[Anjuta-list] crash on launch

Debian system running Anjuta 2.0.1 (even 1.2.4 did this). Run anjuta,

I haven't been able to run Anjuta since 1.2.2. Don't know what's going
on. Have all the latest patches and everything. Filed a bug report at
bugzilla.gnome.org. Bug number: 325348

The 1.2.4 bug report said it was fixed, but never was for me. I just
couldn't run it at all.

Anyone else with this problem? Any solutions?

Here are the bug report details:

Distribution: Debian testing/unstable
Package: anjuta
Severity: critical
Version: GNOME2.10.2 2.0.x
Gnome-Distributor: Debian
Synopsis: Anjuta 2 STILL crashes on open
Bugzilla-Product: anjuta
Bugzilla-Component: core application
Bugzilla-Version: 2.0.x
BugBuddy-GnomeVersion: 2.0 (2.10.1)
Description of the crash:
trying to start Anjuta causes an immediate crash. This appears to be
similar but maybe different to an existing bug (which was never fixed on
my system anyway).

Steps to reproduce the crash:
1. Run Anjuta
2.  Crash

Expected Results:

I should see Anjuta and be able to open/start projects as I have in the

How often does this happen?

every fricken time.

Additional Information:

Upon launch from command line, I see the following:
(anjuta:23252): libglade-CRITICAL **: glade_xml_build_interface:
assertion `wid != NULL' failed

(anjuta:23252): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion
`G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

 .''`.      Carl B. Constantine
: :' :     duckwing duckwing ca
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  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom
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  people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world."

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