Centering the preferences dialog


sometime ago I post a message in which I complained that
the preferences dialog was not centered on the screen but
moved out of it range, looking like this:

|				main window									 |
|																			|
|																			|
|									  .------------ |
|									  |	  	preferences         |
|									  |	  			dialog  	       |
|									  |	  							        |														
|									  |	  							        |

Someone answered that this should be automatically be
done by the window manager but fvwm2 doesn't not to
do this right ( but only in this case ! ).

So I learned a little bit about gnome an here is my patch
for src/pref-manager.c. Please test this with other
window managers and if there aren't any problems implement
it in balsa.

P.S. I would be interested if anybody else has the same,
say, problem, especially with fvwm2.
Michael Duelli


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