Re: [anjuta-list] creating a deb package with anjuta

Thanks! I think at this point just distributing the source is good
enough. One more quick question: when installing from source, is there
a way to make it add an entry in the Ubuntu application menu?


On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 9:40 AM, John Coppens <john jcoppens com> wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jun 2011 23:06:54 -0500
> Benton Greene <beezum88 gmail com> wrote:
>> I don't have a horribly complex program. It basically consists of a
>> couple source files (in C), and the only library it uses is GTK+. And
>> gettext because Anjuta automatically included it, though I don't
>> actually make use of any of its functionality.
> I had this experience too. Generally there are two options:
> - It is fairly easy to make a ('non-official') package for other
> Debian/Ubuntu users to install and use. These packages can be made by
> checkinstall and other scripts. Another way is to make a tgz package
> (easy too), and convert it to .deb with 'alien' - another script.
> - As said, all these tries produce non-official deb packages. Official
> packages, which can then be included in repositories, are required to be
> constructed by 'packagers/maintainers', and have to be made on
> native .deb based systems (according to one packager I communicated
> with).
> So, non .deb users cannot easily make 'official' packages (unless
> installing a virtual machine).
> All the .deb tutorials I've seen are not simple, and require installing
> extra tools.
> John
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