_file (f):
+                return not (tf.endswith ("~") or tf.startswith ("Makefile"))
+            valid_files = [os.path.join (root, tf) for tf in testfile if is_valid_file (tf)]
+            for f in valid_files:
+                print "Copying", f, os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-writeback-monitored")
+                shutil.copy (f, os.path.join (BASEDIR, "test-writeback-monitored"))
+    @classmethod 
+    def setUpClass (self):
+        #print "Starting the daemon in test mode"
+        self.__prepare_directories ()
+        self.system = TrackerSystemAbstraction ()
+        if (os.path.exists (os.getcwd() + "/test-configurations/writeback")):
+            # Use local directory if available
+            confdir = os.getcwd() + "/test-configurations/writeback"
+        else:
+            confdir = os.path.join (cfg.DATADIR, "tracker-tests",
+                                    "test-configurations", "writeback")
+        self.system.tracker_writeback_testing_start (confdir)
+        # Returns when ready
+        print "Ready to go!"
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass (self):
+        #print "Stopping the daemon in test mode (Doing nothing now)"
+        self.system.tracker_writeback_testing_stop ()
+class WritebackMonitoredTest (CommonTrackerWritebackTest):
+    """
+    Write in tracker store the properties witih writeback support and check
+    that the new values are actually in the file
+    """
+    def setUp (self):
+        self.tracker = StoreHelper ()
+        self.extractor = ExtractorHelper ()
+    def tearDown (self):
+        # Give it more time between tests to avoid random failures?
+        pass
+    def __clean_property (self, property_name, fileuri, expectFailure=True):
+        """
+        Remove the property for the fileuri (file://...)
+        """
+        CLEAN = """
+           DELETE { ?u %s ?whatever }
+           WHERE  {
+               ?u nie:url '%s' ;
+                  %s ?whatever .
+           }
+        """
+        try:
+            self.tracker.update (CLEAN % (property_name, fileuri, property_name))
+        except Exception, e:
+            print e
+            assert expectFailure
+    def __writeback_test (self, filename, mimetype, prop, expectedKey=None):
+        """
+        Set a value in @prop for the @filename. Then ask tracker-extractor
+        for metadata and check in the results dictionary if the property is there.
+        Note: given the special translation of some property-names in the dictionary
+        with extracted metadata, there is an optional parameter @expectedKey
+        to specify what property to check in the dictionary. If None, then
+        the @prop is used.
+        """
+        TEST_VALUE = prop.replace (":","") + "test"
+        SPARQL_TMPL = """
+           INSERT { ?u %s '%s' }
+           WHERE  { ?u nie:url '%s' }
+        """ 
+        self.__clean_property (prop, uri(filename))
+        self.tracker.update (SPARQL_TMPL % (prop, TEST_VALUE, uri(filename)))
+        # There is no way to know when the operation is finished
+        time.sleep (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT)
+        results = self.extractor.get_metadata (uri (filename), mimetype)
+        keyDict = expectedKey or prop
+        self.assertEquals (results[keyDict][0], TEST_VALUE)
+        self.__clean_property (prop, uri(filename), False)
+    def __writeback_hasTag_test (self, filename, mimetype):
+        SPARQL_TMPL = """
+            INSERT {
+              <test://writeback-hasTag-test/1> a nao:Tag ;
+                        nao:prefLabel "testTag" .
+              ?u nao:hasTag <test://writeback-hasTag-test/1> .
+            } WHERE {
+              ?u nie:url '%s' .
+            }
+        """
+        CLEAN_VALUE = """
+           DELETE {
+              <test://writeback-hasTag-test/1> a rdfs:Resource.
+              ?u nao:hasTag <test://writeback-hasTag-test/1> .
+           } WHERE {
+              ?u nao:hasTag <test://writeback-hasTag-test/1> .
+           }
+        """
+        self.tracker.update (SPARQL_TMPL % (uri (filename)))
+        time.sleep (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT)
+        results = self.extractor.get_metadata (uri (filename), mimetype)
+        self.assertIn ("testTag", results ["nao:hasTag:prefLabel"])
+    # JPEG test
+    def test_001_jpeg_title (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-1.jpeg"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/jpeg", "nie:title")
+    def test_002_jpeg_description (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-1.jpeg"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/jpeg", "nie:description")
+    def test_003_jpeg_keyword (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-1.jpeg"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/jpeg", "nie:keyword", "nao:hasTag:prefLabel")
+    def test_004_jpeg_hasTag (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-1.jpeg"
+        self.__writeback_hasTag_test (FILENAME, "image/jpeg")
+    # TIFF tests
+    def test_011_tiff_title (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-2.tif"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/tiff", "nie:title")
+    def test_012_tiff_description (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-2.tif"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/tiff", "nie:description")
+    def test_013_tiff_keyword (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-2.tif"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/tiff", "nie:keyword", "nao:hasTag:prefLabel")
+    def test_014_tiff_hasTag (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-2.tif"
+        self.__writeback_hasTag_test (FILENAME, "image/tiff")
+    # PNG tests
+    ## @expectedFailureBug ("NB#185070")
+    def test_021_png_title (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-4.png"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/png", "nie:title")
+    @expectedFailureBug ("NB#185070")
+    def test_022_png_description (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-4.png"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/png", "nie:description")
+    @expectedFailureBug ("NB#185070")
+    def test_023_png_keyword (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-4.png"
+        self.__writeback_test (FILENAME, "image/png", "nie:keyword", "nao:hasTag:prefLabel")
+    @expectedFailureBug("NB#185070")
+    def test_024_png_hasTag (self):
+        FILENAME = "test-writeback-monitored/writeback-test-4.png"
+        self.__writeback_hasTag_test (FILENAME, "image/png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ut.main ()

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