[BuildStream] Monthly IRC meeting - July - tomorrow 24th at 14:00 UTC. #buildstream-meetings

Dear BuildStream passionate lovers,

# Schedule and channel

The monthly IRC meeting is approaching:
* Date: tomorrow Tuesday 24th July
* Time: 14:00 UTC
* Channel: #buildstream-meetings at irc.gnome.org (GIMPNet)

# Agenda:

Is there anything you want to discuss? Please add it to the agenda below.

* Hot topics: 
   * New bugs[3]
   * Requests[4] This link will change in the near future.
   * Any other hot topic
      * Feedback about BuildStream BoFs at GUADEC
         * Monday BoF minutes: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2018-July/msg00007.html
         * Wednesday BoF minutes:  https://mail.gnome.org/archives/
         * You can add your feedback here: https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/
      * Feedback about GUADEC in general for BuildStream
* WIP: 
   * Features under development[5].
   * Bugs being fixed[6].
   * Any other WIP
* AOB (Any other business)

# Agenda description

* Hot topics: new or very recent topics you want to bring to the meeting to 
inform, confirm or discuss with others. 
   * It would be way simpler for participants to understand the topic and 
provide you a better feedback if you send in advance the link with further 

* WIP: Work in progress: this is the time to provide an update of what you are 
doing if it is relevant to others beyond the information that is already 
available on the ticket/bug/merge request. It is also the time to ask a 
question or discuss any topic related with work currently in progress. 

* AOB: any other topic you want to raise.
   * The time for AOB varies depending on the rest of the topics so if you 
already have one, please send to the list so we add it to the agenda, ensuring 
some time for it.

[0] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=BuildStream
[1] https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?
[2] https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/BuildStream/Monthly-Meeting 
[3] https://gitlab.com/groups/BuildStream/-/boards/580438?=&label_name[]=Bug
[4] https://gitlab.com/groups/BuildStream/-/boards/580444?
[5] https://gitlab.com/groups/BuildStream/-/boards/580420?
[6] https://gitlab.com/groups/BuildStream/-/boards/580599?=&label_name[]=Bug

Best Regards

Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Principal Consultant
Codethink Ltd
We respect your privacy.   See https://www.codethink.co.uk/privacy.html

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