Re: Recursive pipelines and subprojects

On Tue, 2017-11-14 at 16:24 +0100, Jürg Billeter wrote:
It's currently implemented as an additional attribute for

    - filename: junction-foo.bst
      element: subproject-element.bst

This additional attribute is required for junction dependencies and
disallowed for all other dependencies.

The above syntax with 'filename' and 'element' keys might actually be a
bit confusing. A small change could make it more intuitive:

        - junction: junction-foo.bst
          filename: subproject-element.bst

I.e., instead of using the existing 'filename' key to specify the
junction and adding an 'element' key for the element name within the
subproject, we could use the existing 'filename' key to specify the
element name within the subproject and add a 'junction' key to specify
the junction.

Any opinions?

BTW: There is a WIP merge request that is close to being ready (with
the old syntax but that change should be straight forward).


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