Re: [Banshee-List] Meaning of Source class and its subclasses and Models

On 01/23/2009 08:45 PM, Eric Schultz wrote:
I’m trying to understand what certain classes do in Banshee. I’m very
confused as to the purpose of the Source class and its subclasses like
PrimarySource, LibrarySource and so on. What is it that a Source
represents and what do they actually do? I guess a basic summary of its
purposes and use would be helpful

I'm sure somebody else can give you a more thorough answer, but Sources are items that appear on the left, like Now Playing, the Play Queue, each Playlist,, etc. I forget the exact distinction between the different subclasses, but now that you know that it should be easy to figure it out by comparing what you see in Banshee with what you see in the code.


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