Re: [Banshee-List] Doubts running Banshee

2008/8/26 Andrew Conkling
2008/8/26 Benjamín Valero Espinosa
2. I am absolutely new with Monodevelop and haven't been able of running Banshee from Monodevelop, and that would be great to debug. I am sure it is some nonsense, but I will thank all your help.

What specific problems? I've used Banshee in MonoDevelop without problems. First of all, when you opened it, did you open the MonoDevelop solution file (Banshee.mds, IIRC)? Also, what are you using it for specifically? Just browsing the source, or building/running Banshee? Lastly, there is a lot of good general MonoDevelop documentation here:

Hope this helps,

Thanks for your help. Until new, I just have been using Monodevelop for browsing the code, and have always run Banshee from the console, via 'make run'. If I open the Banshee.mds solution file with Monodevelop, I find two buttons in the toolbar that I suppose are the ones I want to use: Build (F8) and Run (F5). I suppose they work for building and running the solution :D If I press Build, I get this error trace:

./gtk-gui/generated.cs(31,23): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `Gtk' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
    Try using -pkg:gtk-sharp
Compilation failed: 3 error(s), 0 warnings
make: *** [../../../bin/Mono.Media.dll] Error 1

What have I to configure to find the required libraries? I can compile with no problem from the console, so I think I have all the needed dependencies. I am using Fedora 9.

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