Re: [Banshee-List] Developers: Gearing up for 1.5.0

2009/4/24 Aaron Bockover <abockover novell com>
First to report on the GIT migration. Unfortunately it has not gone well
for us. I have little information on what exactly has gone wrong and
when it will be fixed. Here's what I do know:

 a) Our tags and branches were improperly migrated, possibly losing all
history other than the last commit

 b) The 'master' branch was properly migrated, and it's /more than
likely/ safe to be pushing to this branch.

With (b) in mind, let's not block any longer on pushing here. If there
is a problem, we will make sure that no commits are lost, even if we
have to rebase from svn again. Everyone just make sure you are always up
to date so we at least have distributed backups :)

Are you going to update the site [1] to show how to sync with the new trunk in git when all works?


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