Re: Glad to read that Brasero has a maintainer again

I cannot believe that after all those years of you being proven wrong
on all possible accounts,
you keep saying the same thing all over again. For such a smart person
like you, it shouldn't be
a problem to grasp and admit when you were wrong.Frankly, I don't even
care if its a linux bug or not - libburn and all
its libs work the way they should - that is all that matters to the users.

You wrote an amazing piece of software, but blew everything up by
behavior, such a pitty.

Users don't care about devs, and they don't care about arguments.
Libburn & other libs  (& apps) related
to it do the job for the user, so does cdrecord & related apps. Let
the users choose, and instead of
fighting lets collaborate.


On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Joerg Schilling
<Joerg Schilling fokus fraunhofer de> wrote:
Given the fact that using e.g. libburn from a GUI would force the GUI to aquire
more privileges than the privileges from an ordinary user (*), I stongly
discourage people from directly calling burning code from a GUI. Note that
running GUI programs with enhanced privileges in general is seen as a security
risk due to the complexity of GUI code.

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