Re: [Banshee-List] Writing CD's (Normalise to 10Db)

OK, I have got this working (Very simple really)
(Some testing & feedback would be nice)

As I said. Remove Brasero (with synaptic or whatever).

Create a bash script at /usr/bin/brasero

#Bridge brasero to k3b for Banshee

# Remove -a argument

# Execute k3b
k3b --audiocd "$@"

# End of script

Make it executable.

Then when you select some files in banshee, Write to CD should be available.
When Write to CD is selected - k3b loads and fills the track list with the songs you selected.
(Just like with brasero)


On 09/01/11 20:00, Michael.S.G. wrote:
I want to be able to burn directly from Banshee with k3b.
(Brasero normalize options are lacking.....)

k3b has the ability to normalize all tracks to db of your choice.
So I have been saving a playlist then using k3b to burn this list of tracks.
(This is not a great solution)

I have REMOVED brasero and made a small bash script:

This script is supposed to kick off k3b when you select tracks to Write to CD in Banshee!

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