Re: [Patch] [Part 0/3] Support for Osmo address book

On 2016.11.10 16:09, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
On 11/10/2016 03:38:21 PM Thu, Jack wrote:
On 2016.11.10 13:55, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
Am 10.11.16 05:38 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
Thanks for the patches, and for the negotiations with the Osmo devs!

It all looks good: builds and runs, with or without Osmo support. Pushed to master!

Wow, *that* was fast!  Thank you so much for pushing!

Porting Osmo from legacy GtkSpell to Gspell would be nice, but relevant only because Balsa no longer depends on GtkSpell.

Hmmm, please correct me if I'm wrong - but this is basically a problem for disto packagers, isn't it? As we communicate with Osmo just by IPC, it's more or less irrelevant how it is actually implemented, right? That's what makes IPC so cool...


I almost sent this before seeing Peter's reply, but I do have a separate issue. I'm trying to install Osmo on my Gentoo box. The ebuild their site links to is for 0.2.10. I'm trying to modify it to use 0.2.14 (before I try for current svn version) and seem stuck on it wanting libwebkit for html rendering in order to get contacts. My understanding is that libwebkit has become libwebkitgtk. Before I go down a rabbit hole of creating bad patches and symlinks, is the svn version any different in that dependency? Do you know if they are planning on updating that?

To test the dbus mechanism, you'll need the branches/dbus branch from cvs. I used:

svn checkout svn:// osmo-pim-code-dbus

and then configure --enable-dbus. The webkit dependency is now "webkit2gtk-4.0 >= 2.4.0", but if it fails Osmo will still build, just without the contacts page; likewise the spell checker dependency is "gtkspell3-3.0 >= 3.0.0", but again it doesn't seem to be a build-breaker.

I wish you success in the experiment!

It compiles just fine, and runs. However, the import dialogs to read any of my existing files (vcard or ical) doesn't seem to have any way to see hidden (dot) files, so unless I rename or link .kde4 (or wherever I have those files) I can't import them. Am I missing something in the dialog, or is it just something they never thought of?


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