[longomatch/win32] Win32 fixes

commit f02f69fefee0d13664485bba9ad7e5f0928a078c
Author: Andoni Morales Alastruey <ylatuya gmail com>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 00:49:42 2009 +0200

    Win32 fixes

 ...ngoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget.cs | 1008 ++++++++++----------
 ...LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.cs |  570 ++++++------
 2 files changed, 789 insertions(+), 789 deletions(-)
diff --git a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget.cs b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget.cs
index 69b6cb5..e546dd0 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget.cs
@@ -1,504 +1,504 @@
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  <autogenerated>
-//      This code was generated by a tool.
-//      Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 
-//      the code is regenerated.
-//  </autogenerated>
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component {
-    public partial class FileDescriptionWidget {
-        private Gtk.VBox vbox2;
-        private Gtk.Table table1;
-        private Gtk.SpinButton bitratespinbutton;
-        private Gtk.Entry competitionentry;
-        private Gtk.Label Competitionlabel;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox1;
-        private Gtk.ComboBox localcombobox;
-        private Gtk.Button localtemplatebutton;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox2;
-        private Gtk.ComboBox visitorcombobox;
-        private Gtk.Button visitorbutton;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox3;
-        private Gtk.ComboBox tagscombobox;
-        private Gtk.Button editbutton;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox4;
-        private Gtk.Entry fileEntry;
-        private Gtk.Button openbutton;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox5;
-        private Gtk.Entry dateEntry;
-        private Gtk.Button calendarbutton;
-        private Gtk.Label label10;
-        private Gtk.Label label11;
-        private Gtk.Label label12;
-        private Gtk.Label label5;
-        private Gtk.Label label6;
-        private Gtk.Label label8;
-        private Gtk.Label label9;
-        private Gtk.SpinButton localSpinButton;
-        private Gtk.Entry localTeamEntry;
-        private Gtk.Label localteamtemplatelabel;
-        private Gtk.Entry seasonentry;
-        private Gtk.Label seasonlabel;
-        private Gtk.Label videobitratelabel;
-        private Gtk.SpinButton visitorSpinButton;
-        private Gtk.Entry visitorTeamEntry;
-        private Gtk.Label visitorteamtemplatelabel;
-        protected virtual void Build() {
-            Stetic.Gui.Initialize(this);
-            // Widget LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget
-            Stetic.BinContainer.Attach(this);
-            this.Name = "LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget";
-            // Container child LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-            this.vbox2 = new Gtk.VBox();
-            this.vbox2.Name = "vbox2";
-            this.vbox2.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.table1 = new Gtk.Table(((uint)(12)), ((uint)(2)), false);
-            this.table1.Name = "table1";
-            this.table1.RowSpacing = ((uint)(6));
-            this.table1.ColumnSpacing = ((uint)(6));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.bitratespinbutton = new Gtk.SpinButton(1000, 8000, 1);
-            this.bitratespinbutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.bitratespinbutton.Name = "bitratespinbutton";
-            this.bitratespinbutton.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 10;
-            this.bitratespinbutton.ClimbRate = 1;
-            this.bitratespinbutton.Numeric = true;
-            this.bitratespinbutton.Value = 4000;
-            this.table1.Add(this.bitratespinbutton);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w1 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.bitratespinbutton]));
-            w1.TopAttach = ((uint)(11));
-            w1.BottomAttach = ((uint)(12));
-            w1.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w1.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w1.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(0));
-            w1.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.competitionentry = new Gtk.Entry();
-            this.competitionentry.CanFocus = true;
-            this.competitionentry.Name = "competitionentry";
-            this.competitionentry.IsEditable = true;
-            this.competitionentry.InvisibleChar = 'â??';
-            this.table1.Add(this.competitionentry);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w2 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.competitionentry]));
-            w2.TopAttach = ((uint)(5));
-            w2.BottomAttach = ((uint)(6));
-            w2.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w2.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w2.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w2.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.Competitionlabel = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.Competitionlabel.Name = "Competitionlabel";
-            this.Competitionlabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Competition:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.Competitionlabel);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w3 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.Competitionlabel]));
-            w3.TopAttach = ((uint)(5));
-            w3.BottomAttach = ((uint)(6));
-            w3.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w3.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.hbox1 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox1.Name = "hbox1";
-            this.hbox1.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.localcombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
-            this.localcombobox.Name = "localcombobox";
-            this.hbox1.Add(this.localcombobox);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.localcombobox]));
-            w4.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.localtemplatebutton = new Gtk.Button();
-            this.localtemplatebutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.localtemplatebutton.Name = "localtemplatebutton";
-            this.localtemplatebutton.UseStock = true;
-            this.localtemplatebutton.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.localtemplatebutton.Label = "gtk-edit";
-            this.hbox1.Add(this.localtemplatebutton);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.localtemplatebutton]));
-            w5.Position = 1;
-            w5.Expand = false;
-            w5.Fill = false;
-            this.table1.Add(this.hbox1);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w6 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox1]));
-            w6.TopAttach = ((uint)(7));
-            w6.BottomAttach = ((uint)(8));
-            w6.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w6.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w6.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w6.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.hbox2 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox2.Name = "hbox2";
-            this.hbox2.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.visitorcombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
-            this.visitorcombobox.Name = "visitorcombobox";
-            this.hbox2.Add(this.visitorcombobox);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.visitorcombobox]));
-            w7.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.visitorbutton = new Gtk.Button();
-            this.visitorbutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.visitorbutton.Name = "visitorbutton";
-            this.visitorbutton.UseStock = true;
-            this.visitorbutton.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.visitorbutton.Label = "gtk-edit";
-            this.hbox2.Add(this.visitorbutton);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.visitorbutton]));
-            w8.Position = 1;
-            w8.Expand = false;
-            w8.Fill = false;
-            this.table1.Add(this.hbox2);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w9 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox2]));
-            w9.TopAttach = ((uint)(8));
-            w9.BottomAttach = ((uint)(9));
-            w9.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w9.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w9.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w9.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.hbox3 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox3.Name = "hbox3";
-            this.hbox3.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.tagscombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
-            this.tagscombobox.Name = "tagscombobox";
-            this.hbox3.Add(this.tagscombobox);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w10 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.tagscombobox]));
-            w10.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.editbutton = new Gtk.Button();
-            this.editbutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.editbutton.Name = "editbutton";
-            this.editbutton.UseStock = true;
-            this.editbutton.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.editbutton.Label = "gtk-edit";
-            this.hbox3.Add(this.editbutton);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.editbutton]));
-            w11.Position = 1;
-            w11.Expand = false;
-            w11.Fill = false;
-            this.table1.Add(this.hbox3);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w12 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox3]));
-            w12.TopAttach = ((uint)(6));
-            w12.BottomAttach = ((uint)(7));
-            w12.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w12.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w12.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w12.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.hbox4 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox4.Name = "hbox4";
-            this.hbox4.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.fileEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
-            this.fileEntry.CanFocus = true;
-            this.fileEntry.Name = "fileEntry";
-            this.fileEntry.IsEditable = false;
-            this.fileEntry.InvisibleChar = 'â??';
-            this.hbox4.Add(this.fileEntry);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w13 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox4[this.fileEntry]));
-            w13.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.openbutton = new Gtk.Button();
-            this.openbutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.openbutton.Name = "openbutton";
-            this.openbutton.UseStock = true;
-            this.openbutton.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.openbutton.Label = "gtk-open";
-            this.hbox4.Add(this.openbutton);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w14 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox4[this.openbutton]));
-            w14.Position = 1;
-            w14.Expand = false;
-            this.table1.Add(this.hbox4);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w15 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox4]));
-            w15.TopAttach = ((uint)(10));
-            w15.BottomAttach = ((uint)(11));
-            w15.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w15.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w15.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w15.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.hbox5 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox5.Name = "hbox5";
-            // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.dateEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
-            this.dateEntry.CanFocus = true;
-            this.dateEntry.Name = "dateEntry";
-            this.dateEntry.IsEditable = false;
-            this.dateEntry.InvisibleChar = 'â??';
-            this.hbox5.Add(this.dateEntry);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox5[this.dateEntry]));
-            w16.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.calendarbutton = new Gtk.Button();
-            this.calendarbutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.calendarbutton.Name = "calendarbutton";
-            this.calendarbutton.UseUnderline = true;
-            // Container child calendarbutton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-            Gtk.Alignment w17 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
-            // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-            Gtk.HBox w18 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            w18.Spacing = 2;
-            // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-            Gtk.Image w19 = new Gtk.Image();
-            w19.Pixbuf = Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(this, "stock_calendar", Gtk.IconSize.Button, 20);
-            w18.Add(w19);
-            // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-            Gtk.Label w21 = new Gtk.Label();
-            w21.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("_Calendar");
-            w21.UseUnderline = true;
-            w18.Add(w21);
-            w17.Add(w18);
-            this.calendarbutton.Add(w17);
-            this.hbox5.Add(this.calendarbutton);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w25 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox5[this.calendarbutton]));
-            w25.Position = 1;
-            w25.Expand = false;
-            w25.Fill = false;
-            this.table1.Add(this.hbox5);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w26 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox5]));
-            w26.TopAttach = ((uint)(9));
-            w26.BottomAttach = ((uint)(10));
-            w26.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w26.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w26.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.label10 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label10.Name = "label10";
-            this.label10.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Visitor Team:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.label10);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w27 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label10]));
-            w27.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w27.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w27.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w27.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.label11 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label11.Name = "label11";
-            this.label11.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Local Goals:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.label11);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w28 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label11]));
-            w28.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w28.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
-            w28.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w28.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.label12 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label12.Name = "label12";
-            this.label12.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Visitor Goals:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.label12);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w29 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label12]));
-            w29.TopAttach = ((uint)(3));
-            w29.BottomAttach = ((uint)(4));
-            w29.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w29.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.label5 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label5.Name = "label5";
-            this.label5.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Date:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.label5);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w30 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label5]));
-            w30.TopAttach = ((uint)(9));
-            w30.BottomAttach = ((uint)(10));
-            w30.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w30.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.label6 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label6.Name = "label6";
-            this.label6.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("File:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.label6);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w31 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label6]));
-            w31.TopAttach = ((uint)(10));
-            w31.BottomAttach = ((uint)(11));
-            w31.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w31.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.label8 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label8.Name = "label8";
-            this.label8.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Local Team:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.label8);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w32 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label8]));
-            w32.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w32.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.label9 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label9.Name = "label9";
-            this.label9.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Sections Template:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.label9);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w33 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label9]));
-            w33.TopAttach = ((uint)(6));
-            w33.BottomAttach = ((uint)(7));
-            w33.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w33.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.localSpinButton = new Gtk.SpinButton(0, 1000, 1);
-            this.localSpinButton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.localSpinButton.Name = "localSpinButton";
-            this.localSpinButton.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 10;
-            this.localSpinButton.ClimbRate = 1;
-            this.localSpinButton.Numeric = true;
-            this.table1.Add(this.localSpinButton);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w34 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.localSpinButton]));
-            w34.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w34.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
-            w34.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w34.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w34.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
-            w34.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.localTeamEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
-            this.localTeamEntry.CanFocus = true;
-            this.localTeamEntry.Name = "localTeamEntry";
-            this.localTeamEntry.IsEditable = true;
-            this.localTeamEntry.InvisibleChar = 'â??';
-            this.table1.Add(this.localTeamEntry);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w35 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.localTeamEntry]));
-            w35.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w35.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.localteamtemplatelabel = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.localteamtemplatelabel.Name = "localteamtemplatelabel";
-            this.localteamtemplatelabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Visitor Team Template");
-            this.table1.Add(this.localteamtemplatelabel);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w36 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.localteamtemplatelabel]));
-            w36.TopAttach = ((uint)(8));
-            w36.BottomAttach = ((uint)(9));
-            w36.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w36.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.seasonentry = new Gtk.Entry();
-            this.seasonentry.CanFocus = true;
-            this.seasonentry.Name = "seasonentry";
-            this.seasonentry.IsEditable = true;
-            this.seasonentry.InvisibleChar = 'â??';
-            this.table1.Add(this.seasonentry);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w37 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.seasonentry]));
-            w37.TopAttach = ((uint)(4));
-            w37.BottomAttach = ((uint)(5));
-            w37.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w37.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w37.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w37.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.seasonlabel = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.seasonlabel.Name = "seasonlabel";
-            this.seasonlabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Season:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.seasonlabel);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w38 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.seasonlabel]));
-            w38.TopAttach = ((uint)(4));
-            w38.BottomAttach = ((uint)(5));
-            w38.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w38.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.videobitratelabel = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.videobitratelabel.Name = "videobitratelabel";
-            this.videobitratelabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Video Bitrate:");
-            this.table1.Add(this.videobitratelabel);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w39 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.videobitratelabel]));
-            w39.TopAttach = ((uint)(11));
-            w39.BottomAttach = ((uint)(12));
-            w39.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w39.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.visitorSpinButton = new Gtk.SpinButton(0, 1000, 1);
-            this.visitorSpinButton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.visitorSpinButton.Name = "visitorSpinButton";
-            this.visitorSpinButton.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 10;
-            this.visitorSpinButton.ClimbRate = 1;
-            this.visitorSpinButton.Numeric = true;
-            this.table1.Add(this.visitorSpinButton);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w40 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.visitorSpinButton]));
-            w40.TopAttach = ((uint)(3));
-            w40.BottomAttach = ((uint)(4));
-            w40.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w40.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w40.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
-            w40.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.visitorTeamEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
-            this.visitorTeamEntry.CanFocus = true;
-            this.visitorTeamEntry.Name = "visitorTeamEntry";
-            this.visitorTeamEntry.IsEditable = true;
-            this.visitorTeamEntry.InvisibleChar = 'â??';
-            this.table1.Add(this.visitorTeamEntry);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w41 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.visitorTeamEntry]));
-            w41.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w41.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w41.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
-            w41.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
-            w41.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
-            this.visitorteamtemplatelabel = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.visitorteamtemplatelabel.Name = "visitorteamtemplatelabel";
-            this.visitorteamtemplatelabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Local Team Template");
-            this.table1.Add(this.visitorteamtemplatelabel);
-            Gtk.Table.TableChild w42 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.visitorteamtemplatelabel]));
-            w42.TopAttach = ((uint)(7));
-            w42.BottomAttach = ((uint)(8));
-            w42.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            w42.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
-            this.vbox2.Add(this.table1);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w43 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.table1]));
-            w43.Position = 0;
-            this.Add(this.vbox2);
-            if ((this.Child != null)) {
-                this.Child.ShowAll();
-            }
-            this.editbutton.Hide();
-            this.videobitratelabel.Hide();
-            this.Show();
-            this.calendarbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnCalendarbuttonClicked);
-            this.openbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnOpenbuttonClicked);
-            this.tagscombobox.Changed += new System.EventHandler(this.OnCombobox1Changed);
-            this.editbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnEditbuttonClicked);
-            this.visitorcombobox.Changed += new System.EventHandler(this.OnVisitorcomboboxChanged);
-            this.visitorbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnVisitorbuttonClicked);
-            this.localcombobox.Changed += new System.EventHandler(this.OnLocalcomboboxChanged);
-            this.localtemplatebutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnLocaltemplatebuttonClicked);
-        }
-    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  <autogenerated>
+//      This code was generated by a tool.
+//      Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 
+//      the code is regenerated.
+//  </autogenerated>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component {
+    public partial class FileDescriptionWidget {
+        private Gtk.VBox vbox2;
+        private Gtk.Table table1;
+        private Gtk.SpinButton bitratespinbutton;
+        private Gtk.Entry competitionentry;
+        private Gtk.Label Competitionlabel;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox1;
+        private Gtk.ComboBox localcombobox;
+        private Gtk.Button localtemplatebutton;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox2;
+        private Gtk.ComboBox visitorcombobox;
+        private Gtk.Button visitorbutton;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox3;
+        private Gtk.ComboBox tagscombobox;
+        private Gtk.Button editbutton;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox4;
+        private Gtk.Entry fileEntry;
+        private Gtk.Button openbutton;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox5;
+        private Gtk.Entry dateEntry;
+        private Gtk.Button calendarbutton;
+        private Gtk.Label label10;
+        private Gtk.Label label11;
+        private Gtk.Label label12;
+        private Gtk.Label label5;
+        private Gtk.Label label6;
+        private Gtk.Label label8;
+        private Gtk.Label label9;
+        private Gtk.SpinButton localSpinButton;
+        private Gtk.Entry localTeamEntry;
+        private Gtk.Label localteamtemplatelabel;
+        private Gtk.Entry seasonentry;
+        private Gtk.Label seasonlabel;
+        private Gtk.Label videobitratelabel;
+        private Gtk.SpinButton visitorSpinButton;
+        private Gtk.Entry visitorTeamEntry;
+        private Gtk.Label visitorteamtemplatelabel;
+        protected virtual void Build() {
+            Stetic.Gui.Initialize(this);
+            // Widget LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget
+            Stetic.BinContainer.Attach(this);
+            this.Name = "LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget";
+            // Container child LongoMatch.Gui.Component.FileDescriptionWidget.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+            this.vbox2 = new Gtk.VBox();
+            this.vbox2.Name = "vbox2";
+            this.vbox2.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.table1 = new Gtk.Table(((uint)(12)), ((uint)(2)), false);
+            this.table1.Name = "table1";
+            this.table1.RowSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+            this.table1.ColumnSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.bitratespinbutton = new Gtk.SpinButton(1000, 8000, 1);
+            this.bitratespinbutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.bitratespinbutton.Name = "bitratespinbutton";
+            this.bitratespinbutton.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 10;
+            this.bitratespinbutton.ClimbRate = 1;
+            this.bitratespinbutton.Numeric = true;
+            this.bitratespinbutton.Value = 4000;
+            this.table1.Add(this.bitratespinbutton);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w1 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.bitratespinbutton]));
+            w1.TopAttach = ((uint)(11));
+            w1.BottomAttach = ((uint)(12));
+            w1.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w1.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w1.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(0));
+            w1.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.competitionentry = new Gtk.Entry();
+            this.competitionentry.CanFocus = true;
+            this.competitionentry.Name = "competitionentry";
+            this.competitionentry.IsEditable = true;
+            this.competitionentry.InvisibleChar =  'â??';
+            this.table1.Add(this.competitionentry);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w2 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.competitionentry]));
+            w2.TopAttach = ((uint)(5));
+            w2.BottomAttach = ((uint)(6));
+            w2.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w2.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w2.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w2.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.Competitionlabel = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.Competitionlabel.Name = "Competitionlabel";
+            this.Competitionlabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Competition:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.Competitionlabel);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w3 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.Competitionlabel]));
+            w3.TopAttach = ((uint)(5));
+            w3.BottomAttach = ((uint)(6));
+            w3.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w3.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.hbox1 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox1.Name = "hbox1";
+            this.hbox1.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.localcombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
+            this.localcombobox.Name = "localcombobox";
+            this.hbox1.Add(this.localcombobox);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.localcombobox]));
+            w4.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.localtemplatebutton = new Gtk.Button();
+            this.localtemplatebutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.localtemplatebutton.Name = "localtemplatebutton";
+            this.localtemplatebutton.UseStock = true;
+            this.localtemplatebutton.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.localtemplatebutton.Label = "gtk-edit";
+            this.hbox1.Add(this.localtemplatebutton);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.localtemplatebutton]));
+            w5.Position = 1;
+            w5.Expand = false;
+            w5.Fill = false;
+            this.table1.Add(this.hbox1);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w6 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox1]));
+            w6.TopAttach = ((uint)(7));
+            w6.BottomAttach = ((uint)(8));
+            w6.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w6.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w6.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w6.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.hbox2 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox2.Name = "hbox2";
+            this.hbox2.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.visitorcombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
+            this.visitorcombobox.Name = "visitorcombobox";
+            this.hbox2.Add(this.visitorcombobox);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.visitorcombobox]));
+            w7.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.visitorbutton = new Gtk.Button();
+            this.visitorbutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.visitorbutton.Name = "visitorbutton";
+            this.visitorbutton.UseStock = true;
+            this.visitorbutton.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.visitorbutton.Label = "gtk-edit";
+            this.hbox2.Add(this.visitorbutton);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.visitorbutton]));
+            w8.Position = 1;
+            w8.Expand = false;
+            w8.Fill = false;
+            this.table1.Add(this.hbox2);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w9 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox2]));
+            w9.TopAttach = ((uint)(8));
+            w9.BottomAttach = ((uint)(9));
+            w9.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w9.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w9.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w9.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.hbox3 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox3.Name = "hbox3";
+            this.hbox3.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.tagscombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
+            this.tagscombobox.Name = "tagscombobox";
+            this.hbox3.Add(this.tagscombobox);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w10 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.tagscombobox]));
+            w10.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.editbutton = new Gtk.Button();
+            this.editbutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.editbutton.Name = "editbutton";
+            this.editbutton.UseStock = true;
+            this.editbutton.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.editbutton.Label = "gtk-edit";
+            this.hbox3.Add(this.editbutton);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.editbutton]));
+            w11.Position = 1;
+            w11.Expand = false;
+            w11.Fill = false;
+            this.table1.Add(this.hbox3);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w12 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox3]));
+            w12.TopAttach = ((uint)(6));
+            w12.BottomAttach = ((uint)(7));
+            w12.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w12.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w12.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w12.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.hbox4 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox4.Name = "hbox4";
+            this.hbox4.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.fileEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
+            this.fileEntry.CanFocus = true;
+            this.fileEntry.Name = "fileEntry";
+            this.fileEntry.IsEditable = false;
+            this.fileEntry.InvisibleChar =  'â??';
+            this.hbox4.Add(this.fileEntry);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w13 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox4[this.fileEntry]));
+            w13.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.openbutton = new Gtk.Button();
+            this.openbutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.openbutton.Name = "openbutton";
+            this.openbutton.UseStock = true;
+            this.openbutton.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.openbutton.Label = "gtk-open";
+            this.hbox4.Add(this.openbutton);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w14 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox4[this.openbutton]));
+            w14.Position = 1;
+            w14.Expand = false;
+            this.table1.Add(this.hbox4);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w15 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox4]));
+            w15.TopAttach = ((uint)(10));
+            w15.BottomAttach = ((uint)(11));
+            w15.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w15.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w15.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w15.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.hbox5 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox5.Name = "hbox5";
+            // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.dateEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
+            this.dateEntry.CanFocus = true;
+            this.dateEntry.Name = "dateEntry";
+            this.dateEntry.IsEditable = false;
+            this.dateEntry.InvisibleChar =  'â??';
+            this.hbox5.Add(this.dateEntry);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox5[this.dateEntry]));
+            w16.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.calendarbutton = new Gtk.Button();
+            this.calendarbutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.calendarbutton.Name = "calendarbutton";
+            this.calendarbutton.UseUnderline = true;
+            // Container child calendarbutton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+            Gtk.Alignment w17 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
+            // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+            Gtk.HBox w18 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            w18.Spacing = 2;
+            // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+            Gtk.Image w19 = new Gtk.Image();
+            w19.Pixbuf = Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(this, "stock_calendar", Gtk.IconSize.Button, 20);
+            w18.Add(w19);
+            // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+            Gtk.Label w21 = new Gtk.Label();
+            w21.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("_Calendar");
+            w21.UseUnderline = true;
+            w18.Add(w21);
+            w17.Add(w18);
+            this.calendarbutton.Add(w17);
+            this.hbox5.Add(this.calendarbutton);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w25 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox5[this.calendarbutton]));
+            w25.Position = 1;
+            w25.Expand = false;
+            w25.Fill = false;
+            this.table1.Add(this.hbox5);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w26 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.hbox5]));
+            w26.TopAttach = ((uint)(9));
+            w26.BottomAttach = ((uint)(10));
+            w26.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w26.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w26.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.label10 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label10.Name = "label10";
+            this.label10.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Visitor Team:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.label10);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w27 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label10]));
+            w27.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w27.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w27.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w27.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.label11 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label11.Name = "label11";
+            this.label11.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Local Goals:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.label11);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w28 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label11]));
+            w28.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w28.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+            w28.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w28.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.label12 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label12.Name = "label12";
+            this.label12.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Visitor Goals:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.label12);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w29 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label12]));
+            w29.TopAttach = ((uint)(3));
+            w29.BottomAttach = ((uint)(4));
+            w29.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w29.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.label5 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label5.Name = "label5";
+            this.label5.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Date:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.label5);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w30 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label5]));
+            w30.TopAttach = ((uint)(9));
+            w30.BottomAttach = ((uint)(10));
+            w30.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w30.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.label6 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label6.Name = "label6";
+            this.label6.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("File:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.label6);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w31 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label6]));
+            w31.TopAttach = ((uint)(10));
+            w31.BottomAttach = ((uint)(11));
+            w31.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w31.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.label8 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label8.Name = "label8";
+            this.label8.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Local Team:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.label8);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w32 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label8]));
+            w32.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w32.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.label9 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label9.Name = "label9";
+            this.label9.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Sections Template:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.label9);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w33 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.label9]));
+            w33.TopAttach = ((uint)(6));
+            w33.BottomAttach = ((uint)(7));
+            w33.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w33.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.localSpinButton = new Gtk.SpinButton(0, 1000, 1);
+            this.localSpinButton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.localSpinButton.Name = "localSpinButton";
+            this.localSpinButton.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 10;
+            this.localSpinButton.ClimbRate = 1;
+            this.localSpinButton.Numeric = true;
+            this.table1.Add(this.localSpinButton);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w34 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.localSpinButton]));
+            w34.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w34.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+            w34.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w34.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w34.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
+            w34.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.localTeamEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
+            this.localTeamEntry.CanFocus = true;
+            this.localTeamEntry.Name = "localTeamEntry";
+            this.localTeamEntry.IsEditable = true;
+            this.localTeamEntry.InvisibleChar =  'â??';
+            this.table1.Add(this.localTeamEntry);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w35 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.localTeamEntry]));
+            w35.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w35.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.localteamtemplatelabel = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.localteamtemplatelabel.Name = "localteamtemplatelabel";
+            this.localteamtemplatelabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Visitor Team Template");
+            this.table1.Add(this.localteamtemplatelabel);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w36 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.localteamtemplatelabel]));
+            w36.TopAttach = ((uint)(8));
+            w36.BottomAttach = ((uint)(9));
+            w36.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w36.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.seasonentry = new Gtk.Entry();
+            this.seasonentry.CanFocus = true;
+            this.seasonentry.Name = "seasonentry";
+            this.seasonentry.IsEditable = true;
+            this.seasonentry.InvisibleChar =  'â??';
+            this.table1.Add(this.seasonentry);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w37 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.seasonentry]));
+            w37.TopAttach = ((uint)(4));
+            w37.BottomAttach = ((uint)(5));
+            w37.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w37.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w37.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w37.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.seasonlabel = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.seasonlabel.Name = "seasonlabel";
+            this.seasonlabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Season:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.seasonlabel);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w38 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.seasonlabel]));
+            w38.TopAttach = ((uint)(4));
+            w38.BottomAttach = ((uint)(5));
+            w38.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w38.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.videobitratelabel = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.videobitratelabel.Name = "videobitratelabel";
+            this.videobitratelabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Video Bitrate:");
+            this.table1.Add(this.videobitratelabel);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w39 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.videobitratelabel]));
+            w39.TopAttach = ((uint)(11));
+            w39.BottomAttach = ((uint)(12));
+            w39.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w39.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.visitorSpinButton = new Gtk.SpinButton(0, 1000, 1);
+            this.visitorSpinButton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.visitorSpinButton.Name = "visitorSpinButton";
+            this.visitorSpinButton.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 10;
+            this.visitorSpinButton.ClimbRate = 1;
+            this.visitorSpinButton.Numeric = true;
+            this.table1.Add(this.visitorSpinButton);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w40 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.visitorSpinButton]));
+            w40.TopAttach = ((uint)(3));
+            w40.BottomAttach = ((uint)(4));
+            w40.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w40.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w40.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
+            w40.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(1));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.visitorTeamEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
+            this.visitorTeamEntry.CanFocus = true;
+            this.visitorTeamEntry.Name = "visitorTeamEntry";
+            this.visitorTeamEntry.IsEditable = true;
+            this.visitorTeamEntry.InvisibleChar = 'â??';
+            this.table1.Add(this.visitorTeamEntry);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w41 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.visitorTeamEntry]));
+            w41.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w41.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w41.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+            w41.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+            w41.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+            this.visitorteamtemplatelabel = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.visitorteamtemplatelabel.Name = "visitorteamtemplatelabel";
+            this.visitorteamtemplatelabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Local Team Template");
+            this.table1.Add(this.visitorteamtemplatelabel);
+            Gtk.Table.TableChild w42 = ((Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1[this.visitorteamtemplatelabel]));
+            w42.TopAttach = ((uint)(7));
+            w42.BottomAttach = ((uint)(8));
+            w42.XOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            w42.YOptions = ((Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+            this.vbox2.Add(this.table1);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w43 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.table1]));
+            w43.Position = 0;
+            this.Add(this.vbox2);
+            if ((this.Child != null)) {
+                this.Child.ShowAll();
+            }
+            this.editbutton.Hide();
+            this.videobitratelabel.Hide();
+            this.Show();
+            this.calendarbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnCalendarbuttonClicked);
+            this.openbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnOpenbuttonClicked);
+            this.tagscombobox.Changed += new System.EventHandler(this.OnCombobox1Changed);
+            this.editbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnEditbuttonClicked);
+            this.visitorcombobox.Changed += new System.EventHandler(this.OnVisitorcomboboxChanged);
+            this.visitorbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnVisitorbuttonClicked);
+            this.localcombobox.Changed += new System.EventHandler(this.OnLocalcomboboxChanged);
+            this.localtemplatebutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnLocaltemplatebuttonClicked);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.cs b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.cs
index 8fda414..03604af 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.cs
@@ -1,285 +1,285 @@
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  <autogenerated>
-//      This code was generated by a tool.
-//      Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 
-//      the code is regenerated.
-//  </autogenerated>
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog {
-    public partial class VideoEditionProperties {
-        private Gtk.VBox vbox2;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox2;
-        private Gtk.Label label1;
-        private Gtk.ComboBox qualitycombobox;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox4;
-        private Gtk.Label label2;
-        private Gtk.ComboBox sizecombobox;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox5;
-        private Gtk.Label label3;
-        private Gtk.ComboBox formatcombobox;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox6;
-        private Gtk.CheckButton descriptioncheckbutton;
-        private Gtk.CheckButton audiocheckbutton;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox1;
-        private Gtk.Label filenamelabel;
-        private Gtk.HBox hbox3;
-        private Gtk.Entry fileentry;
-        private Gtk.Button openbutton;
-        private Gtk.Button buttonCancel;
-        private Gtk.Button buttonOk;
-        protected virtual void Build() {
-            Stetic.Gui.Initialize(this);
-            // Widget LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties
-            this.Name = "LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties";
-            this.Title = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Video Properties");
-            this.Icon = Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(this, "longomatch", Gtk.IconSize.Dialog, 48);
-            this.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4));
-            this.Modal = true;
-            this.Gravity = ((Gdk.Gravity)(5));
-            this.SkipPagerHint = true;
-            this.SkipTaskbarHint = true;
-            this.HasSeparator = false;
-            // Internal child LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.VBox
-            Gtk.VBox w1 = this.VBox;
-            w1.Name = "dialog1_VBox";
-            w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2));
-            // Container child dialog1_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.vbox2 = new Gtk.VBox();
-            this.vbox2.Name = "vbox2";
-            this.vbox2.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.hbox2 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox2.Name = "hbox2";
-            this.hbox2.Homogeneous = true;
-            this.hbox2.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.label1 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label1.Name = "label1";
-            this.label1.Xalign = 0F;
-            this.label1.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Video Quality:");
-            this.hbox2.Add(this.label1);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w2 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.label1]));
-            w2.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.qualitycombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
-            this.qualitycombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Low"));
-            this.qualitycombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Normal"));
-            this.qualitycombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Good"));
-            this.qualitycombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Extra"));
-            this.qualitycombobox.Name = "qualitycombobox";
-            this.qualitycombobox.Active = 1;
-            this.hbox2.Add(this.qualitycombobox);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.qualitycombobox]));
-            w3.Position = 1;
-            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox2);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox2]));
-            w4.Position = 0;
-            w4.Expand = false;
-            w4.Fill = false;
-            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.hbox4 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox4.Name = "hbox4";
-            this.hbox4.Homogeneous = true;
-            this.hbox4.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.label2 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label2.Name = "label2";
-            this.label2.Xalign = 0F;
-            this.label2.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Size: ");
-            this.hbox4.Add(this.label2);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox4[this.label2]));
-            w5.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.sizecombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
-            this.sizecombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("TV (4:3 - 720x540)"));
-            this.sizecombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("HD 720p (16:9 - 1280x720)"));
-            this.sizecombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Full HD 1080p (16:9 - 1920x1080)"));
-            this.sizecombobox.Name = "sizecombobox";
-            this.sizecombobox.Active = 0;
-            this.hbox4.Add(this.sizecombobox);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w6 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox4[this.sizecombobox]));
-            w6.Position = 1;
-            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox4);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox4]));
-            w7.Position = 1;
-            w7.Expand = false;
-            w7.Fill = false;
-            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.hbox5 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox5.Name = "hbox5";
-            this.hbox5.Homogeneous = true;
-            this.hbox5.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.label3 = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.label3.Name = "label3";
-            this.label3.Xalign = 0F;
-            this.label3.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Ouput Format:");
-            this.hbox5.Add(this.label3);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox5[this.label3]));
-            w8.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.formatcombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
-            this.formatcombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Matroska (H.264+AAC)"));
-            this.formatcombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("OGG (Theora+Vorbis)"));
-            this.formatcombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Avi (Xvid+MP3)"));
-            this.formatcombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("DVD (MPEG-2)"));
-            this.formatcombobox.Name = "formatcombobox";
-            this.formatcombobox.Active = 0;
-            this.hbox5.Add(this.formatcombobox);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w9 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox5[this.formatcombobox]));
-            w9.Position = 1;
-            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox5);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w10 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox5]));
-            w10.Position = 2;
-            w10.Expand = false;
-            w10.Fill = false;
-            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.hbox6 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox6.Name = "hbox6";
-            this.hbox6.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox6.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.descriptioncheckbutton = new Gtk.CheckButton();
-            this.descriptioncheckbutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.descriptioncheckbutton.Name = "descriptioncheckbutton";
-            this.descriptioncheckbutton.Label = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Enable Title Overlay");
-            this.descriptioncheckbutton.Active = true;
-            this.descriptioncheckbutton.DrawIndicator = true;
-            this.descriptioncheckbutton.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.hbox6.Add(this.descriptioncheckbutton);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox6[this.descriptioncheckbutton]));
-            w11.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox6.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.audiocheckbutton = new Gtk.CheckButton();
-            this.audiocheckbutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.audiocheckbutton.Name = "audiocheckbutton";
-            this.audiocheckbutton.Label = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Enable Audio (Experimental)");
-            this.audiocheckbutton.DrawIndicator = true;
-            this.audiocheckbutton.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.hbox6.Add(this.audiocheckbutton);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w12 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox6[this.audiocheckbutton]));
-            w12.Position = 1;
-            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox6);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w13 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox6]));
-            w13.Position = 3;
-            w13.Expand = false;
-            w13.Fill = false;
-            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.hbox1 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox1.Name = "hbox1";
-            this.hbox1.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.filenamelabel = new Gtk.Label();
-            this.filenamelabel.Name = "filenamelabel";
-            this.filenamelabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("File name: ");
-            this.hbox1.Add(this.filenamelabel);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w14 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.filenamelabel]));
-            w14.Position = 0;
-            w14.Expand = false;
-            w14.Fill = false;
-            // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.hbox3 = new Gtk.HBox();
-            this.hbox3.Name = "hbox3";
-            this.hbox3.Spacing = 6;
-            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.fileentry = new Gtk.Entry();
-            this.fileentry.CanFocus = true;
-            this.fileentry.Name = "fileentry";
-            this.fileentry.IsEditable = false;
-            this.fileentry.InvisibleChar = 'â??';
-            this.hbox3.Add(this.fileentry);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w15 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.fileentry]));
-            w15.Position = 0;
-            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-            this.openbutton = new Gtk.Button();
-            this.openbutton.CanFocus = true;
-            this.openbutton.Name = "openbutton";
-            this.openbutton.UseStock = true;
-            this.openbutton.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.openbutton.Label = "gtk-save-as";
-            this.hbox3.Add(this.openbutton);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.openbutton]));
-            w16.Position = 1;
-            w16.Expand = false;
-            w16.Fill = false;
-            this.hbox1.Add(this.hbox3);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w17 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.hbox3]));
-            w17.Position = 1;
-            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox1);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w18 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox1]));
-            w18.Position = 4;
-            w18.Expand = false;
-            w18.Fill = false;
-            w1.Add(this.vbox2);
-            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w19 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[this.vbox2]));
-            w19.Position = 0;
-            w19.Expand = false;
-            w19.Fill = false;
-            // Internal child LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.ActionArea
-            Gtk.HButtonBox w20 = this.ActionArea;
-            w20.Name = "dialog1_ActionArea";
-            w20.Spacing = 6;
-            w20.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5));
-            w20.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4));
-            // Container child dialog1_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild
-            this.buttonCancel = new Gtk.Button();
-            this.buttonCancel.CanDefault = true;
-            this.buttonCancel.CanFocus = true;
-            this.buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel";
-            this.buttonCancel.UseStock = true;
-            this.buttonCancel.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.buttonCancel.Label = "gtk-cancel";
-            this.AddActionWidget(this.buttonCancel, -6);
-            Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w21 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w20[this.buttonCancel]));
-            w21.Expand = false;
-            w21.Fill = false;
-            // Container child dialog1_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild
-            this.buttonOk = new Gtk.Button();
-            this.buttonOk.CanDefault = true;
-            this.buttonOk.CanFocus = true;
-            this.buttonOk.Name = "buttonOk";
-            this.buttonOk.UseStock = true;
-            this.buttonOk.UseUnderline = true;
-            this.buttonOk.Label = "gtk-ok";
-            this.AddActionWidget(this.buttonOk, -5);
-            Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w22 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w20[this.buttonOk]));
-            w22.Position = 1;
-            w22.Expand = false;
-            w22.Fill = false;
-            if ((this.Child != null)) {
-                this.Child.ShowAll();
-            }
-            this.DefaultWidth = 514;
-            this.DefaultHeight = 221;
-            this.Show();
-            this.openbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnOpenbuttonClicked);
-            this.buttonOk.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnButtonOkClicked);
-        }
-    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  <autogenerated>
+//      This code was generated by a tool.
+//      Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 
+//      the code is regenerated.
+//  </autogenerated>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog {
+    public partial class VideoEditionProperties {
+        private Gtk.VBox vbox2;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox2;
+        private Gtk.Label label1;
+        private Gtk.ComboBox qualitycombobox;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox4;
+        private Gtk.Label label2;
+        private Gtk.ComboBox sizecombobox;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox5;
+        private Gtk.Label label3;
+        private Gtk.ComboBox formatcombobox;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox6;
+        private Gtk.CheckButton descriptioncheckbutton;
+        private Gtk.CheckButton audiocheckbutton;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox1;
+        private Gtk.Label filenamelabel;
+        private Gtk.HBox hbox3;
+        private Gtk.Entry fileentry;
+        private Gtk.Button openbutton;
+        private Gtk.Button buttonCancel;
+        private Gtk.Button buttonOk;
+        protected virtual void Build() {
+            Stetic.Gui.Initialize(this);
+            // Widget LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties
+            this.Name = "LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties";
+            this.Title = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Video Properties");
+            this.Icon = Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(this, "longomatch", Gtk.IconSize.Dialog, 48);
+            this.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4));
+            this.Modal = true;
+            this.Gravity = ((Gdk.Gravity)(5));
+            this.SkipPagerHint = true;
+            this.SkipTaskbarHint = true;
+            this.HasSeparator = false;
+            // Internal child LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.VBox
+            Gtk.VBox w1 = this.VBox;
+            w1.Name = "dialog1_VBox";
+            w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2));
+            // Container child dialog1_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.vbox2 = new Gtk.VBox();
+            this.vbox2.Name = "vbox2";
+            this.vbox2.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.hbox2 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox2.Name = "hbox2";
+            this.hbox2.Homogeneous = true;
+            this.hbox2.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.label1 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label1.Name = "label1";
+            this.label1.Xalign = 0F;
+            this.label1.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Video Quality:");
+            this.hbox2.Add(this.label1);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w2 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.label1]));
+            w2.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.qualitycombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
+            this.qualitycombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Low"));
+            this.qualitycombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Normal"));
+            this.qualitycombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Good"));
+            this.qualitycombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Extra"));
+            this.qualitycombobox.Name = "qualitycombobox";
+            this.qualitycombobox.Active = 1;
+            this.hbox2.Add(this.qualitycombobox);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.qualitycombobox]));
+            w3.Position = 1;
+            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox2);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox2]));
+            w4.Position = 0;
+            w4.Expand = false;
+            w4.Fill = false;
+            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.hbox4 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox4.Name = "hbox4";
+            this.hbox4.Homogeneous = true;
+            this.hbox4.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.label2 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label2.Name = "label2";
+            this.label2.Xalign = 0F;
+            this.label2.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Size: ");
+            this.hbox4.Add(this.label2);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox4[this.label2]));
+            w5.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.sizecombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
+            this.sizecombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("TV (4:3 - 720x540)"));
+            this.sizecombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("HD 720p (16:9 - 1280x720)"));
+            this.sizecombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Full HD 1080p (16:9 - 1920x1080)"));
+            this.sizecombobox.Name = "sizecombobox";
+            this.sizecombobox.Active = 0;
+            this.hbox4.Add(this.sizecombobox);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w6 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox4[this.sizecombobox]));
+            w6.Position = 1;
+            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox4);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox4]));
+            w7.Position = 1;
+            w7.Expand = false;
+            w7.Fill = false;
+            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.hbox5 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox5.Name = "hbox5";
+            this.hbox5.Homogeneous = true;
+            this.hbox5.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.label3 = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.label3.Name = "label3";
+            this.label3.Xalign = 0F;
+            this.label3.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Ouput Format:");
+            this.hbox5.Add(this.label3);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox5[this.label3]));
+            w8.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.formatcombobox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
+            this.formatcombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Matroska (H.264+AAC)"));
+            this.formatcombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("OGG (Theora+Vorbis)"));
+            this.formatcombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Avi (Xvid+MP3)"));
+            this.formatcombobox.AppendText(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("DVD (MPEG-2)"));
+            this.formatcombobox.Name = "formatcombobox";
+            this.formatcombobox.Active = 0;
+            this.hbox5.Add(this.formatcombobox);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w9 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox5[this.formatcombobox]));
+            w9.Position = 1;
+            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox5);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w10 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox5]));
+            w10.Position = 2;
+            w10.Expand = false;
+            w10.Fill = false;
+            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.hbox6 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox6.Name = "hbox6";
+            this.hbox6.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox6.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.descriptioncheckbutton = new Gtk.CheckButton();
+            this.descriptioncheckbutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.descriptioncheckbutton.Name = "descriptioncheckbutton";
+            this.descriptioncheckbutton.Label = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Enable Title Overlay");
+            this.descriptioncheckbutton.Active = true;
+            this.descriptioncheckbutton.DrawIndicator = true;
+            this.descriptioncheckbutton.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.hbox6.Add(this.descriptioncheckbutton);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox6[this.descriptioncheckbutton]));
+            w11.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox6.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.audiocheckbutton = new Gtk.CheckButton();
+            this.audiocheckbutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.audiocheckbutton.Name = "audiocheckbutton";
+            this.audiocheckbutton.Label = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Enable Audio (Experimental)");
+            this.audiocheckbutton.DrawIndicator = true;
+            this.audiocheckbutton.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.hbox6.Add(this.audiocheckbutton);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w12 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox6[this.audiocheckbutton]));
+            w12.Position = 1;
+            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox6);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w13 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox6]));
+            w13.Position = 3;
+            w13.Expand = false;
+            w13.Fill = false;
+            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.hbox1 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox1.Name = "hbox1";
+            this.hbox1.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.filenamelabel = new Gtk.Label();
+            this.filenamelabel.Name = "filenamelabel";
+            this.filenamelabel.LabelProp = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("File name: ");
+            this.hbox1.Add(this.filenamelabel);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w14 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.filenamelabel]));
+            w14.Position = 0;
+            w14.Expand = false;
+            w14.Fill = false;
+            // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.hbox3 = new Gtk.HBox();
+            this.hbox3.Name = "hbox3";
+            this.hbox3.Spacing = 6;
+            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.fileentry = new Gtk.Entry();
+            this.fileentry.CanFocus = true;
+            this.fileentry.Name = "fileentry";
+            this.fileentry.IsEditable = false;
+            this.fileentry.InvisibleChar =  'â??';
+            this.hbox3.Add(this.fileentry);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w15 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.fileentry]));
+            w15.Position = 0;
+            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+            this.openbutton = new Gtk.Button();
+            this.openbutton.CanFocus = true;
+            this.openbutton.Name = "openbutton";
+            this.openbutton.UseStock = true;
+            this.openbutton.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.openbutton.Label = "gtk-save-as";
+            this.hbox3.Add(this.openbutton);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.openbutton]));
+            w16.Position = 1;
+            w16.Expand = false;
+            w16.Fill = false;
+            this.hbox1.Add(this.hbox3);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w17 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.hbox3]));
+            w17.Position = 1;
+            this.vbox2.Add(this.hbox1);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w18 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox1]));
+            w18.Position = 4;
+            w18.Expand = false;
+            w18.Fill = false;
+            w1.Add(this.vbox2);
+            Gtk.Box.BoxChild w19 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[this.vbox2]));
+            w19.Position = 0;
+            w19.Expand = false;
+            w19.Fill = false;
+            // Internal child LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.ActionArea
+            Gtk.HButtonBox w20 = this.ActionArea;
+            w20.Name = "dialog1_ActionArea";
+            w20.Spacing = 6;
+            w20.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5));
+            w20.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4));
+            // Container child dialog1_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild
+            this.buttonCancel = new Gtk.Button();
+            this.buttonCancel.CanDefault = true;
+            this.buttonCancel.CanFocus = true;
+            this.buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel";
+            this.buttonCancel.UseStock = true;
+            this.buttonCancel.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.buttonCancel.Label = "gtk-cancel";
+            this.AddActionWidget(this.buttonCancel, -6);
+            Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w21 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w20[this.buttonCancel]));
+            w21.Expand = false;
+            w21.Fill = false;
+            // Container child dialog1_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild
+            this.buttonOk = new Gtk.Button();
+            this.buttonOk.CanDefault = true;
+            this.buttonOk.CanFocus = true;
+            this.buttonOk.Name = "buttonOk";
+            this.buttonOk.UseStock = true;
+            this.buttonOk.UseUnderline = true;
+            this.buttonOk.Label = "gtk-ok";
+            this.AddActionWidget(this.buttonOk, -5);
+            Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w22 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w20[this.buttonOk]));
+            w22.Position = 1;
+            w22.Expand = false;
+            w22.Fill = false;
+            if ((this.Child != null)) {
+                this.Child.ShowAll();
+            }
+            this.DefaultWidth = 514;
+            this.DefaultHeight = 221;
+            this.Show();
+            this.openbutton.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnOpenbuttonClicked);
+            this.buttonOk.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(this.OnButtonOkClicked);
+        }
+    }

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