Re: [Banshee-List] Amazon revenue

I can assure you that the Amazon store still uses this link, and that
we do care about this.
We were not contacted by anyone from Linux Mint about this, but I have
now reached out to Clem to explain what follows.

I think he was mislead by the fact that the URL in the code [1] is
only the base of the URL, other stuff is added to it and then used by
our server-side code [2].
This explain why
doesn't work, but will do
some geoIP detection and send you to the Amazon MP3 store
corresponding to your country (defaulting to, and will
send you to the French Amazon MP3 store.

That being said, my position on this subject hasn't changed, and the
following text from the code comments is still valid :
We ask that no one change this redirect URL. ALL (100%) revenue
generated by this Banshee Amazon integration is sent directly to the
non-profit GNOME Foundation.


Thanks for the clarification, Bertrand. Hopefully no one will think
I was deliberately trying to be controversial against Mint, as I was
just genuinely curious about whether I had missed something.

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