Re: [anjuta-devel] 2.32 is released - what's next!

On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 10:03 +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote:

* The new git-shell should make it into master to, I must admit though
that I haven't checked the status for quite some time.
Since I haven't talked about git-shell here in ages, perhaps it's time
for a short status update anyway. 

All of the main panes (Status, Log, Branches, Tags, Remotes, and Stash)
are pretty much complete. With these you can easily see what is going on
with any aspect of your local repository at a glance, with nearly
everything automatically updated as changes happen.

Currently most features are implemented and it's very usable right now.
Lately I've been focusing on the log viewer. Right now we have basic log
facilities working. It updates itself automatically (I got rid of the
View Log button entirely!) Surprisingly, doing this doesn't seem to have
any noticeable impact on performance.

Over the next few days to weeks, I'll be working on adding individual
file support and filtering. After those are finished I'll add some
commands to it, like revision diffing, cherry picking, file viewing;
basically anything that was in the context menu in the old log viewer
will show up as a button on the left side (the "Git Tasks" dock) 

All of that said, here's a list of what's still missing from git shell:
- Reset tree
- Revert commit
- Cherry pick
- Revision diff viewing
- Viewing revisions of files
- Viewing logs of files
- Log Filtering 
- Ignoring files (I'm still working out the best way to do this)

So, it looks like we might be entering the home stetch of git shell
development soon. In the meantime, what I have done is certainly very
usable, so I'd love it if you could give it a test and tell me what you


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