Re: [Banshee-List] Change Path to Music Files

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 3:57 AM, Louis W. Adams, Jr. <LouisWAdamsJr charter net> wrote:
How do I tell Banshee the new location of the tracks?  I saw a posting
somewhere suggesting that sqlite3 can be used to change all the paths for
all the tracks, but I don't know how to use that database.

- make sure you have the SQLite3 CLI /usr/bin/sqlite3 installed (it's in Debian package sqlite3)
- make sure Banshee is NOT running.
- Banshee's database is ~/.config/banshee/banshee.db, make a backup of this file
- change the paths with the command (one line)

sqlite3 ~/.config/banshee/banshee.db \
    'update coretracks set uri = replace(uri, "OLD_PREFIX", "NEW_PREFIX") where uri is not NULL;'

where OLD_PREFIX and NEW_PREFIX are file URIs, e.g. "file:///home/jdoe/Music/"  -
note the three slashes after "file:", also note the trailing slash.

Cheers, Roderich

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