Re: [Banshee-List] update music library

2009/1/30 Paul Lange <palango gmx de>
Am Freitag, den 30.01.2009, 18:28 +0100 schrieb Bertrand Lorentz:
> Ah, the awesome Andrew was faster than me ;)
> Another way would be to manually modify the content of the database. I'd
> only recommend it if you know a bit of SQL and feel confortable with it

Yes, that's the other way I know, but it's kludgy.
I'm not comfortable with SQL at all.
Like what would a command to replace all occurrences
of /media/DATA/daten/Music to /media/Daten/Music?

Well, you could install sqlitebrowser and try to modify the paths there. I'm not sure about how to execute an update query to change the paths en masse though.

I'm still befuddled that this happened though; quite odd....

Andrew Conkling

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