Re: [Banshee-List] .is_audio_player GUI

On Mon, 2010-03-29 at 14:57 +0100, David Nielsen wrote:
> 2010/3/29 Jeroen Budts <jeroen lightyear be>
>         A few days ago i started to think about creating a GUI inside
>         Banshee to
>         create the .is_audio_player file for a MassStorageDevice.
>         I also found a bug about this feature request:
>         I think such a GUI could be build as an extension (please
>         correct me if i'm
>         wrong?)
>         It could add a menu entry in the Tools menu ("Configure new
>         MassStorage
>         Device"). It can also add an entry in the right-click menu on
>         a recognized
>         device ("Edit configuration"). Both would open the GUI and
>         show at the top
>         a list of devices/filesystems attached to the computer. In
>         case of an Edit,
>         the correct device should be selected.
>         The GUI obviously should present all the available options for
>         MassStorageDevices, and should write the selected values to
>         the
>         .is_audio_player file.
>         Once the patch for
> is
>         accepted the GUI can also show a checkbox to completely ignore
>         the selected
>         device. In this case the GUI should write
>         a .is_not_audio_player file on
>         the device.
>         In a later stage, maybe Banshee could keep an online database
>         of
>         .is_audio_player files and let the user search for a file for
>         his device
>         (or let Banshee does this for the user, by using the hardware
>         info).
>         I'd like to give it a try to create this GUI. (But please give
>         me some time
>         to learn GTK#...)
>         Comments and Ideas are welcome!
>         Jeroen
> Some way of adding support to devices without having to upgrade
> Banshee would be nice at least, we have seen it a lot lately
> especially with the flood of new Android devices. Perhaps it would be
> good to examine how we solve similar problems in the rest of the
> system, should Banshee check of this database, should it be a separate
> package we could issue updates to shared with other media players?

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