Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee 1.2.1 ignoring embedded cover art

Andrew Conkling wrote:
> Definitely; I mentioned before that these would be worth reporting.
> Would you be able to do it? See
> for more information.
> If not, someone else could take up the task. (I may eventually, but not
> at the moment.)

No worries, Andrew.  I'll submit a bug report.  I'd hate to create a
duplicate, so I'll add my comments to bug #388162.  Unless another one
is in order?

For those of you that would like for Banshee to display the album art
embedded in your tags... play each of your albums briefly.  Doing so
extracts the embedded tags to files named "artist-album.cover" in your
album-art directory.

Once you've extracted them all, you can use the following script to
remove all the downloaded .jpg files, and copies the extracted .cover
files to use a .jpg extension.  This will ensure the artwork is consistent.

find $ART -type f -iname "*.jpg" -exec rm -f '{}' \;

for i in $ART/*.cover
 do cp $i $ART/`basename "$i" .cover`.jpg


Gilbert Mendoza
PGP: 0x075DBCA9
Email: gmendoza at

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