Re: [Anjuta-list] Problem managing Anjuta's windows

* Dan Elphick (dre00r ecs soton ac uk) wrote:
> Try right clicking in the offending windows. There should be an option
> to dock the windows. Things have changed since 0.1.9 to make this more
> consistent. In 0.1.9 you need to make sure the Project tab is selected
> in the Project window to find this option.

That's got it! thank you very much. I was looking all through the
preferences of Anjuta and my sawfish settings trying to determine where
the setting was. 

Thanks. Now back to development ;-)

    __   _                                           Carl B. Constantine
   / /  (_)__  __ ____  __                          duckwing duckwing ca
  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  (2.4.18)     
 /____/_/_//_/\_ _/ /_/\_\  Debian 3.0
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   "Microsoft is not the Borg. The Borg have better tech support."

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