Re: stuff

On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 22:54 +0100, Thomas Wood wrote:
> > Specifically, the things I'm talking about:
> > - Comments still have slashes at quotes
> This I've been strugling with for some time. The input should all be 
> checked firstly to see if magic quotes is on, and only if it isn't then 
> add slashes.

Yep, I agree... I was only originally speaking about it from the display
perspective, as you can see the \"s right now on the site.  It appears
that in html_parse_text in includes/, you could put a
stripslashes somewhere in there.  This may solve it popping up in a
number of places, not just comments.  Of course, this may cause
problems... probably worth testing or something :)

I actually filed a bug before I got your response, not sure if it was
needed but I recorded it anyway.  Here is the link:

> > - Page navigation is poor from a usability standpoint, should have
> > "next", "prev", maybe a jump box... etc
> I actually just took out the next and previous buttons, but mostly just 
> because they where unsightly - they where just '<' and '>'. Perhaps a 
> nicer alternative would be good, with text rather than symbols?

Re-reading what I wrote, I didn't mean to sound rude there or anything,
I'm no expert or anything.  It's just difficult to have to find what
page you are currently on and click on the next number, which is no more
than 2 digits usually.  It also gets overwhelmingly long, in GNOME
backgrounds, it's got _32_ seperate links!  

It's defintely useful to have Next and Previous links, maybe using the
full text, "next/prev", or "<- prev" and "next ->" would be a decent

One thing I've done in the past, when dealing with a number of pages of
items, is to have a box in the middle of the page navigation, that lets
you enter a page number with a little go submit box.  It's moderatly
compact, but may not be the best solution.  Maybe something that shows
you like 3 pages forward and 3 pages backward from your current page,
and ignores the rest?  Many forums do something similar.

> I'm CC'ing this to the mailing list for comments. If you'd like to 
> check out the code, and sign up to the mailing list, 

I've just signed up, so I hopefully should be able to post to it as


Dave Foster <daf minuslab net>

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