Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: spreading responsibility and maintainership [Was: 1.4 Release timeline]

Hi Tristan,

Firstly I said that I would round up our discussion of the changes to the gitlab policy and update my MR, but I haven't gotten around to this so I apologise, I'll try to update it this week though, if we can get further comments on the below points from others.

On 2018-12-11 11:06, Tristan Van Berkom via BuildStream-list wrote:
   Proceed with the committer policy change proposal
   There was discussion on this before, and I formally proposed
   this back in September, and have been holding back.


I like the subversion approach as well, I think it makes a lot more sense that the blanket access we provided for having just one successful patch post-GUADEC.

Do we even need a private ML for this? Surely the discussions can be done via emails addressed to individuals, that's what I had in mind when reading the policy anyway.

   Coincidentally, has grown a "codeowners" feature that
   might be suitable for this:

   Would it be a good idea to use this feature ? I personally feel that
   we don't need to strictly police the people we trust to commit to a
   given area of software, and that we can just trust them to only do
   what they have permission to do.

Looks like a neat feature to me. FWIW, I started to collate information on the wiki about who is familiar with which area of the codebase:

I admit that I do need to push harder on getting this in good shape though. It could well end up being superseded by CODEOWNERS, which I would welcome.

   Optimize the feedback loop, get contributors involved
   To achieve this, I think we should:

   - Only ever self-assign issues; an issue is only ever assigned to
     the person writing the code, not the reviewer, or the person you
     asked a question to.


   - Only file merge requests when you are actually ready to request
     a merge.

In principle I agree, as this will hugely decrease notifications, but I know how useful the comments/discussions on a WIP MR can be for developers. Will leave it up to others to comment though.

   - Remove the status / priority labeling of issues

     This bleeds into my third point below, but also relevant here
     because assigning a label to an issue again generates

Not for me it doesn't, nor any of the people I've asked about it, which is very odd.

I feel like some categorisation of the tickets makes a lot of sense for such a large project, and it's been useful in the Monday morning meetings. Whether we should simplify it and just have Priority or Impact, I don't know.

   Dispel the corporate image, reduce visible micro management
   From a project perspective, we can at least improve the situation
   by putting the onus on the individuals contributing, and removing
   the public bookkeeping of status and priorities from gitlab.

My only comment here was going to be that you're talking about 'corporate image' (which I think is an overstatement) - the reality of the situation is that the *vast majority* of contributors to the project are in fact all paid developers, and it feels like a bit of a facade to pretend otherwise. Certainly when I have been encouraged to use phrases such as 'let's find a volunteer for that' when in actual fact I am telling someone to do the work, it has felt like a silly dance. But that's maybe a different matter, and I really don't feel strongly, I defer to the more experienced folks involved in the project as to how we approach this :)

Do other people have ideas of what we could do to improve the community
aspects of this project ?

1) I find all the dramatic hyperbole rather boring, to be honest. And I think it's quite off putting - we could do less of that and be more friendly to contributors if we want some more of them. Not to mention that it loses all effect when over-used. We should be setting a positive example at all times.

2) I think we can take some lessons from the Freedesktop-SDK project, which does actually have a track record of attracting unpaid contributors, who do great work and really feel part of something. Different project and a different situation, I know, but one example is that they have a bot in place which allows automated merges of your MR as long as the pipeline passes. Thus, as a contributor, your patches are often accepted quickly, which, put simply, makes you feel quite good. Again, I realise it's a different situation and it'd be *a lot* of work to set up on BuildStream.

But I feel that empowering contributors and making them feel good is really important. I honestly feel like the code review process is a long and drawn out affair which can sap the energy and good-will from everyone involved. I realise that the benefit this brings is a very high bar of quality for the code that is committed to the project. But it's only one way to measure code quality, as Agustin has commented many times. And I feel that the lack of pace that it causes and the way it makes contributors feel means that, in my opinion, the negatives outweigh the positives. This is not a criticism but a comment that we need to change the culture around getting patches accepted. With the committer policy outlined above we can achieve improvements here.

For 'breaking changes' or seriously complex features, we need to encourage the contributors who will be developing the feature to be involved in the 'hard discussions' from the start of them (even if only a little, keeping abreast of them and providing a summary email that gets verified by the stakeholders, as happened with the workspace UX changes) or to provide a full breakdown of their understanding of the work to be undertaken before they start developing. This can then be referenced by reviewers at review time, instead of bottle-necking on the expertise of yourself and Juerg.

Also, in lieu of not having the auotmated testing in place to be able to have a merge-bot, I am I strong advocate of the 'approval' feature in gitlab. I've seen it work well on Freedesktop-SDK (prior to the bot) and then on the BuildGrid project, where we set the policy to be 'one approval is needed on your MR before merge, by someone from the specified list'. This empowers people and they take it seriously, in my experience.

3) Not really an idea but....the traffic on this mailing list has also been very high recently - for the first time ever I am struggling to keep up. Not sure if there's a lot we can do about that, though. And this long email is only adding to it.... :)

Thanks for reading, look forward to summarising this ramble later sometime soon :)


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