Could not convert HTML part to text

I've finally got the git gtk3 branch compiled, but whenever it downloads new messages, I get a string of errors 'Could not convert HTML part to text: Failed to execute child process "" (No such file or directory)'. That message is from libbalsa/html.c, with the failing function libbalsa_message_body_get_content. I have no problem actually viewing HTML mime parts, and ldd doesn't show any missing libraries. I also do not see any error messages on the console if run from command line.

I would eventually try to track this down with gdb, but hopefully someone here will quickly recognize what stupid thing I've done in the configuration.

Thanks for any pointers.


----------------- my ./configure invocation:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local \
--build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu \
--with-gpgme \
--with-html-widget=webkit \
--enable-smime \
--without-gnome \
--without-gtksourceview \
--with-spell-checker=gtkspell \
--without-gss \
--without-ldap \
--without-libsecret \
--without-rubrica \

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