Re: [Anjuta-list] Re: [Anjuta-devel] [Help Wanted] Recent stability issues with Anjuta 1.x

On Fri, 2002-01-25 at 09:33, Biswapesh Chattopadhyay wrote:
> About Solaris compilation, I'm upto gnome-core, hopefully I'll be able
> to start fixing the Anjuta specific commpile issues by day end today. IN
> that case, I'd like to fix as many things as possible before submitting
> the unified patch. Is that OK with people ?

I would rather suggest that you make separate patches for each of them
(like tagmanager, solaris fix etc). Combining all of the unrelated fixes
will really confuse us when we go back into the cvs log in future and
try to figure out what was committed.

Additionally, this way it is easier to spot out any inconsistencies with
the rest of the code before we apply the patch into the cvs.


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