Re: cheese changelog

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:02 AM, daniel g. siegel <dgsiegel gnome org> wrote:
> On So, 2009-04-19 at 15:13 +0200, Filippo Argiolas wrote:
>> Go ahead, if someone still wants a ChangeLog in the tarball we can use
>> the dist-hook rule from
> well, should we include that rule? is there anybody, who needs it?

IMHO nobody... it's just to shut up ChangeLog lovers who will complain :)
Someone (owen) said something like "suppose you're on a desert island
with only a dvd full of tarballs and no internet access".
The argument doesn't convince me at all though :P
Someone else also said that revision managers come and go (cvs -> svn
-> git -> ?) and it's good to have another source of history at least
in tarballs... doesn't convince me neither but doesn't seem anything
harmful to me to add that snippet to the
(If you want I have a ready to push commit that removes ChangeLog and
adds that snippet)

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