Re: Brasero 2.26.2 Release

On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 9:30 AM,  <remrot gmail com> wrote:
> Hi!
>  Nice to see a new release! But I've got some questions too...
> 1. Seems like you are using git now, did I miss the according announcement?
Yes, recently gnome has moved to git so Brasero is using git, i
already updated the announcement to match
that change. Check brasero on

> 2. Is the old svn repository still usable, i.e. does it get any updates
> (e.g. using 'git-svn')?
No the old svn repository isn't usuable anymore, currently is an archive.

> 3. There is no 2.26.2 tag. Which revision should I checkout to get 2.26.2?
The release wasn't tagged at the tarball release but i will tag it tonight.

> 4. What exactly is that version tagged as 2.27.1?
Since Brasero is part of the official GNOME platform, we switched to
GNOME release numbers
So the unstable releases are tagged as 2.27(unstable) in preparation
for 2.28(stable).

> Imho, it would be good to update brasero's homepage to better reflect the
> changes. A howto on using git to get the latest brasero would also be a nice
> addition. I know how to use git, but I'm sure there are lot of people out
> there who never heard of it...
Yes i've been busy with my master thesis lately but i promiss i will
update the page this week.
We have another page that is frequently updated on
> Regards & thx a lot for your work!
Thanks for the feedback


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