Sudden (and recent) problem in balsa ...

About a month ago, something "odd" happened.  Suddenly using Balsa I
could no longer send email via my email account.   I did not
install a later RPM for balsa - and I am running 2.4.12 on a fedora 17
box (x86_64).   So far as I know I installed no other RPMS which should
have changed any setting in my .balsa/config and/or
.balsa/config-private files.

The weird part is that both thunderbird and seamonkey email work just
fine and can send through either the uverse or gmail gateways.

I also spoke with tech support (att) and they said that there was
nothing flagged on my account, etc.

I've been using balsa for many years and have never had a problem like
this up until this happened.   Unfortunately the week that my outgoing
email stopped working properly I started trying to figure out the
problem and now probably have a thoroughly hosed config file.  (Of
course I also have a saved copy of the 2 files from before the problem
began.  However the problem is that (as I said above) they no longer work.

If someone has any suggestions about what to try, I'll be glad to give
it a shot - I really like balsa, and thunderbird, evolution, seamonkey,
and several others just don't have all of the features I like in balsa.


william w. austin                                     airedad att net
"life is just another phase i'm going through. this time, anyway ..."

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