Re: [Banshee-List] library watching plugin

The file monitor plugin which you are referring to did indeed  exists
and was taken out to make improvements. The current state is not
stable enough to be included as an official plugin. It will be back


On 9/21/06, Alan <alan ufies org> wrote:
Comment on .11 and a couple of questions....

First of all, great job on .11, seems to be slick and fast on my system,
even with a relatively large (100G) library of mp3s.  I thought at one
point there was a plugin for banshee that would watch a directory of
files for changes, or was I wrong (maybe it was RB?)?  If not, are there
any plans or solutions for this?  IE: I'd rather not re-import my entire
library all the time to pick up new songs, and I don't want to keep
track of changes or additions... much easier to have banshee watch for
me.  Is there a solution for this?

Also, how is the beagle plugin supposed to work?  For some reason my
beagle wasn't searching mp3s, but if I understand it right you do a
search in beagle and then do an import in banshee with a source of
beagle, and then it sucks down the list of files from the beagle window.
Is that right?



Alan <alan ufies org> -
"Backups are for people who don't pray."                 -- big Mike
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Luke Hoersten

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