gtk-meeting updates

The meeting seemed to go pretty well today.  The new server didn't break
a sweat, and we seemed to keep everyone for most of it.  The color in
the editing was an awesome addition.  

I had people put their feedback here:

We're going to need to prioritize these, but there are some small ones
we can tackle.  The two biggest problems we need to fix immediately are
the flicker and the alert dialog when poll fails.  The flicker
especially looks like it's going to be a bear to track down.

I think it's pretty clear that we're going to have to tweak the
wiki/comment integration quite a bit.  The reloading was pretty
disruptive, and the way that comments are closed was awkward.  I got a
request for putting a shared comment in the wiki independent of a chat
to make a section editable -- made some sense to me.  Having an 'edit
this section in place' feature that took the sections text and put it in
a live comment would be pretty sweet.


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