gnomemm r1950 - in cluttermm_tutorial/trunk: . docs docs/tutorial docs/tutorial/figures docs/tutorial/icons

Author: daniel
Date: Tue Jan  6 12:32:19 2009
New Revision: 1950

* docs/index.html: Copy file from Clutter tutorial.
* docs/tutorial/README: ditto,
* docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut.xml: ditto,
* docs/tutorial/docbook_phpwebnotes.xsl: ditto,
* docs/tutorial/ ditto,
* docs/tutorial/style.css: ditto.
* Integrate the documentation build infrastructure
from the Clutter tutorial into the non-recursive build system.

   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actor-box.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actor_events.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actor_group.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actor_transformations.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actors.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/alpha-func.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/behaviours.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/custom_actor.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/custom_container.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/effects.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/full_example.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/multiline_text_entry.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/path-alpha-func.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/score.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/scrolling.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/stage.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/stage_widget.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/timeline.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/caution.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/home.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/important.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/next.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/note.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/prev.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/tip.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/up.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/warning.png   (contents, props changed)
   cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/   (contents, props changed)

Modified: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/
--- cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/	(original)
+++ cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/	Tue Jan  6 12:32:19 2009
@@ -85,3 +85,170 @@
 	examples/full_example/images/matthias_clasen.jpg	\
 	examples/full_example/images/mikael_hallendal.jpg	\
+clutter_docdir	= $(datadir)/doc/clutter/docs
+figuresdir	= $(clutter_docdir)/tutorial/figures
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+	docs/tutorial/figures/actor_group.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/actors.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/actor_transformations.png	\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/alpha-func.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/behaviours.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/custom_actor.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/custom_container.png	\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/effects.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/full_example.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/multiline_text_entry.png	\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/path-alpha-func.png	\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/score.png			\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/scrolling.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/stage.png			\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/stage_widget.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/figures/timeline.png
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+	docs/tutorial/icons/home.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/icons/important.png	\
+	docs/tutorial/icons/next.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/icons/note.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/icons/prev.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/icons/tip.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/icons/up.png		\
+	docs/tutorial/icons/warning.png
+web_host	=
+web_path	= /home/murrayc/
+web_path_docs	= $(web_path)docs/
+clutter_tut_path = $(web_path_docs)tutorial
+# --delete and --delete-after are causing
+# "
+# Invalid file index: 1768710413 (count=0) [receiver]
+# rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at sender.c(156)
+# "
+# with sourceforge recently (May 2005). murrayc.
+#rsync_args	= -vz --rsh ssh --delete --delete-after
+rsync_args	= -vz --rsh ssh
+DOCBOOK_PHPWEBNOTES_TRANSFORM = docs/tutorial/docbook_phpwebnotes.xsl
+dist_noinst_DATA =					\
+	docs/index.html					\
+	docs/tutorial/README				\
+	docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut.xml			\
+	docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut-with-examples.xml	\
+	docs/tutorial/		\
+	docs/tutorial/style.css
+EXTRA_DIST = docs/tutorial/html
+# Create a DocBook source file that doesn't have the examples' comments blocks:
+docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut-with-examples.xml: docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut.xml docs/tutorial/
+	$(PERL_PATH) $(srcdir)/docs/tutorial/ $(srcdir)/examples $< >$@
+# The new XML DocBook way:
+XSLTPROC = xsltproc
+docs/tutorial/html/index.html: docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut-with-examples.xml
+	-rm -rf docs/tutorial/html
+	mkdir docs/tutorial/html
+	  --param toc.section.depth 1 \
+	  --stringparam html.stylesheet style.css \
+	  --stringparam 1 \
+	  --stringparam ../icons/ \
+	  --stringparam .png \
+	  --stringparam chunker.output.indent yes \
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+	  --stringparam yes \
+	  --stringparam .png \
+	  --stringparam ../icons/ \
+	  --stringparam toc.list.type ul \
+	  --stringparam 1 \
+	  --xinclude --catalogs -o docs/tutorial/html/ \
+validate-original: docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut.xml
+	xmllint --xinclude --valid --noout --catalogs $(DOCBOOK_STYLESHEET) $<
+validate: docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut-with-examples.xml
+	xmllint --xinclude --valid --noout --catalogs $(DOCBOOK_STYLESHEET) $<
+post-html: html docs/tutorial/style.css pdf
+	rsync $(rsync_args) $(srcdir)/docs/tutorial/figures/*.png $$USER $(web_host):$(clutter_tut_path)/figures/
+	rsync $(rsync_args) $(srcdir)/docs/tutorial/icons/*.png $$USER $(web_host):$(clutter_tut_path)/icons/
+	rsync $(rsync_args) -r docs/tutorial/html/ $$USER $(web_host):$(clutter_tut_path)/html/
+	rsync $(rsync_args) $(srcdir)/docs/tutorial/*.css $$USER $(web_host):$(clutter_tut_path)/html/
+	rsync $(rsync_args) -r docs/tutorial/pdf/ $$USER $(web_host):$(clutter_tut_path)/pdf/
+	scp $$SSH_OPT $^ $$USER $(web_host):$(web_path_docs)
+# PDF Generation:
+XMLLINT = xmllint
+DB2PDF = docbook2pdf
+# we need to produce a version with full examples with all of the XIncludes done so that it
+# can processed for PDF
+docs/tutorial/programming-with-cluttermm.xml: docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut-with-examples.xml
+	rm -rf docs/tutorial/html
+	mkdir docs/tutorial/html
+	$(XMLLINT) --xinclude --postvalid -o $@ $<
+# We have to generate the pdf in a subdirectory (e.g. pdf/) because the tutorial
+# specifies the path to the figures as '../figures' so if we build it in this
+# directory, it won't find the images.
+docs/tutorial/pdf/programming-with-cluttermm.pdf: docs/tutorial/programming-with-cluttermm.xml
+	$(DB2PDF) --output docs/tutorial/pdf $<
+pdf-local: docs/tutorial/pdf/programming-with-cluttermm.pdf
+html-local: docs/tutorial/html/index.html
+	-rm -rf docs/tutorial/html docs/tutorial/html_withcomments docs/tutorial/pdf
+	-rm -f docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut-with-examples.xml
+clean-local: doc-clean
+doc-rebuild: doc-clean html pdf
+tutorialdir = $(clutter_docdir)/tutorial/html
+install-tutorial: html docs/tutorial/style.css
+	$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(tutorialdir)
+	@dir='$(<D)'; for p in $$dir/*.html ; do \
+	  f=`echo "$$p" | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+	  echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(tutorialdir)/$$f"; \
+	  $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(tutorialdir)/$$f; \
+	done
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/docs/tutorial/style.css $(DESTDIR)$(tutorialdir)
+uninstall-tutorial: html docs/tutorial/style.css
+	@dir='$(<D)'; for p in $$dir/*.html ; do \
+	  f="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`"; \
+	  echo " rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(tutorialdir)/$$f"; \
+	  rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(tutorialdir)/$$f; \
+	done
+	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(tutorialdir)/style.css
+	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(tutorialdir)/icons
+all-local: html
+install-data-local: install-tutorial
+uninstall-local: uninstall-tutorial
+maintainer-clean-local: doc-clean
+.PHONY: post-html doc-clean install-tutorial uninstall-tutorial validate validate-original

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/index.html
--- (empty file)
+++ cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/index.html	Tue Jan  6 12:32:19 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <body>
+   <p>See <a href="tutorial/html/index.html">the tutorial</a>.
+ </body>

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/README
--- (empty file)
+++ cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/README	Tue Jan  6 12:32:19 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cluttermm-tut.xml is a Cluttermm tutorial in DocBook XML format.
+You can build the html by typing
+    make docs/tutorial/html/index.html
+in the top build directory.
+You'll need to install this stuff:
+Murray Cumming

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/cluttermm-tut.xml	Tue Jan  6 12:32:19 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
+  ""; [
+ <!ENTITY path_examples_base "../../examples">
+ <!ENTITY clutter "<application>Clutter</application>">
+ <!ENTITY tidy "<application>Tidy</application>">
+ <!ENTITY clutterversion "0.8">
+ <!ENTITY gtk "<application>GTK+</application>">
+ <!ENTITY url_figures_base "../figures/">
+ <!ENTITY url_examples_base "../../../examples/">
+ <!ENTITY url_refdocs_base_clutter "";>
+ <!ENTITY url_refdocs_base_clutter_alt "";>
+ <!ENTITY url_refdocs_base_clutter_gtk "";>
+When referring to the clutter project in this document, please use the form
+&clutter; so that the name is consistent throughout the document. This will wrap clutter with <application></application> tags which can then be styled by CSS if
+desired (e.g. boldface, monospace, etc) to make it stand out as the project
+  <bookinfo>
+    <title>Programming with &clutter;</title>
+    <authorgroup>
+      <author>
+        <firstname>Murray</firstname>
+        <surname>Cumming</surname>
+      </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+    <abstract>
+      <para>
+        We very much appreciate any reports of inaccuracies or other errors in
+        this document.  Contributions are also most welcome.  Post your
+        suggestions, critiques or addenda to the <ulink
+          url="mailto:murrayc openismus com">team</ulink>.</para>
+    </abstract>
+    <copyright>
+      <year>2007, 2008</year>
+      <holder>Openismus GmbH</holder>
+    </copyright>
+    <legalnotice>
+      <para>
+        Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+        under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
+        or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
+        with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
+        You may obtain a copy of the GNU Free Documentation License from the Free Software Foundation by visiting their Web site or by writing to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+      </para>
+    </legalnotice>
+  </bookinfo>
+<chapter id="sec-introduction">
+<sect1 id="sec-introduction-this-book">
+<title>This book</title>
+<para>This book assumes a good
+understanding of C, and how to create C programs.
+<para>This book attempts to explain key &clutter; concepts and introduce some of the more commonly used user interface elements (&quot;actors&quot;). For full API information you should follow the links into the reference documentation. 
+This document covers the API in &clutter; version &clutterversion;.</para>
+<para>Each chapter contains very simple examples. These are meant to show the use of the API rather than show an impressive visual result. 
+However, the <link linkend="sec-full-example">full example</link> should give some idea of what can be achieved with &clutter;</para>
+<para>The &clutter; platform uses techniques found in the <ulink url="";>GTK+</ulink> platform, so you will sometimes wish to refer to the &gtk; documentation.</para>
+We would very much like to hear of any problems you have learning &clutter; 
+with this document, and would appreciate input regarding improvements. Please see the <link linkend="sec-Contributing">Contributing</link> section for further information.
+<sect1 id="sec-clutter">
+&clutter; is a C programming API that allows you to create simple but visually appealing and involving user interfaces.
+It offers a variety of objects (actors) which can be placed on a canvas (stage) and manipulated by the application or the user. 
+It is therefore a &quot;retained mode&quot; graphics API. Unlike traditional 2D canvas APIs, &clutter; allows these actors to move partly in the Z dimension. </para>
+<para>This concept simplifies the creation of 3D interfaces compared to direct use of OpenGL or other 3D drawing APIs. 
+For instance, it restricts the user interaction to the 2D plane facing the user, which is appropriate for today's devices 
+allowing interaction only with a 2D plane such as a touchscreen. In addition, your application does not need to provide visual 
+context to show the user which objects are, for instance, small rather than far away.</para>
+<para>In addition, &clutter; provides timeline and behavior abstractions which simplify animation by allowing you to associate actor properties 
+(such as position, rotation, or opacity) with callback functions, including pre-defined functions of time such as sine waves.</para> 
+<para>&clutter; uses the popular OpenGL 3D graphics API on regular desktop PCs, allowing it access to hardware acceleration. 
+On handheld devices it can use OpenGL ES, a subset of the OpenGL API aimed at embedded devices. So, where necessary, you may also use OpenGL or OpenGL ES directly.</para> 
+In the next few chapters you will learn how to place actors on the stage, how to set their properties, how to change 
+their properties (including their position) over time by using timelines and behaviours, and how to do all this in response to 
+user interaction.</para>
+<chapter id="sec-installation">
+<sect1 id="sec-linux-install-from-packages">
+<title>Prebuilt Packages</title>
+<para>&clutter; packages are probably available from your Linux distribution. 
+For instance, on Ubuntu Linux or Debian you can install the <literal>libclutter-&clutterversion;-dev</literal> package.
+<sect1 id="sec-install_from_source">
+<title>Installing From Source</title>
+  After you've installed all of the dependencies, download the &clutter; source
+  code, unpack it, and change to the newly created directory. &clutter; can be
+  built and installed with the following sequence of commands:
+# ./configure
+# make
+# make install
+    The <filename>configure</filename> script will check to make sure all of
+    the required dependencies are already installed. If you are missing any
+    dependencies it will exit and display an error.
+    By default, &clutter; will be installed under the
+    <filename>/usr/local</filename> directory.
+  If you want to help develop &clutter; or experiment with new features, you can
+  also install &clutter; from SVN. Details are available at the 
+  <ulink url="";>&clutter; web site</ulink>.
+<sect2 id="sec-installation-dependencies">
+  Before attempting to install &clutter;, you should first install these other
+  packages:
+  <listitem><para><application>GTK+</application></para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para><application>libgl (Mesa)</application></para></listitem>
+These dependencies have their own dependencies, including the following
+applications and libraries:
+  <listitem><para><application>pkg-config</application></para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para><application>glib</application></para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para><application>ATK</application></para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para><application>Pango</application></para></listitem>
+<chapter id="chapter-headers-and-linking">
+<title>Header Files And Linking</title>
+To use the &clutter; APIs, you must include the headers for the libraries, and link to their shared libraries. The necessary compiler and linker commands can be obtained from the pkg-config utiltity like so:
+pkg-config clutter-&clutterversion; --cflags
+pkg-config clutter-&clutterversion; --libs
+However, if you are using the &quot;autotools&quot; (<command>automake</command>, <command>autoconf</command>, etc) build system, you will find it more convenient to use the <function>PKG_CHECK_MODULES</function> macro in your file. For instance:
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EXAMPLE, clutter-&clutterversion;)
+You should then use the generated _CFLAGS and _LIBS definitions in your files. Note that you may mention other libraries in the same <function>PKG_CHECK_MODULES</function> call, separated by spaces. For instance, some examples in this tutorial require extra &clutter; libraries, such as <literal>clutter-gtk-&clutterversion;</literal>, <literal>clutter-cairo-&clutterversion;</literal> or <literal>clutter-gst-&clutterversion;</literal>.</para>
+<chapter id="sec-stage">
+<title>The Stage</title>
+<sect1 id="sec-stage-basics">
+<title>Stage Basics</title>
+<para>Each &clutter; application contains at least one <classname>ClutterStage</classname>. This stage contains Actors such as rectangles, images, or text. We will talk more about the actors in the next chapter, but for now let's see how a stage can be created and how we can respond to user interaction with the stage itself.
+<para>First make sure that you have called <function>clutter_init()</function> to initialize &clutter;. 
+You may then get the application's stage with <function>clutter_stage_get_default()</function>. This function always returns 
+the same instance, with its own window. You could instead use a <classname>GtkClutterEmbed</classname> widget inside a more 
+complicated GTK+ window - see the <link linkend="sec-stage-widget">Stage Widget</link> section.
+<para><classname>ClutterStage</classname> is derived from the <classname>ClutterActor</classname> object so many of that object's 
+functions are useful for the stage. For instance, call <function>clutter_actor_show()</function> to make the stage visible.
+<para><classname>ClutterStage</classname> also implements the <classname>ClutterContainer</classname> interface, allowing it to contain 
+child actors via calls to <function>clutter_container_add()</function>.
+<para>Call <function>clutter_main()</function> to start a main loop so that the stage can animate its contents and respond to user 
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Stage.html">Reference</ulink></para>
+<sect2 id="stage-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example shows a <classname>ClutterStage</classname> and handles clicks on the stage.
+There are no actors yet so all you will see is a black rectangle.
+<para>You can create an executable from this code like so, being careful to use <literal>backticks</literal> around the call to <command>pkg-config</command>. See also the <link linkend="chapter-headers-and-linking">Header Files And Linking</link> section.</para>
+gcc -Wall -g example.c -o example `pkg-config clutter-&clutterversion; --cflags  --libs`
+<figure id="figure-stage">
+  <title>Stage</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;stage.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;stage">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="sec-stage-widget">
+<title>Stage Widget</title>
+<para>The <classname>GtkClutterEmbed</classname> widget allows you to place a <classname>ClutterStage</classname> inside an 
+existing GTK+ window. For instance, the window might contain other GTK+ widgets allowing the user to affect the actors in 
+stage. Use <function>gtk_clutter_embed_new()</function> to instantiate the widget and then add it to a container just like any 
+other GTK+ widget. Call <function>gtk_clutter_embed_get_stage</function> to get the <classname>ClutterStage</classname> from the 
+<classname>GtkClutterEmbed</classname> widget so you can then use the main &clutter; API.
+<para>When using the <classname>GtkClutterEmbed</classname> widget you should use <function>gtk_clutter_init</function> instead
+of <function>clutter_init()</function> and <function>gtk_init()</function> to initialize &clutter; and &gtk;. And you should use
+the regular <function>gtk_main()</function> function to start the mainloop rather than <function>clutter_main()</function>.
+<para>For simplicity, all other examples in this document will instead use <function>clutter_stage_get_default()</function>, 
+but all the techniques can also be used with a stage inside the <classname>GtkClutterEmbed</classname> widget.</para> 
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter_gtk;GtkClutterEmbed.html">Reference</ulink></para>
+<sect2 id="stage-widget-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example shows a <classname>GtkClutterEmbed</classname> GTK+ widget and changes the stage color when a button is 
+<para>Note that this example requires the <literal>clutter-gtk-&clutterversion;</literal> library as well as the standard <literal>clutter-&clutterversion;</literal> library. You can create an executable from this code like so, being careful to use <literal>backticks</literal> around the call to <command>pkg-config</command>. See also the <link linkend="chapter-headers-and-linking">Header Files And Linking</link> section.</para>
+gcc -Wall -g example.c -o example `pkg-config clutter-&clutterversion; clutter-gtk-&clutterversion; --cflags  --libs`
+<figure id="figure-stage-widget">
+  <title>Stage Widget</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;stage_widget.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;stage_widget">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<chapter id="sec-actors">
+<sect1 id = "sec-actors-basics">
+<title>Actor Basics</title>
+<para>As mentioned in the <link linkend="sec-clutter">introduction</link>, &clutter; is a canvas API for 2D surfaces in 3D space. 
+Standard &clutter; actors have 2D shapes and can be positioned and rotated in all three dimensions, but they have no depth. 
+Theoretically, therefore, most actors would be invisible if they were exactly rotated so that only their edge faced the screen. 
+When complex 3D objects are needed, you may use the full OpenGL ES API, as mentioned in the <link linkend="appendix-implementing-actors">Implementing Actors</link> appendix, 
+but let's look at the standard actors for now:
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Stage.html">ClutterStage</ulink>: The stage itself, mentioned already</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Rectangle.html">ClutterRectangle</ulink>: A rectangle.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Label.html">ClutterLabel</ulink>: Displays text.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Entry.html">ClutterEntry</ulink>: Text that may be edited by the user.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Texture.html">ClutterTexture</ulink>: An image.</para></listitem>
+<para>Each actor should be added to the stage with <function>clutter_container_add()</function> and its 
+positions should then be specified. All actors derive from <classname>ClutterActor</classname> so you can call 
+<function>clutter_actor_set_position()</function> to set the x and y coordinates, and the z coordinate can be set with 
+<function>clutter_actor_set_depth()</function>, with larger values placing the actor further away from the observer. 
+<function>clutter_actor_set_size()</function> sets the width and height.
+<para>The actor's position is relative to the top-left (0, 0) of the parent container (such as the stage), but this origin can be changed by 
+calling <function>clutter_actor_set_anchor_point()</function>.</para>
+<para>By default, actors are hidden, so remember to call <function>clutter_actor_show</function>(). You may later call <function>clutter_actor_hide()</function> to 
+temporarily hide the object again.</para>
+<para>Like &gtk; widgets, &clutter; actors have a &quot;floating reference&quot; when they are first instantiated with a function 
+such as <function>clutter_rectangle_new()</function>. This reference is then taken when the actor is added to a container, 
+such as the stage. This means that you do not need to unreference the actor after creating it.</para>
+<para>Actors may also be transformed by scaling or rotation, and may be made partly transparent.</para>
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Actor.html">Reference</ulink></para>
+<sect2 id="actor-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates two unmoving actors in a stage:
+<figure id="figure-actor">
+  <title>Actor</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;actors.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;actor">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id = "sec-actors-transformations">
+<para>Actors can be scaled, rotated, and moved.</para>
+<para>Call <function>clutter_actor_set_scale()</function> to increase or decrease the apparent size of the actor. 
+Note that this will not change the result of <function>clutter_actor_get_width()</function> and 
+<function>clutter_actor_get_height()</function> because it only changes the size of the actor as seen by the user. 
+Calling <function>clutter_actor_set_scale()</function> again will replace the first scale rather than multiplying it.
+<para>Call <function>clutter_actor_set_rotation()</function> to rotate the actor around an axis, specifying either 
+<literal>CLUTTER_X_AXIS</literal>, <literal>CLUTTER_Y_AXIS</literal> or <literal>CLUTTER_Z_AXIS</literal> and the desired angle. Only two of 
+the x, y, and z coordinates are used, depending on the specified axis. For instance, when using <literal>CLUTTER_X_AXIS</literal>, the y and z parameters specify the center of rotation on 
+the plane of the x axis.
+<para>Like the <function>clutter_actor_set_scale()</function>, this does not affect the position, width, or height of the actor as 
+returned by functions such as <function>clutter_actor_get_x()</function>.
+<para><classname>Actors</classname> may be &quot;clipped&quot; so that only one rectangular part of the actor is visible, 
+by calling <function>clutter_actor_set_clip()</function>, providing a position relative to the actor, along with the size. 
+For instance, you might implement scrolling by creating a large container actor and setting a clip rectangle so that only 
+a small part of the whole is visible at any one time. Scrolling up could then be implemented by moving the actor down while  
+moving the clip up. Clipping can be reverted by calling <function>clutter_actor_remove_clip()</function>.
+<para>The area outside of the clip does not consume video memory and generally does not require much processing.</para>
+<para>&clutter; does not have a translation function that behaves similarly to 
+<function>clutter_actor_set_scale()</function> and <function>clutter_actor_set_rotation()</function>, but you can move the actor by 
+calling <function>clutter_actor_move_by()</function> or <function>clutter_actor_set_depth</function>.
+<para>Unlike the scaling and rotation functions, <function>clutter_actor_move_by()</function> does change the result of 
+functions such as <function>clutter_actor_get_x()</function>.
+<sect2 id="actor-example-transformations"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates two unmoving actors in a stage, using rotation, scaling and movement:
+<figure id="figure-actor-transformations">
+  <title>Actor</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;actor_transformations.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;actor_transformations">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id = "sec-containers">
+<para>Some clutter actors implement the <classname>ClutterContainer</classname> 
+interface. These actors can contain child actors and may position them in 
+relation to each other, for instance in a list or a table formation. In addition, 
+transformations or property changes may be applied to all children. Child actors 
+can be added to a container with the <function>clutter_container_add()</function> 
+<para>The main <classname>ClutterStage</classname> is itself a container, allowing 
+it to contain all the child actors. The only other container in Core &clutter; 
+is <classname>ClutterGroup</classname>, which can contain child actors, with 
+positions relative to the parent <classname>ClutterGroup</classname>. Scaling, 
+rotation and clipping of the group applies to the child actors, which can 
+simplify your code.
+<para>Additional &clutter; containers can be found in the &tidy; toolkit library. 
+See also the <link linkend="appendix-implementing-actors-containers">Implementing Containers</link> section.
+<!-- Add a link to a Tidy web page when one exists. -->
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Container.html">ClutterContainer Reference</ulink></para>
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Group.html">ClutterGroup Reference</ulink></para>
+<sect2 id="actor-example-containers"><title>Example</title>
+The following example shows the use of the <classname>ClutterGroup</classname> 
+container, with two child actors being rotated together.
+<figure id="figure-actor-containers">
+  <title>Group</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;actor_group.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;actor_group">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id = "sec-actors-events">
+<para>The base <classname>ClutterActor</classname> has several signals that are emitted when the user interacts with the actor:
+  <listitem><para><function>button-press-event</function>: Emitted when the user presses the mouse over the actor.</para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para><function>button-release-event</function>: Emitted when the user releases the mouse over the actor.</para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para><function>motion-event</function>: Emitted when the user moves the mouse over the actor.</para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para><function>enter-event</function>: Emitted when the user moves the mouse in to the actor's area.</para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para><function>leave-event</function>: Emitted when the user moves the mouse out of the actor's area.</para></listitem>
+<para>For instance, you can detect button clicks on an actor like so:
+g_signal_connect (rect, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK (on_rect_button_press), NULL);
+<para>Alternatively, you might just handle signals from the parent <classname>ClutterStage</classname> and use 
+<function>clutter_stage_get_actor_at_pos</function> to discover which actor should be affected.</para>
+<para>However, as a performance optimization, &clutter; does not emit all event signals by default. For instance, to 
+receive event signals for an actor instead of just the stage, you must call <function>clutter_actor_set_reactive()</function>. 
+If you don't need the motion event signals (<literal>motion-event</literal>, <literal>enter-event</literal> and <literal>leave-event</literal>), 
+you may call the global <function>clutter_set_motion_events_enabled()</function> function with <literal>FALSE</literal> to further optimize performance.
+<para>Your event signal handler should return <literal>true</literal> when it has fully handled the event, or <literal>false</literal> if you want the event to be sent also 
+to the next actor in the event chain. &clutter; first allows the stage to handle each event via the <literal>captured-event</literal> signal. But if the stage does not handle the 
+event then it will be passed down to the child actor, first passing through the actor's parent containers, giving each actor in the hierarchy a chance to handle the event via a 
+<literal>captured-event</literal> signal handler.
+If the event has still not been handled fully by any actor then the event will then be emitted via a specific signal (such as <literal>button-press-event</literal> or 
+<literal>key-press-event</literal>. These specific signals are emitted first from the child actor, then by its parent, passing all they way back up to the stage if no signal handler 
+returns <literal>true</literal> to indicate that it has handled the event fully.</para>
+<para>Actors usually only receive keyboard events when the actor has key focus, but you can give an actor exclusive access to any events by grabbing either the pointer or 
+the keyboard, using <function>clutter_grab_pointer</function> or <function>clutter_grab_keyboard</function>.
+<sect2 id="actor-example-events"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates handing of clicks on an actor:
+<figure id="figure-actor-events">
+  <title>Actor Events</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;actor_events.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;actor_events">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<chapter id="sec-timelines">
+<title>Using Timelines</title>
+A <classname>ClutterTimeline</classname> can be used to change the position or appearance of an actor over time. 
+These can be used directly as described in this chapter, or together with an effect or behaviour, as you will see in 
+the following chapters.</para> 
+The timeline object emits its <literal>new-frame</literal> signal for each frame that should be drawn, 
+for as many frames per second as specified. In your signal handler you can set the actor's properties. 
+For instance, the actor might be moved and rotated over time, and its color might change while this is happening.
+You could even change the properties of several actors to animate the entire stage.
+<para>The <function>clutter_timeline_new()</function> constructor function takes a number of frames, and a number 
+of frames per second, so the entire timeline will have a duration of <parameter>n_frames</parameter> / <parameter>fps</parameter>. 
+You might therefore choose the number of frames based on a desired duration, by dividing the duration by the desired frames per second.
+<para>You may also use <function>clutter_timeline_set_loop()</function> to cause the timeline to 
+repeat for ever, or until you call <function>clutter_timeline_stop()</function>. The timeline does not start 
+until you call <function>clutter_timeline_start()</function>.
+<para>Remember to unref the timeline when you are finished with it. Unlike actors, this does not have a &quot;floating reference&quot;. 
+You may either do this after your mainloop has finished, or when the timeline has finished, by handling the 
+timeline's <literal>completed</literal> signal.</para> 
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Timeline.html">Reference</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="timeline-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates the use of a timeline to rotate a rectangle around the x axis while changing its color:
+<figure id="figure-timeline">
+  <title>Timeline</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;timeline.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;timeline">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="sec-timelines-score">
+<title>Grouping TimeLines in a Score</title>
+A <classname>ClutterScore</classname> allows you to start and stop several timelines at once, or run them in sequence one after the other.</para> 
+<para>To add a timeline that should start first, call <function>clutter_score_append()</function> with NULL for the parent argument. 
+All such timelines will be started when you call <function>clutter_score_start()</function>.</para>
+<para>To add a timeline that should be started when a previously added timeline stops, call <function>clutter_score_append()</function> with the first 
+timeline for the parent argument.</para>
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Score.html">Reference</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="score-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates the use of a score containing two timelines, 
+with one starting when the other ends, and the whole score running as a loop. 
+The first timeline rotates the rectangle as in the previous example, and the 
+second timeline moves the rectangle horizontally.
+<figure id="figure-score">
+  <title>Score</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;score.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;score">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<chapter id="sec-effects">
+<title>Using Effects</title>
+&clutter; provides several effects functions that can be used together with a timeline to change the properties of 
+a single actor over time, using a simple numeric calculation. In many cases this is an easier way to implement animation. 
+For instance, <function>clutter_effect_fade()</function> gradually changes the opacity of an 
+actor or <function>clutter_effect_rotate()</function> gradually changes the rotation of an actor, calculating the opacity or 
+rotation by calling the supplied <literal>alpha</literal> callback.
+<para>To use a clutter effect, you should first create a <classname>ClutterEffectTemplate</classname>, specifying your 
+timeline object and a <classname>ClutterAlphaFunc</classname> callback. This callback will need to call 
+<function>clutter_alpha_get_timeline()</function> so it can return a value based on the timeline's current frame number 
+and total number of frames, using <function>clutter_timeline_get_current_frame()</function> and 
+<function>clutter_timeline_get_n_frames()</function>. The result should be between 0 and CLUTTER_ALPHA_MAX, with the meaning of 
+the result depending on the effect used. For instance, CLUTTER_ALPHA_MAX would be 100% opacity when using <function>clutter_effect_fade()</function>. 
+Several built-in callbacks, such as <function>CLUTTER_ALPHA_SINE</function>, allow you to easily specify natural movement. 
+<figure id="figure-alpha-func">
+  <title>Graphic representation of some alpha functions.</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;alpha-func.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para>You should then provide this <classname>ClutterEffectTemplate</classname> to one of the <function>clutter_effect</function> 
+functions, along with the actor and any extra parameters required by that function. Remember to unref the effect template after providing it to the effect function 
+(which will take a reference). Unlike actors, these do not have &quot;floating references&quot;.
+<para>To make it easier to use different timelines with different effects, you can use <function>clutter_effect_template_set_timeline_clone()</function> to cause the 
+effect to clone (copy instead of just referencing) the timeline, allowing you to change the original timeline and supply it to a second effect, without 
+influencing the first effect.</para>
+<para>The effects API is actually a simplified API that wraps the <classname>ClutterBehaviour</classname> objects. 
+However, the effect functions can only control one actor at a time and do not allow you to change the effects while the timeline 
+is running. To do this you can use the behaviours directly, as described in the <link linkend="sec-behaviours">Behaviours</link> section.
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter_alt;Effects.html">Reference</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="effects-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates the use of both a fade effect and a path effect on the same actor,
+changing a rectangle's opacity while it is moved a long a straight line:
+<figure id="figure-effects">
+  <title>Behaviour</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;effects.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;effects">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<chapter id="sec-behaviours">
+<title>Using Behaviours</title>
+<para>The <link linkend="sec-effects">Effects</link> API is simple but you will often need to 
+use behaviours directly to have more control.
+Although the <classname>ClutterTimeline</classname>'s <literal>new-frame</literal> signal allows you to set actor 
+properties for each frame, &clutter; also provides <literal>Behaviour</literal>s which can change specific properties 
+of one specific actor over time, using a simple numeric calculation. However, unlike the simplified <link linkend="sec-effects">Effects</link> 
+API, using behaviours directly allows you to combine them to control multiple actors simultaneously and allows you to change the parameters of the 
+behaviours while the timeline is running.
+<para>For instance, <classname>ClutterBehaviourPath</classname> moves the actor along a specified path, calculating the position 
+on the path once per frame by calling a supplied <literal>alpha</literal> callback. The <classname>ClutterAlpha</classname> 
+object is constructed with this callback and a <classname>ClutterTimeline</classname> which tells it when a new frame needs a 
+new value to be calculated.</para>
+<figure id="figure-path-alpha-func">
+  <title>Effects of alpha functions on a path.</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;path-alpha-func.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para>Your <literal>alpha</literal> callback will need to call <function>clutter_alpha_get_timeline()</function> so it can return 
+a value based on the timeline's current frame number and total number of frames, using 
+<function>clutter_timeline_get_current_frame</function> and <function>clutter_timeline_get_n_frames()</function>. Several built-in callbacks, such as 
+<function>CLUTTER_ALPHA_SINE</function>, allow you to easily specify natural movement. 
+<para>If the behaviour's timeline is started and not stopped then the end point of the behaviour will always be reached and it will 
+end there unless the timeline is set to loop. For instance, an actor will move along a path until it has reached the end, taking 
+as much time as specified by the timeline's number of frames and frames per second.</para> 
+<para>Like actors, <classname>ClutterAlpha</classname> has a &quot;floating references&quot; so you don't need to unref it if you have added it to a behaviour. 
+However, the behaviours do not have a floating reference, so you should unref them when you are finished with them. You might do this at the same time as you 
+unref the timeline, for instance in a signal handler for the timeline's <literal>completed</literal> signal.</para>
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Behaviour.html">ClutterBehaviour Reference</ulink></para>
+<para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;Alpha.html">ClutterAlpha Reference</ulink></para>
+<para>The following standard behaviours are available in &clutter;:
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;BehaviourDepth.html">ClutterBehaviourDepth</ulink>: Moves the actor along the z axis.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;BehaviourEllipse.html">ClutterBehaviourEllipse</ulink>: Moves the actor around an ellipse.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;BehaviourOpacity.html">ClutterBehaviourOpacity</ulink>: Changes the opacity of the actor.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;BehaviourPath.html">ClutterBehaviourPath</ulink>: Moves the actor along straight lines and bezier curves.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;BehaviourRotate.html">ClutterBehaviourRotate</ulink>: Rotates the actor.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url="&url_refdocs_base_clutter;BehaviourScale.html">ClutterBehaviourScale</ulink>: Scales the actor.</para></listitem>
+<sect1 id="behaviour-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates the use of a <classname>ClutterBehaviourPath</classname> with a simple custom alpha callback. 
+This simply moves the rectangle from the top-left to the bottom-right of the canvas at constant speed:
+<figure id="figure-behaviour">
+  <title>Behaviour</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;behaviours.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;behaviour">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<chapter id="sec-full-example">
+<title>Full Example</title>
+<para>This example loads images from a directory and displays them in a rotating ellipse. You may click an image to 
+bring it to the front. When the image has rotated to the front it will move up while increasing in size, and the file path 
+will appear at the top of the window.
+This is larger than the examples used so far, with multiple timelines and multiple behaviours affecting multiple actors. 
+However, it's still a relatively simple example. A real application would need to be more flexible and have more functionality.
+TODO: Make this prettier. Use containers to do that.
+<figure id="figure-full-example">
+  <title>Full Example</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;full_example.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;full_example">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<appendix id="appendix-implementing-actors">
+<title>Implementing Actors</title>
+<sect1 id="appendix-implementing-actors-simple">
+<title>Implementing Simple Actors</title>
+If the standard &clutter; actors don't meet all your needs then you may create your own custom actor objects. 
+Implementing a custom actor is much like implementing any new GObject type. You may use the <function>G_DEFINE_TYPE</function> 
+macro to specify that the type is derived from <classname>ClutterActor</classname>. For instance:
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterTriangle, clutter_triangle, CLUTTER_TYPE_ACTOR);
+<para>You should then specify your object's implementation of the <function>ClutterActor::paint()</function> virtual function in your <literal>class_init</literal> function: 
+static void
+clutter_triangle_class_init (ClutterTriangleClass *klass)
+  ClutterActorClass *actor_class = CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (klass);
+  actor_class->paint = clutter_triangle_paint;
+  ...
+Your <function>ClutterActor::paint()</function> implementation should use the OpenGL API to actually paint something. 
+You will probably need some information from your object's generic <classname>ClutterActor</classname> base class, for instance 
+by calling <function>clutter_actor_get_geometry()</function> and <function>clutter_actor_get_opacity()</function>, and by using your object's specific property values. 
+<para>To make your code work with both OpenGL ES and regular OpenGL (and maybe even future &clutter; backends), you may wish 
+to use &clutter;'s <literal>cogl</literal> abstraction API which provides functions such as <function>cogl_rectangle()</function> 
+and <function>cogl_push_matrix()</function>. You can also detect whether the platform has support for either the OpenGL or OpenGL ES API by ifdefing for 
+<literal>CLUTTER_COGL_HAS_GL</literal> or <literal>CLUTTER_COGL_HAS_GLES</literal>.
+<para>You should also implement the <function>ClutterActor::pick()</function> virtual function, painting a silhouette of your actor 
+in the provided color. &clutter; uses this to draw each actor's silhouette offscreen in a unique color, using the color to quickly 
+identify the actor under the cursor. If your actor is simple then you can probably reuse the code from your paint() implementation.</para>
+<para>Most of the rest of <classname>ClutterActor</classname>'s virtual functions don't need to be reimplemented, because a suitable default implemention exists in 
+<classname>ClutterActor</classname>. For instance, 
+<function>show()</function>, <function>show_all()</function>, <function>hide()</function>, <function>hide_all()</function>, 
+<sect1 id="custom-actor-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates the implementation of a new triangle Actor type.
+<figure id="figure-custom-actor">
+  <title>Behaviour</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;custom_actor.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;custom_actor">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="appendix-implementing-actors-containers">
+<title>Implementing Container Actors</title>
+You can create container actors that arrange child actors by implementing the 
+ClutterContainer interface in your actor. You may use the <function>G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE</function> 
+macro to specify that the type is derived from <classname>ClutterActor</classname> 
+and also implements the <classname>ClutterContainer</classname> interface. For instance:
+static void clutter_container_iface_init (ClutterContainerIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (ExampleContainer, example_container, CLUTTER_TYPE_ACTOR,
+                                                clutter_container_iface_init));
+<title>ClutterActor virtual functions to implement</title>
+<para>If your container should control the position or size of its children then 
+it should implement the <classname>ClutterActor</classname>'s 
+<function>allocate()</function>, <function>get_preferred_width()</function> and 
+<function>get_preferred_height()</function> virtual functions.</para>
+<para>For instance, your <function>allocate()</function> implementation should 
+use the provided allocation to layout its child actors, by calling 
+<function>clutter_actor_allocate()</function> on each child actor with appropriate 
+<para>Your <function>get_preferred_width()</function> and 
+<function>get_preferred_height()</function> implementations should 
+return the size desired by your container, by providing both the minimum and
+natural size as output parameters. Depending on your 
+container, this might be dependent on the child actors. By calling
+<function>clutter_actor_get_preferred_size()</function> you can discover the preferred
+height and width of a child actor.</para>
+<para>Your actor should implement one of two geometry management modes - either height 
+for width (<literal>CLUTTER_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH</literal>) or width for height 
+<literal>CLUTTER_REQUEST_WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT</literal>) and should set its 
+<literal>request-mode</literal> property to indicate which one it uses. For instance, in 
+height-for-width mode, the parent actor first asks for the preferred height and then asks for 
+a preferred width appropriate for that height. <function>clutter_actor_get_preferred_size()</function> 
+checks this property and then calls either <function>clutter_actor_get_preferred_width()</function> 
+or <function>clutter_actor_get_preferred_height()</function> in the correct sequence.
+<para>You should implement the <function>paint()</function> function, usually 
+calling <function>clutter_actor_paint()</function> on the child actors. All 
+containers should also implement the <function>pick()</function> function, calling 
+<function>clutter_actor_pick()</function> on each child actor.</para>
+<para>See the <link linkend="appendix-implementing-actors">Custom Actor</link> 
+section for more details these virtual functions.</para>
+<title>ClutterContainer virtual functions to implement</title>
+<para>Your container implementation should also implement some of the 
+<classname>ClutterContainer</classname> virtual functions so that the container's 
+children will be affected appropriately when functions are called on the container.  
+<para>For instance, your <function>add()</function> and 
+<function>remove()</function> implementions should manage your container's 
+internal list of child actors and might need to trigger repositioning or 
+resizing of the child actors by calling
+<para>Your <function>foreach</function> implementation would simply call the 
+provided callback on your container's list of child actors. Note that your container 
+could actually contain additional actors that are not considered to be child 
+actors for the purposes of add(), remove(), and foreach().</para>
+<sect1 id="custom-container-example"><title>Example</title>
+The following example demonstrates the implementation of a box container that 
+lays its child actors out horizontally. A real container should probably allow 
+optional padding around the container and spacing between the child actors. 
+You might also want to allow some child actors to expand to fill the available 
+space, or align differently inside the container.
+<figure id="figure-custom-container">
+  <title>Behaviour</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;custom_container.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;custom_container">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<appendix id="appendix-implementing-scrolling">
+<title>Implementing Scrolling in a Window-like Actor</title>
+<title>The Technique</title>
+<para>There is not yet a standard container in &clutter; to show and scroll through 
+a small part of a set of widgets, like the 
+<classname>GtkScrolledWindow</classname> widget in the GTK+ toolkit, so you may 
+need to implement this functionality in your application.
+<para>The &tidy; project 
+contains some suggested implementations for such actors, but here is a simpler example 
+of the general technique. It creates the impression of scrolling by clipping a 
+container so that it only shows a small area of the screen, while moving the child 
+widgets in that container.
+<sect1 id="scrolling-container-example"><title>Example</title>
+This example places three rectangles in a custom container which scrolls its 
+child widgets to the left when the user clicks on the stage.
+Real-world applications will of course want to implement more specific behaviour, depending on their needs. For instance, 
+adding scrollbars that show accurate scroll positions, scrolling smoothly with animation, efficiently drawing only objects 
+that should be visible when dealing with large numbers of rows.
+<figure id="figure-scrolling-container">
+  <title>Scrolling Container</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;scrolling.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;scrolling">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<appendix id="appendix-implementing-text-editing">
+<title>Implementing Text Editing</title>
+<title>The Technique</title>
+&clutter; provides a <classname>ClutterEntry</classname> actor for text entry. 
+However, this is limited to single lines of text. Therefore you will need to 
+implement your own custom actor if you need this functionality with multiple 
+lines of text.
+<para>Like <classname>ClutterEntry</classname> you can use the Pango API - 
+specifically the <classname>PangoLayout</classname> object. The 
+<classname>PangoLayout</classname> can then be rendered to the clutter display  
+in your <function>ClutterActor::paint()</function> implementation by using 
+the <function>pango_clutter_render_layout()</function> utility function.
+However, <function>pango_clutter_render_layout()</function> is not official 
+public &clutter; API and could disappear in future version of &clutter;. You 
+may choose to investigate its implementation and reimplement it in your 
+application. Future versions of Pango are likely to provide new API to make 
+this easier. 
+<sect1 id="multiline-text-entry-example"><title>Example</title>
+This example has a custom actor, based on the <classname>ClutterEntry</classname> 
+implementation, using a <classname>PangoLayout</classname> to show text wrapped 
+over multiple lines.
+Real-world applications will probably want to implement more text-editing features, 
+such as the ability to move the cursor vertically, the ability to select and copy 
+sections of text, the ability to show and manipulate right-to-left text, etc.
+<figure id="figure-multiline-text-entry">
+  <title>Multiline Text Entry</title>
+  <screenshot>
+    <graphic format="PNG" fileref="&url_figures_base;multiline_text_entry.png"/>
+  </screenshot>
+<para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;multiline_text_entry">Source Code</ulink></para>
+<chapter id="sec-Contributing">
+If you find errors in this documentation or if you would like to contribute additional material, you are
+encouraged to write an email to clutter o-hand com  Thanks.
+<!-- some vim settings
+    vim:ts=2 sw=2 et

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/docbook_phpwebnotes.xsl
--- (empty file)
+++ cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/docbook_phpwebnotes.xsl	Tue Jan  6 12:32:19 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
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+                xmlns:m="";>
+<xsl:import href=""/>
+To use xml catalogs on windows with xsltproc, use:
+set XML_CATALOG_FILES=c:\catalog.xml
+xsltproc command line:
+xsltproc -o html/ -xinclude docbook_phpwebnotes.xsl gtkmm-tut-with-examples.xml
+<!-- set 'html.ext' to '.php' -->
+<xsl:param name="html.ext" select="'.php'" />
+<!-- need to use id's as filename to have a reference point that will stay
+constant over time. Otherwise notes would show up on the wrong after a 
+chapter/section has been added in the middle of the document. -->
+<xsl:param name="" select="1" />
+<xsl:template name="user.head.content">
+  <xsl:processing-instruction name="php">
+    require_once('../phpwebnotes/core/api.php');
+    pwn_head();
+  ?</xsl:processing-instruction>
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+  ?</xsl:processing-instruction>

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actor-box.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actor_events.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actor_group.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actor_transformations.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/actors.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/alpha-func.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/behaviours.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/custom_actor.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/custom_container.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/effects.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/full_example.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/multiline_text_entry.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/path-alpha-func.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/score.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/scrolling.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/stage.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/stage_widget.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/figures/timeline.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/caution.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/home.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/important.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/next.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/note.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/prev.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/tip.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/up.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/icons/warning.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/
--- (empty file)
+++ cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/	Tue Jan  6 12:32:19 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+#sub main()
+  my $examples_base = shift(@ARGV);
+  $examples_base .= "/" unless($examples_base =~ /\/$/);
+  foreach $file (@ARGV)
+  {
+    open(FILE, $file);
+    while(<FILE>)
+    {
+      print $_;
+      #Beginning of comment:
+      # Look for
+      # <para><ulink url="&url_examples_base;helloworld">Source Code</ulink></para>
+      if(/<para><ulink url=\"&url_examples_base;([\/\w]+)\">Source Code<\/ulink><\/para>/)
+      {
+        #List all the source files in that directory:
+        my $directory = $examples_base . $1;
+        opendir(DIR, $directory);
+        my @dir_contents = readdir(DIR);
+        closedir(DIR);
+        my @source_files = grep(/\.c$/, @dir_contents);
+        my @header_files = grep(/\.h$/,  @dir_contents);
+        print "<!-- start inserted example code -->\n";
+        foreach $source_file (@header_files, @source_files)
+        {
+           print "<para>File: <filename>${source_file}</filename>\n";
+           print "</para>\n";
+           print "<programlisting>\n";
+           &process_source_file("${directory}/${source_file}");
+           print "</programlisting>\n";
+        }
+        print "<!-- end inserted example code -->\n";
+      }
+    }
+    close(FILE);
+  }
+  exit 0;
+sub process_source_file($)
+  my ($source_file) = @_;
+  my $found_start = 0;
+  open(SOURCE_FILE, $source_file);
+  while(<SOURCE_FILE>)
+  {
+    # Skip all text until the first code line.
+    if(!$found_start)
+    {
+      next unless /^[#\w]/;
+      $found_start = 1;
+    }
+    s/&/&amp;/g;
+    s/</&lt;/g;
+    s/>/&gt;/g;
+    s/"/&quot;/g;
+    print $_;
+  }
+  close(SOURCE_FILE);

Added: cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/style.css
--- (empty file)
+++ cluttermm_tutorial/trunk/docs/tutorial/style.css	Tue Jan  6 12:32:19 2009
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