[f-spot/icon-view-cleanup: 15/24] Create a file for each Gallery export class

commit c02a7dd2b4d123d0a5b597324ed31088414fdb9f
Author: Paul Lange <palango gmx de>
Date:   Fri Aug 13 22:23:42 2010 +0200

    Create a file for each Gallery export class

 .../FSpot.Exporters.Gallery.csproj                 |    4 +
 .../FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/AccountDialog.cs       |  198 +++++++
 .../FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccount.cs      |  151 +++++
 .../GalleryAccountManager.cs                       |  176 ++++++
 .../FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAddAlbum.cs     |  141 +++++
 .../FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryExport.cs       |  595 +-------------------
 .../Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/Makefile.am  |    4 +
 7 files changed, 677 insertions(+), 592 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery.csproj b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery.csproj
index da36280..e469458 100644
--- a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery.csproj
+++ b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery.csproj
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@
     <Compile Include="FSpot.Exporters.Gallery\FormClient.cs" />
     <Compile Include="FSpot.Exporters.Gallery\GalleryExport.cs" />
     <Compile Include="FSpot.Exporters.Gallery\GalleryRemote.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="FSpot.Exporters.Gallery\GalleryAccount.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="FSpot.Exporters.Gallery\GalleryAccountManager.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="FSpot.Exporters.Gallery\AccountDialog.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="FSpot.Exporters.Gallery\GalleryAddAlbum.cs" />
     <EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\GalleryExport.addin.xml">
diff --git a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/AccountDialog.cs b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/AccountDialog.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aba75c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/AccountDialog.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Specialized;
+using System.Web;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using FSpot;
+using FSpot.Core;
+using FSpot.Filters;
+using FSpot.Widgets;
+using FSpot.Utils;
+using FSpot.UI.Dialog;
+using FSpot.Extensions;
+using Hyena;
+using Hyena.Widgets;
+namespace FSpot.Exporters.Gallery
+	public class AccountDialog {
+		public AccountDialog (Gtk.Window parent) : this (parent, null, false) {
+			add_dialog.Response += HandleAddResponse;
+			add_button.Sensitive = false;
+		}
+		public AccountDialog (Gtk.Window parent, GalleryAccount account, bool show_error)
+		{
+			Glade.XML xml = new Glade.XML (null, "GalleryExport.glade", "gallery_add_dialog", "f-spot");
+			xml.Autoconnect (this);
+			add_dialog = (Gtk.Dialog) xml.GetWidget ("gallery_add_dialog");
+			add_dialog.Modal = false;
+			add_dialog.TransientFor = parent;
+			add_dialog.DefaultResponse = Gtk.ResponseType.Ok;
+			this.account = account;
+			status_area.Visible = show_error;
+			if (account != null) {
+				gallery_entry.Text = account.Name;
+				url_entry.Text = account.Url;
+				password_entry.Text = account.Password;
+				username_entry.Text = account.Username;
+				add_button.Label = Gtk.Stock.Ok;
+				add_dialog.Response += HandleEditResponse;
+			}
+			if (remove_button != null)
+				remove_button.Visible = account != null;
+			add_dialog.Show ();
+			gallery_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
+			url_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
+			password_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
+			username_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
+			HandleChanged (null, null);
+		}
+		private void HandleChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs args)
+		{
+			name = gallery_entry.Text;
+			url = url_entry.Text;
+			password = password_entry.Text;
+			username = username_entry.Text;
+			if (name == String.Empty || url == String.Empty || password == String.Empty || username == String.Empty)
+				add_button.Sensitive = false;
+			else
+				add_button.Sensitive = true;
+		}
+		[GLib.ConnectBefore]
+		protected void HandleAddResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args)
+		{
+			if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
+				try {
+					Uri uri = new Uri (url);
+					if (uri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttp &&
+					    uri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
+						throw new System.UriFormatException ();
+					//Check for name uniqueness
+					foreach (GalleryAccount acc in GalleryAccountManager.GetInstance ().GetAccounts ())
+						if (acc.Name == name)
+							throw new ArgumentException ("name");
+					GalleryAccount created = new GalleryAccount (name,
+										     url,
+										     username,
+										     password);
+					created.Connect ();
+					GalleryAccountManager.GetInstance ().AddAccount (created);
+					account = created;
+				} catch (System.UriFormatException) {
+					HigMessageDialog md =
+						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
+								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
+								      Catalog.GetString ("Invalid URL"),
+								      Catalog.GetString ("The gallery URL entry does not appear to be a valid URL"));
+					md.Run ();
+					md.Destroy ();
+					return;
+				} catch (GalleryException e) {
+					HigMessageDialog md =
+						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
+								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
+								      Catalog.GetString ("Error while connecting to Gallery"),
+								      String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("The following error was encountered while attempting to log in: {0}"), e.Message));
+					if (e.ResponseText != null) {
+						Log.Debug (e.Message);
+						Log.Debug (e.ResponseText);
+					}
+					md.Run ();
+					md.Destroy ();
+					return;
+				} catch (ArgumentException ae) {
+					HigMessageDialog md =
+						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
+								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
+								      Catalog.GetString ("A Gallery with this name already exists"),
+								      String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("There is already a Gallery with the same name in your registered Galleries. Please choose a unique name.")));
+					Log.Exception (ae);
+					md.Run ();
+					md.Destroy ();
+					return;
+				} catch (System.Net.WebException we) {
+					HigMessageDialog md =
+						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
+								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
+								      Catalog.GetString ("Error while connecting to Gallery"),
+								      String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("The following error was encountered while attempting to log in: {0}"), we.Message));
+					md.Run ();
+					md.Destroy ();
+					return;
+				} catch (System.Exception se) {
+					HigMessageDialog md =
+						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
+								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
+								      Catalog.GetString ("Error while connecting to Gallery"),
+								      String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("The following error was encountered while attempting to log in: {0}"), se.Message));
+					Log.Exception (se);
+					md.Run ();
+					md.Destroy ();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			add_dialog.Destroy ();
+		}
+		protected void HandleEditResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args)
+		{
+			if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
+				account.Name = name;
+				account.Url = url;
+				account.Username = username;
+				account.Password = password;
+				GalleryAccountManager.GetInstance ().MarkChanged (true, account);
+			} else if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Reject) {
+				// NOTE we are using Reject to signal the remove action.
+				GalleryAccountManager.GetInstance ().RemoveAccount (account);
+			}
+			add_dialog.Destroy ();
+		}
+		private GalleryAccount account;
+		private string name;
+		private string url;
+		private string password;
+		private string username;
+		// widgets
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Dialog add_dialog;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry url_entry;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry password_entry;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry gallery_entry;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry username_entry;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button add_button;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button remove_button;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button cancel_button;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.HBox status_area;
+	}
diff --git a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccount.cs b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccount.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8377d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccount.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Specialized;
+using System.Web;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using FSpot;
+using FSpot.Core;
+using FSpot.Filters;
+using FSpot.Widgets;
+using FSpot.Utils;
+using FSpot.UI.Dialog;
+using FSpot.Extensions;
+using Hyena;
+using Hyena.Widgets;
+namespace FSpot.Exporters.Gallery
+	public class GalleryAccount {
+		public GalleryAccount (string name, string url, string username, string password) : this (name, url, username, password, GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown) {}
+		public GalleryAccount (string name, string url, string username, string password, GalleryVersion version)
+		{
+			this.name = name;
+			this.username = username;
+			this.password = password;
+			this.Url = url;
+			if (version != GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown) {
+				this.version = version;
+			} else {
+				this.version = Gallery.DetectGalleryVersion(Url);
+			}
+		}
+		public const string EXPORT_SERVICE = "gallery/";
+		public const string LIGHTTPD_WORKAROUND_KEY = Preferences.APP_FSPOT_EXPORT + EXPORT_SERVICE + "lighttpd_workaround";
+		public Gallery Connect ()
+		{
+			//System.Console.WriteLine ("GalleryAccount.Connect()");
+			Gallery gal = null;
+			if (version == GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown)
+				this.version = Gallery.DetectGalleryVersion(Url);
+			if (version == GalleryVersion.Version1) {
+				gal = new Gallery1 (url, url);
+			} else if (version == GalleryVersion.Version2) {
+				gal = new Gallery2 (url, url);
+			} else {
+				throw new GalleryException (Catalog.GetString("Cannot connect to a Gallery for which the version is unknown.\nPlease check that you have Remote plugin 1.0.8 or later"));
+			}
+			Log.Debug ("Gallery created: " + gal);
+			gal.Login (username, password);
+			gallery = gal;
+			connected = true;
+			gallery.expect_continue = Preferences.Get<bool> (LIGHTTPD_WORKAROUND_KEY);
+			return gallery;
+		}
+		GalleryVersion version;
+		public GalleryVersion Version{
+			get {
+				return version;
+			}
+		}
+		private bool connected;
+		public bool Connected {
+			get {
+				bool retVal = false;
+				if(gallery != null) {
+					retVal = gallery.IsConnected ();
+				}
+				if (connected != retVal) {
+					Log.Warning ("Connected and retVal for IsConnected() don't agree");
+				}
+				return retVal;
+			}
+		}
+		public void MarkChanged ()
+		{
+			connected = false;
+			gallery = null;
+		}
+		Gallery gallery;
+		public Gallery Gallery {
+			get {
+				return gallery;
+			}
+		}
+		string name;
+		public string Name {
+			get {
+				return name;
+			}
+			set {
+				name = value;
+			}
+		}
+		string url;
+		public string Url {
+			get {
+				return url;
+			}
+			set {
+				if (url != value) {
+					url = value;
+					MarkChanged ();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		string username;
+		public string Username {
+			get {
+				return username;
+			}
+			set {
+				if (username != value) {
+					username = value;
+					MarkChanged ();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		string password;
+		public string Password {
+			get {
+				return password;
+			}
+			set {
+				if (password != value) {
+					password = value;
+					MarkChanged ();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccountManager.cs b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccountManager.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b106c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccountManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Specialized;
+using System.Web;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using FSpot;
+using FSpot.Core;
+using FSpot.Filters;
+using FSpot.Widgets;
+using FSpot.Utils;
+using FSpot.UI.Dialog;
+using FSpot.Extensions;
+using Hyena;
+using Hyena.Widgets;
+namespace FSpot.Exporters.Gallery
+	public class GalleryAccountManager
+	{
+		private static GalleryAccountManager instance;
+		string xml_path;
+		ArrayList accounts;
+		public delegate void AccountListChangedHandler (GalleryAccountManager manager, GalleryAccount changed_account);
+		public event AccountListChangedHandler AccountListChanged;
+		public static GalleryAccountManager GetInstance ()
+		{
+			if (instance == null) {
+				instance = new GalleryAccountManager ();
+			}
+			return instance;
+		}
+		private GalleryAccountManager ()
+		{
+			// FIXME this xml file path should be be retrieved from a central location not hard coded there
+			this.xml_path = System.IO.Path.Combine (FSpot.Core.Global.BaseDirectory, "Accounts.xml");
+			accounts = new ArrayList ();
+			ReadAccounts ();
+		}
+		public void MarkChanged ()
+		{
+			MarkChanged (true, null);
+		}
+		public void MarkChanged (bool write, GalleryAccount changed_account)
+		{
+			if (write)
+				WriteAccounts ();
+			if (AccountListChanged != null)
+				AccountListChanged (this, changed_account);
+		}
+		public ArrayList GetAccounts ()
+		{
+			return accounts;
+		}
+		public void AddAccount (GalleryAccount account)
+		{
+			AddAccount (account, true);
+		}
+		public void AddAccount (GalleryAccount account, bool write)
+		{
+			accounts.Add (account);
+			MarkChanged (write, account);
+		}
+		public void RemoveAccount (GalleryAccount account)
+		{
+			accounts.Remove (account);
+			MarkChanged ();
+		}
+		public void WriteAccounts ()
+		{
+			System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter (xml_path, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
+			writer.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented;
+			writer.Indentation = 2;
+			writer.IndentChar = ' ';
+			writer.WriteStartDocument (true);
+			writer.WriteStartElement ("GalleryRemote");
+			foreach (GalleryAccount account in accounts) {
+				writer.WriteStartElement ("Account");
+				writer.WriteElementString ("Name", account.Name);
+				writer.WriteElementString ("Url", account.Url);
+				writer.WriteElementString ("Username", account.Username);
+				writer.WriteElementString ("Password", account.Password);
+				writer.WriteElementString ("Version", account.Version.ToString());
+				writer.WriteEndElement (); //Account
+			}
+			writer.WriteEndElement ();
+			writer.WriteEndDocument ();
+			writer.Close ();
+		}
+		private GalleryAccount ParseAccount (System.Xml.XmlNode node)
+		{
+			if (node.Name != "Account")
+				return null;
+			string name = null;
+			string url = null;
+			string username = null;
+			string password = null;
+			GalleryVersion version = GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown;
+			foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) {
+				if (child.Name == "Name") {
+					name = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
+				} else if (child.Name == "Url") {
+					url = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
+				} else if (child.Name == "Password") {
+					password = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
+				} else if (child.Name == "Username") {
+					username = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
+				} else if (child.Name == "Version") {
+					string versionString = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
+					if (versionString == "Version1")
+						version = GalleryVersion.Version1;
+					else if (versionString == "Version2")
+						version = GalleryVersion.Version2;
+					else
+						Log.Error ("Unexpected versions string: " + versionString);
+				}
+			}
+			return new GalleryAccount (name, url, username, password, version);
+		}
+		private void ReadAccounts ()
+		{
+			if (! File.Exists (xml_path)) {
+				MarkChanged ();
+				return;
+			}
+			try {
+				string query = "//GalleryRemote/Account";
+				System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument ();
+				//System.Console.WriteLine ("xml_path: " + xml_path);
+				doc.Load (xml_path);
+				System.Xml.XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes (query);
+				//System.Console.WriteLine ("selected {0} nodes match {1}", nodes.Count, query);
+				foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode node in nodes) {
+					GalleryAccount account = ParseAccount (node);
+					if (account != null)
+						AddAccount (account, false);
+				}
+			} catch (System.Exception e) {
+				// FIXME do something
+				Log.Exception ("Exception loading gallery accounts", e);
+			}
+			MarkChanged ();
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAddAlbum.cs b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAddAlbum.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c0638e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAddAlbum.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Specialized;
+using System.Web;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using FSpot;
+using FSpot.Core;
+using FSpot.Filters;
+using FSpot.Widgets;
+using FSpot.Utils;
+using FSpot.UI.Dialog;
+using FSpot.Extensions;
+using Hyena;
+using Hyena.Widgets;
+namespace FSpot.Exporters.Gallery
+	public class GalleryAddAlbum
+	{
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Dialog add_album_dialog;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.OptionMenu album_optionmenu;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry name_entry;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry description_entry;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry title_entry;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button add_button;
+		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button cancel_button;
+		private GalleryExport export;
+		private Gallery gallery;
+		private string parent;
+		private string name;
+		private string description;
+		private string title;
+		public GalleryAddAlbum (GalleryExport export, Gallery gallery)
+		{
+			Glade.XML xml = new Glade.XML (null, "GalleryExport.glade", "gallery_add_album_dialog", "f-spot");
+			xml.Autoconnect (this);
+			add_album_dialog = (Gtk.Dialog) xml.GetWidget ("gallery_add_album_dialog");
+			add_album_dialog.Modal = true;
+			this.export = export;
+			this.gallery = gallery;
+			PopulateAlbums ();
+			add_album_dialog.Response += HandleAddResponse;
+			name_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
+			description_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
+			title_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
+			HandleChanged (null, null);
+		}
+		private void PopulateAlbums ()
+		{
+			Gtk.Menu menu = new Gtk.Menu ();
+			if (gallery.Version == GalleryVersion.Version1) {
+				Gtk.MenuItem top_item = new Gtk.MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("(TopLevel)"));
+				menu.Append (top_item);
+			}
+			foreach (Album album in gallery.Albums) {
+				System.Text.StringBuilder label_builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
+				for (int i=0; i < album.Parents.Count; i++) {
+					label_builder.Append ("  ");
+				}
+				label_builder.Append (album.Title);
+				Gtk.MenuItem item = new Gtk.MenuItem (label_builder.ToString ());
+				((Gtk.Label)item.Child).UseUnderline = false;
+				menu.Append (item);
+				AlbumPermission create_sub = album.Perms & AlbumPermission.CreateSubAlbum;
+				if (create_sub == 0)
+					item.Sensitive = false;
+			}
+			album_optionmenu.Sensitive = true;
+			menu.ShowAll ();
+			album_optionmenu.Menu = menu;
+		}
+		private void HandleChanged (object sender, EventArgs args)
+		{
+			if (gallery.Version == GalleryVersion.Version1) {
+				if (gallery.Albums.Count == 0 || album_optionmenu.History <= 0) {
+					parent = String.Empty;
+				} else {
+					parent = ((Album) gallery.Albums [album_optionmenu.History-1]).Name;
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (gallery.Albums.Count == 0 || album_optionmenu.History < 0) {
+					parent = String.Empty;
+				} else {
+					parent = ((Album) gallery.Albums [album_optionmenu.History]).Name;
+				}
+			}
+			name = name_entry.Text;
+			description = description_entry.Text;
+			title = title_entry.Text;
+			if (name == String.Empty || title == String.Empty)
+				add_button.Sensitive = false;
+			else
+				add_button.Sensitive = true;
+		}
+		[GLib.ConnectBefore]
+		protected void HandleAddResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args)
+		{
+			if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
+				if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch (name, "^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$")) {
+					HigMessageDialog md =
+						new HigMessageDialog (add_album_dialog,
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
+								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
+								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
+								      Catalog.GetString ("Invalid Gallery name"),
+								      Catalog.GetString ("The gallery name contains invalid characters.\nOnly letters, numbers, - and _ are allowed"));
+					md.Run ();
+					md.Destroy ();
+					return;
+				}
+				try {
+					gallery.NewAlbum (parent, name, title, description);
+					export.HandleAlbumAdded (title);
+				} catch (GalleryCommandException e) {
+					gallery.PopupException(e, add_album_dialog);
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			add_album_dialog.Destroy ();
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryExport.cs b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryExport.cs
index 06cd07a..9108c3b 100644
--- a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryExport.cs
+++ b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryExport.cs
@@ -18,599 +18,10 @@ using FSpot.Extensions;
 using Hyena;
 using Hyena.Widgets;
-namespace FSpot.Exporters.Gallery {
-	public class GalleryAccount {
-		public GalleryAccount (string name, string url, string username, string password) : this (name, url, username, password, GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown) {}
-		public GalleryAccount (string name, string url, string username, string password, GalleryVersion version)
-		{
-			this.name = name;
-			this.username = username;
-			this.password = password;
-			this.Url = url;
-			if (version != GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown) {
-				this.version = version;
-			} else {
-				this.version = Gallery.DetectGalleryVersion(Url);
-			}
-		}
-		public const string EXPORT_SERVICE = "gallery/";
-		public const string LIGHTTPD_WORKAROUND_KEY = Preferences.APP_FSPOT_EXPORT + EXPORT_SERVICE + "lighttpd_workaround";
-		public Gallery Connect ()
-		{
-			//System.Console.WriteLine ("GalleryAccount.Connect()");
-			Gallery gal = null;
-			if (version == GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown)
-				this.version = Gallery.DetectGalleryVersion(Url);
-			if (version == GalleryVersion.Version1) {
-				gal = new Gallery1 (url, url);
-			} else if (version == GalleryVersion.Version2) {
-				gal = new Gallery2 (url, url);
-			} else {
-				throw new GalleryException (Catalog.GetString("Cannot connect to a Gallery for which the version is unknown.\nPlease check that you have Remote plugin 1.0.8 or later"));
-			}
-			Log.Debug ("Gallery created: " + gal);
-			gal.Login (username, password);
-			gallery = gal;
-			connected = true;
-			gallery.expect_continue = Preferences.Get<bool> (LIGHTTPD_WORKAROUND_KEY);
-			return gallery;
-		}
-		GalleryVersion version;
-		public GalleryVersion Version{
-			get {
-				return version;
-			}
-		}
-		private bool connected;
-		public bool Connected {
-			get {
-				bool retVal = false;
-				if(gallery != null) {
-					retVal = gallery.IsConnected ();
-				}
-				if (connected != retVal) {
-					Log.Warning ("Connected and retVal for IsConnected() don't agree");
-				}
-				return retVal;
-			}
-		}
-		public void MarkChanged ()
-		{
-			connected = false;
-			gallery = null;
-		}
-		Gallery gallery;
-		public Gallery Gallery {
-			get {
-				return gallery;
-			}
-		}
-		string name;
-		public string Name {
-			get {
-				return name;
-			}
-			set {
-				name = value;
-			}
-		}
-		string url;
-		public string Url {
-			get {
-				return url;
-			}
-			set {
-				if (url != value) {
-					url = value;
-					MarkChanged ();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		string username;
-		public string Username {
-			get {
-				return username;
-			}
-			set {
-				if (username != value) {
-					username = value;
-					MarkChanged ();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		string password;
-		public string Password {
-			get {
-				return password;
-			}
-			set {
-				if (password != value) {
-					password = value;
-					MarkChanged ();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public class GalleryAccountManager
-	{
-		private static GalleryAccountManager instance;
-		string xml_path;
-		ArrayList accounts;
-		public delegate void AccountListChangedHandler (GalleryAccountManager manager, GalleryAccount changed_account);
-		public event AccountListChangedHandler AccountListChanged;
-		public static GalleryAccountManager GetInstance ()
-		{
-			if (instance == null) {
-				instance = new GalleryAccountManager ();
-			}
-			return instance;
-		}
-		private GalleryAccountManager ()
-		{
-			// FIXME this xml file path should be be retrieved from a central location not hard coded there
-			this.xml_path = System.IO.Path.Combine (FSpot.Core.Global.BaseDirectory, "Accounts.xml");
-			accounts = new ArrayList ();
-			ReadAccounts ();
-		}
-		public void MarkChanged ()
-		{
-			MarkChanged (true, null);
-		}
-		public void MarkChanged (bool write, GalleryAccount changed_account)
-		{
-			if (write)
-				WriteAccounts ();
-			if (AccountListChanged != null)
-				AccountListChanged (this, changed_account);
-		}
-		public ArrayList GetAccounts ()
-		{
-			return accounts;
-		}
-		public void AddAccount (GalleryAccount account)
-		{
-			AddAccount (account, true);
-		}
-		public void AddAccount (GalleryAccount account, bool write)
-		{
-			accounts.Add (account);
-			MarkChanged (write, account);
-		}
-		public void RemoveAccount (GalleryAccount account)
-		{
-			accounts.Remove (account);
-			MarkChanged ();
-		}
-		public void WriteAccounts ()
-		{
-			System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter (xml_path, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
-			writer.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented;
-			writer.Indentation = 2;
-			writer.IndentChar = ' ';
-			writer.WriteStartDocument (true);
-			writer.WriteStartElement ("GalleryRemote");
-			foreach (GalleryAccount account in accounts) {
-				writer.WriteStartElement ("Account");
-				writer.WriteElementString ("Name", account.Name);
-				writer.WriteElementString ("Url", account.Url);
-				writer.WriteElementString ("Username", account.Username);
-				writer.WriteElementString ("Password", account.Password);
-				writer.WriteElementString ("Version", account.Version.ToString());
-				writer.WriteEndElement (); //Account
-			}
-			writer.WriteEndElement ();
-			writer.WriteEndDocument ();
-			writer.Close ();
-		}
-		private GalleryAccount ParseAccount (System.Xml.XmlNode node)
-		{
-			if (node.Name != "Account")
-				return null;
-			string name = null;
-			string url = null;
-			string username = null;
-			string password = null;
-			GalleryVersion version = GalleryVersion.VersionUnknown;
-			foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) {
-				if (child.Name == "Name") {
-					name = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
-				} else if (child.Name == "Url") {
-					url = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
-				} else if (child.Name == "Password") {
-					password = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
-				} else if (child.Name == "Username") {
-					username = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
-				} else if (child.Name == "Version") {
-					string versionString = child.ChildNodes [0].Value;
-					if (versionString == "Version1")
-						version = GalleryVersion.Version1;
-					else if (versionString == "Version2")
-						version = GalleryVersion.Version2;
-					else
-						Log.Error ("Unexpected versions string: " + versionString);
-				}
-			}
-			return new GalleryAccount (name, url, username, password, version);
-		}
-		private void ReadAccounts ()
-		{
-			if (! File.Exists (xml_path)) {
-				MarkChanged ();
-				return;
-			}
-			try {
-				string query = "//GalleryRemote/Account";
-				System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument ();
-				//System.Console.WriteLine ("xml_path: " + xml_path);
-				doc.Load (xml_path);
-				System.Xml.XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes (query);
-				//System.Console.WriteLine ("selected {0} nodes match {1}", nodes.Count, query);
-				foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode node in nodes) {
-					GalleryAccount account = ParseAccount (node);
-					if (account != null)
-						AddAccount (account, false);
-				}
-			} catch (System.Exception e) {
-				// FIXME do something
-				Log.Exception ("Exception loading gallery accounts", e);
-			}
-			MarkChanged ();
-		}
-	}
-	public class AccountDialog {
-		public AccountDialog (Gtk.Window parent) : this (parent, null, false) {
-			add_dialog.Response += HandleAddResponse;
-			add_button.Sensitive = false;
-		}
-		public AccountDialog (Gtk.Window parent, GalleryAccount account, bool show_error)
-		{
-			Glade.XML xml = new Glade.XML (null, "GalleryExport.glade", "gallery_add_dialog", "f-spot");
-			xml.Autoconnect (this);
-			add_dialog = (Gtk.Dialog) xml.GetWidget ("gallery_add_dialog");
-			add_dialog.Modal = false;
-			add_dialog.TransientFor = parent;
-			add_dialog.DefaultResponse = Gtk.ResponseType.Ok;
-			this.account = account;
-			status_area.Visible = show_error;
-			if (account != null) {
-				gallery_entry.Text = account.Name;
-				url_entry.Text = account.Url;
-				password_entry.Text = account.Password;
-				username_entry.Text = account.Username;
-				add_button.Label = Gtk.Stock.Ok;
-				add_dialog.Response += HandleEditResponse;
-			}
-			if (remove_button != null)
-				remove_button.Visible = account != null;
-			add_dialog.Show ();
-			gallery_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
-			url_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
-			password_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
-			username_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
-			HandleChanged (null, null);
-		}
-		private void HandleChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs args)
-		{
-			name = gallery_entry.Text;
-			url = url_entry.Text;
-			password = password_entry.Text;
-			username = username_entry.Text;
-			if (name == String.Empty || url == String.Empty || password == String.Empty || username == String.Empty)
-				add_button.Sensitive = false;
-			else
-				add_button.Sensitive = true;
-		}
-		[GLib.ConnectBefore]
-		protected void HandleAddResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args)
-		{
-			if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
-				try {
-					Uri uri = new Uri (url);
-					if (uri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttp &&
-					    uri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
-						throw new System.UriFormatException ();
-					//Check for name uniqueness
-					foreach (GalleryAccount acc in GalleryAccountManager.GetInstance ().GetAccounts ())
-						if (acc.Name == name)
-							throw new ArgumentException ("name");
-					GalleryAccount created = new GalleryAccount (name,
-										     url,
-										     username,
-										     password);
-					created.Connect ();
-					GalleryAccountManager.GetInstance ().AddAccount (created);
-					account = created;
-				} catch (System.UriFormatException) {
-					HigMessageDialog md =
-						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
-								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
-								      Catalog.GetString ("Invalid URL"),
-								      Catalog.GetString ("The gallery URL entry does not appear to be a valid URL"));
-					md.Run ();
-					md.Destroy ();
-					return;
-				} catch (GalleryException e) {
-					HigMessageDialog md =
-						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
-								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
-								      Catalog.GetString ("Error while connecting to Gallery"),
-								      String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("The following error was encountered while attempting to log in: {0}"), e.Message));
-					if (e.ResponseText != null) {
-						Log.Debug (e.Message);
-						Log.Debug (e.ResponseText);
-					}
-					md.Run ();
-					md.Destroy ();
-					return;
-				} catch (ArgumentException ae) {
-					HigMessageDialog md =
-						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
-								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
-								      Catalog.GetString ("A Gallery with this name already exists"),
-								      String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("There is already a Gallery with the same name in your registered Galleries. Please choose a unique name.")));
-					Log.Exception (ae);
-					md.Run ();
-					md.Destroy ();
-					return;
-				} catch (System.Net.WebException we) {
-					HigMessageDialog md =
-						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
-								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
-								      Catalog.GetString ("Error while connecting to Gallery"),
-								      String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("The following error was encountered while attempting to log in: {0}"), we.Message));
-					md.Run ();
-					md.Destroy ();
-					return;
-				} catch (System.Exception se) {
-					HigMessageDialog md =
-						new HigMessageDialog (add_dialog,
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
-								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
-								      Catalog.GetString ("Error while connecting to Gallery"),
-								      String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("The following error was encountered while attempting to log in: {0}"), se.Message));
-					Log.Exception (se);
-					md.Run ();
-					md.Destroy ();
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-			add_dialog.Destroy ();
-		}
-		protected void HandleEditResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args)
-		{
-			if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
-				account.Name = name;
-				account.Url = url;
-				account.Username = username;
-				account.Password = password;
-				GalleryAccountManager.GetInstance ().MarkChanged (true, account);
-			} else if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Reject) {
-				// NOTE we are using Reject to signal the remove action.
-				GalleryAccountManager.GetInstance ().RemoveAccount (account);
-			}
-			add_dialog.Destroy ();
-		}
-		private GalleryAccount account;
-		private string name;
-		private string url;
-		private string password;
-		private string username;
-		// widgets
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Dialog add_dialog;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry url_entry;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry password_entry;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry gallery_entry;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry username_entry;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button add_button;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button remove_button;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button cancel_button;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.HBox status_area;
-	}
-	public class GalleryAddAlbum
-	{
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Dialog add_album_dialog;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.OptionMenu album_optionmenu;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry name_entry;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry description_entry;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Entry title_entry;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button add_button;
-		[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Button cancel_button;
-		private GalleryExport export;
-		private Gallery gallery;
-		private string parent;
-		private string name;
-		private string description;
-		private string title;
-		public GalleryAddAlbum (GalleryExport export, Gallery gallery)
-		{
-			Glade.XML xml = new Glade.XML (null, "GalleryExport.glade", "gallery_add_album_dialog", "f-spot");
-			xml.Autoconnect (this);
-			add_album_dialog = (Gtk.Dialog) xml.GetWidget ("gallery_add_album_dialog");
-			add_album_dialog.Modal = true;
-			this.export = export;
-			this.gallery = gallery;
-			PopulateAlbums ();
-			add_album_dialog.Response += HandleAddResponse;
-			name_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
-			description_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
-			title_entry.Changed += HandleChanged;
-			HandleChanged (null, null);
-		}
-		private void PopulateAlbums ()
-		{
-			Gtk.Menu menu = new Gtk.Menu ();
-			if (gallery.Version == GalleryVersion.Version1) {
-				Gtk.MenuItem top_item = new Gtk.MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("(TopLevel)"));
-				menu.Append (top_item);
-			}
-			foreach (Album album in gallery.Albums) {
-				System.Text.StringBuilder label_builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
-				for (int i=0; i < album.Parents.Count; i++) {
-					label_builder.Append ("  ");
-				}
-				label_builder.Append (album.Title);
-				Gtk.MenuItem item = new Gtk.MenuItem (label_builder.ToString ());
-				((Gtk.Label)item.Child).UseUnderline = false;
-				menu.Append (item);
-				AlbumPermission create_sub = album.Perms & AlbumPermission.CreateSubAlbum;
-				if (create_sub == 0)
-					item.Sensitive = false;
-			}
-			album_optionmenu.Sensitive = true;
-			menu.ShowAll ();
-			album_optionmenu.Menu = menu;
-		}
-		private void HandleChanged (object sender, EventArgs args)
-		{
-			if (gallery.Version == GalleryVersion.Version1) {
-				if (gallery.Albums.Count == 0 || album_optionmenu.History <= 0) {
-					parent = String.Empty;
-				} else {
-					parent = ((Album) gallery.Albums [album_optionmenu.History-1]).Name;
-				}
-			} else {
-				if (gallery.Albums.Count == 0 || album_optionmenu.History < 0) {
-					parent = String.Empty;
-				} else {
-					parent = ((Album) gallery.Albums [album_optionmenu.History]).Name;
-				}
-			}
-			name = name_entry.Text;
-			description = description_entry.Text;
-			title = title_entry.Text;
-			if (name == String.Empty || title == String.Empty)
-				add_button.Sensitive = false;
-			else
-				add_button.Sensitive = true;
-		}
-		[GLib.ConnectBefore]
-		protected void HandleAddResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args)
-		{
-			if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
-				if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch (name, "^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$")) {
-					HigMessageDialog md =
-						new HigMessageDialog (add_album_dialog,
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal |
-								      Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
-								      Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
-								      Catalog.GetString ("Invalid Gallery name"),
-								      Catalog.GetString ("The gallery name contains invalid characters.\nOnly letters, numbers, - and _ are allowed"));
-					md.Run ();
-					md.Destroy ();
-					return;
-				}
-				try {
-					gallery.NewAlbum (parent, name, title, description);
-					export.HandleAlbumAdded (title);
-				} catch (GalleryCommandException e) {
-					gallery.PopupException(e, add_album_dialog);
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-			add_album_dialog.Destroy ();
-		}
-	}
+namespace FSpot.Exporters.Gallery
 	public class GalleryExport : IExporter {
-		public GalleryExport ()
-		{
-		}
+		public GalleryExport () { }
 		public void Run (IBrowsableCollection selection)
diff --git a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/Makefile.am b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/Makefile.am
index 436b5ef..b3bbb60 100644
--- a/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Extensions/Exporters/FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/Makefile.am
+	FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/AccountDialog.cs \
 	FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/FormClient.cs \
+	FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccount.cs \
+	FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAccountManager.cs \
+	FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryAddAlbum.cs \
 	FSpot.Exporters.Gallery/GalleryExport.cs \

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